"It The Daily Nebraskan - VOL. I, NO. 130. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1902. TURKIC CKNTS HI '' JAYHAWKERS HERE Rest of Kansas Team Arrives.- Arrange ments all Complete Nebraska Boys Oonfidont.Band WilLPIay. Tho two remaining members ol the Kansas debating trnm arrived in Lin coln laM evening at 7:40 They wcro immediately taken to tho Lindcll hotel when tho Debating association has opened its headquarters Tho thiee inon make a strong toam and will give Nolraska a hard battle All are 11011- ommittal regarding the outcome but expect to show tho Nebraska boys a repetition of last yeai's out est On tho other hand, the Nebraska team is eonfindent ol its success, but expects to win only after a seientifi and hard fought out est. Everything is in readiness I'oi the debate. Chancellor Andrews who has been in the east, returns today in time to preside at the exercises The Ohan 1 ellor has taken much inteiest in these mtei-stale contests oT debating and the assoi nil ion is very fortunate in secur ing his scrices for this evening. j The University Cadet band will open the program with a shoit conceit and , give the students auothei 1 lian to, displav then enthusiasm and npp'ceia t ion. I 1 .10 difficulty which it wa- found1 would arise oei t he solet lion of judge s was happilv aeried Trot Fogg and1 ,)0c. Home wtre in eonfeieiicc with So Me Math, ol Kansas all Wednes day evening and most of Thursclav re garding the matter and llnallv ann- to, a satisfue tory agreement 1 The third judge for tins re ipiocity ' debate was determined yesterday. From the list of six Nebraska original lv submitted, Kansas selected Judge W C Hastings (University ol Chi cago) of Wilber. and the Hon W I) Mcllugh (Cornell University) of Oma ha, lormerly judge ol the United States district eouit Mr Mcllugh at first said he could not come to Lincoln April 2f. whoieupon Kansas selected Judge T. L Norval of .eward The day they chose him and he was noti lleld that both"iuiiversities were agreed j upon him. Mr. Mcllugh informed the debating board that ho would after all j be able to come and would do so In the meantime Kansas, not duly in formed as to the capable material, sub mitted to Nebraska the names of two gentlemen engaged in educational work in Nebraska, but neither or them knw anything in parti ular about reciproci ty, the tariff question and neither of them was particularly qualified to judge debating. These tacts the de bating board frankly placed befoie Secretary McMath. of the ivimsas team, when he arrived Wednesday night The (.abating board assisted nini yesterday in Retting evidence here and in Omaha that Mr. McHugh and Judge Norval would judge the arguments without bias As tho result Mr McMath said he was convinced that Nebraska's deal ings were perfectly fair in every re sped nnd he agreed that either Mr. McHugh or Judge Norval would be more competent and reliable than the gentleman the Kansas association had proposed With all tho arrangements so satis factorily completed, the university peo ple may look for a good debate. All that is lacking is college enthusiasm to insure a crowded house Tho muss meeting Thursday morning was not en tirely satisfactory ie attendance was small but did not lack in enthu siasm Prof Fling and Librarian Wyer did the talking. Both wore strong in their appeal tor student en thusiasm Mi Weir was glad to see so many faculty members present (all but three of the front row seats wore empty) !)r Fling talked to tho "othei" (leininine) side of the house and urged the voung ladies to show their independence and attend the de late even if without male esc 01 1 HKAH The University Band At, McMiioriiil H.ill Tonight! LOSE FIRST (JAM 10 The Cedai Rapids league team de leatecl the iinhorsitv nine Wednesday by the score of 14 to 1 Although the ('dar Rapids team won. it seems to have becjn over-confidence and unlucky errors, rather than mooting profession als, that lost the game lor the Corn huskeis At the close of the lourth inning, the scene stood ;! to 11 in favor of the Nebraska aggiegatioii In the filth the leaguers scored six points In the sixth Hobby Oaines resigned his place in the box to Lethebv. but the playing continued disastrous to the Hell lamily Tho boys are probably ro se rving their energies for the games Friday and Saturday. Score by innings: Cedar RapidH 0 0 0 0 (i 2 2 - 14 University . . . 1 2 () 0 0 (I 0 t) 1 - 4 Errors Cedar Rapids, .", University, in. Hits Cedar Rapids, IT), University, 11 Earned runs-Cedar Rapids. 7; Uni versity :t. Mattery- Oaines, Letheby, Doane. Or and Mrs. Hill will entertain the Oraduate club Saturday evening. May :;. i!Hi2 The class in constitutional law, un der Mr. Cook, Is taking up the study of ex post facto laws. ATHLETIC CONTEST Candidates for University Track Team Compete Tomorrow. Interool- logiate and Kansas Meet. The annual track athletic contest will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 HO on tho athletic field This contest will be hold to select tho team which will represent tho university in the an nual intor-c-olleglato track moot and also the one with Kansas university Alieady much interest has boon mani fested in track athletics as shown by the many candidates who have turned out for practice The university has made special ef forts to bring out men, as no doubt our defeat by Doane last year was not duo to the fact that the university did not have good material, but because the , material failed to turn out The inter collegiate meet will tn"ko place on May IT and Doane is to be represented by a large delegation. The contest there fore tomonow promises to lie a hard one as tho men are anxious to give the university the representation that it deserves The athletic- content tomorrow will be conducted systematically in older togivo the best men their proper plae es. A clerk of courses will be present to announce the results. The crowd will bo kept in the grand stand 111 order to make room for the con testants. The following are the entries: High Jump: Pillsbury, Noyes and Kellogg; 120 yard hurdles: ' Burg, Pillsbury. Meyers. Hagenslck and Brlggs; pole vault: Noyes, Hagenslck, and Kellogg; hammer throw: Tobin, Noyes and Martin; shot put: Tobln, Pillsbury, Noyob. Martin, Hickel and Briggs; diseussVTobin, Pillsbury, Mar tin, Hickel and Briggs; 1 mile run: Winchester, Lehmer, Mundorf, States, Corr, Flansburg und Whedon; 2 mile run: Winchester, Mundorf, Corr, ; States, Flansburg, Whedon; 100 yard dash: Billiard, Bliss, Burg, Aydreson, Pillsbury, Hewitt, Gould and Ludden; 440 yard dash- Hewitt. Spafford, Phil lips. Ludden. Keyser and Hiltner; half mile run: Hewitt, Lehmer, Mundorf, Corr, States, Phillips and Gould; broad jump: Hewitt. Burg, Andreson, Gould, i-ageusick and Kellogg; 220 yard dash: Spafford, Pillsbury, Hewitt, Phillips, Ludden, Keyser and Hiltner. 220 yard hurdles Lehmer, Meyers, Hiltner. Hagenslck and Briggs DFLTA DFLTA DELTA ENTER TA1NS. Delta Delta Delta sorority enter tained last night at Walsh hall at a very successful dancing party. The parlors were decorated with palms, screens and pennants with heaps of oeautiful pillows. The dancing hall was tastily decorated with numberless pen nants of silver, gold and blue, suspend ed from the celling The orchestra w.is hidden behind banks of palms and fo liage. Ices were served throughout the evening. The programs were the work of one ol" the members of the sorority and were pansy shaped. The program consisted of about twenty dances. The following were entertainers and guests Misses Miller. Whitcombo. A11I1I. Alice Aulcl, Moore. Cady. Casebeer. Reynolds Bonnell. Lose h. Lulu l.osch, Lauffer, Walker, Whlttier. Hemic e Whittier. Mm ray. Salles. Du Toil. Oriinason, Allen. Ouiiel, itoberts. Chad wick. Palinei . Stewart Fli.abeth Dovey. Plattsmouth. Alice Jordan, Kathleen Fiskme St Paul Ada Kaiuan Oma ha Messis longle.v. Law lei. Hum phiey, .Mansfield. Hill, Roberts. Ko ibue. Giolf, Huso. Barneh. Farney .'.peisoi. Phillips, Milllken. Blown Hess Wilson. Pollard. Liissioi . Clark. Luiidceii. Peteison. Hansen, Koj.s, Wells. Muelge, Kimball, Jones Matson. Hawlej. Mills, Joiivenot, Appelget. Po well. Andreson. Lehmer. Chapeiones Mr and Mrs. Ode Rec tor, Mr and Mrs Manahan. Mis. John Morrison. Mr and Mrs F.d Hignell. Mrs Casebeer. PROFFSSOR BRUNFR AT CON VOCATION. Last Wednesday al convocation. Pro fessor Brunei- gave a very interesting and Instructive lecture on his recent Hip to Cent nil America A large num ber of exceedingly beautiful specimens of birds, animals and nests were ex hibited, which showed that the profes sor had been well repaid for his work. The difficulties under which the naturalist must labor while in that country wore well pictured. The for est growths are so thick and the small er plant life so abundant that persons desiring to explore the country must constantly use a knife with which to cut their way. Every form of plant life, said Pro fessor Brunei-, is JJled with Insects or various kinds. There are 770 different species of birds to lie found In Costa UIca and Ct5 different kinds of humming birds alone. The different kinds of botanical specimens are equally numer ous, representing those which grow in the South American countries and those which grow in North America. The speaker's story of the nativity of the different species of birds was vory interesting ;im;tB.wrm.rrw-iaOTwlK