5wipi55 &Sa rvv ' - - -: . c JV9& 1 4yj i THE DAILY NXBBA8KA2I. v, i :!-.' fc. W' A u '7 . vl p - I I .K" tr lV". k , foMl! If-.' i J ;-. r V OUR $3.00 SHOE Is Stylish, Well Made, Perfectly Shaped. We are confident no better Shoes are sold at $3.00 and we know that very few are so good WE SELL SHOES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN. G i ANNOUNCEMENTS. TICKETS ON SALE. Tickets for Nebraska-Kansas debato aro on Bale at Co-Op.. University Boole Btoro and executive office. CONVOCATION. Tho convocation hours for the week will bo taken up as follows; Wednesday, Prof. Lawrenco Bruner, oh hla recent trip In Central America. Thursday, mass meeting. Friday, music. MIU.WPAIJK ENGINEERING buCIETY. ""The regular meeting of tho Engineer ing society will be hold on Thursday, April 24, at 8 p. m., In Mech. Arts hall, room 211. C. C. Burr, Supt, Neb. Elec tric Co., will be tho speaker of the evening. 8. D. CLINTON, President CANDIDATES ATTENTION. All nominations of candidates for election to the Athletic Board must be In my hands by Friday, April 25. WALTER C. BOOTH. TRACK TEAM ENTRIES. Candidates In -the track team trials muBt enter tholr applications for entry by tomorrow A small admission fee is charged. Geo. W. Montgomery. President. C P. Puakhouser, Cashier. CASH CAPITAL, 150,000.00. Farmers and Merchants Bank. 16th and O Bt., Lincoln, Nab. KAIES G&01 rains COLLEGE SETTLEMENT Students who wish parquet or dress circlo scats to "A Pair of Spectacles" will need to buy soon, as these seats are being taken very rapidly by the down-town" people. This is no bluff, but a fact. Act accordingly. AN Prewitt .Little Ovals 35c per dozen Come anfcjsee mj work. 1314 Q Street Attention, StudentsI I wish to know you. I wish yon to know my work. If or this reason I will sire .yon ypur dental work at about half the us ual rates for aeout sixty days. DR.A. B. AVERS, 137 So. iatb. Fhjr Beast llir nun aim vrliliri I,. I mil "! I.111.I nft4ni ld.1.1 llir Ijilc.i I llic luiiitlew .III IiimIH Mir ttxmiUie Wc irnl-c all !(. it rcncallni I ' tin- s (i.hii . I" f, .alll ft. anil mn cp.alui; 1h.v.iiiii .111 I Ik lil vdlut, Hume iiiohh rt WW-rr.l All lute llw toiiu "(' ai.ni 11 aim I jo I l tin sklr. (Inr nm .lulLliuil. ftM-H,r,i",'iir ucinc nuw luiimim, u Ml I ihii iliulUUH-. lillko 11 llic vnir .1 ItCTili inaiiiiiu i;nii ctrr ihiiii Illicit jK1 CttUlu-.1 lentil Tlir Marti tUr Arim -. ftcw lUirn, l',a. or EVENING WITH LOUISA M ALCOTT. Mr. Alfred Whitman, the original "Laurie" of "Little Women," will give his personal recollections of "Meg, .Jo, Beth and Am" und the Concord peo ple In MIsb Alcott's works at All Soul's chucb, Twenfth and II streets, next Wednesday evening, April 23. Mr. Whitman now lives in Kansas. He was at school in Concord In 1857, when the celebrated men and women who have made the name of Concord a household word all over the world were living. It was his good fortune to form an Intimate and life long ac quaintance with the Alcott family and to be numbered amony Louisa's "boys." Prof. Carruth, of the university of Kansas, in speaking of the entertain ment by Mr. Whitman. Bays: "It cer tainly .vtfas a pleasant and profitable evening forthe audience. It is especial ly adatel fo? jlterary clubs and high school and university audiences. The fun In the letters is only a bit more rollicking than that in iss Alcott's books.: Is is the foam blown off from tho alp which she poured out for "Lit tle Women" and "Little Men' Students who have, ever been inter ested in Miss AlcotiTa boqku will be Interested In Mr. Whitman's porsonal recollections, as he will give them Wednesday evening, April 3iT, at All Soul's church, Twelfth and Hstreets. Admission 25 cents, for the benefit of the Sunday school. DRESSY FELLOW Is not necessarily a dude. That "apparel oft 'pro claims the man," is as true as when Shakespeare lived. If you "move in" to a Rogers-Peet Suit you will own the finest and best fitting Clothing the World produces. Our new "Roosevelt" Suits, both single aud double-breasted, are very swell. No trouble to show them. You will find a pair of "University' ' or "He gent" Shoes the right thing for your shapely feet. Prices, ?3-oo and 3.50. Other Shoes, not quite as good, at 2.00 and 2.50. See our immense showing of Summer Shirts, ia all the newest facts and fancies, from 50c up. The newest in Neckwear, Hats, Cap9 and all sorts of Toggery for men. MAYER BROS., 7005 TO 1019 O ST. w mm ipti w m wmmr m ' -XVVyA. Thenmhi ii-ji: -l College. TENTH AND 1'ACII'IC STREETS, OMAHA, NEBR. Bird IF GOING ABROAD, WRITE WARD BROTHERS, General Steamship Agents. Long norsonal tourlnsr oxuorlence. '.KJS South Chirk St. Chicago, III. This college offers a graded course extending over four annual sessions. Tho advantages and re quirements of tho college are fully up to tho require ments of tho present times, and the conditions laid down by tho Association of American uiedical Colleges, of which this colloge is a memoer. For information address i EWING BROWN, Secretary. NyvvuVAyvyN0NvvVs ljMflBbbdB 1nttrc0lhgtMtt Bureau. COTTELL & LEONARD 472-478 11 roadway Albany, Nw York Makers of the Caps,Gowns and Hoods To the American Colleges and Universities. Illustrated Manual, sample prioes, etc, on request. Gowns for the pulpit and benoh. The Pioneer Oloan Linen Bintstof Toilets Fi at-class Service W. WHITJJORD. PHOpmxaxoB 118 South 11 Mi 8t., Llaoela, Web. John B. Wright, Pres., J. H. Weatpott, let Vice President, J. Samuels, 3d Vice President, P. L. Hall, Cashier, W. B. R,yons, Assistant Cashier. . . ....GOLUMIIA HATIWAL IAKK.... CAPITAL 9100,000. LINCOLN, --.- NHBEAflKA. V ' " 1 Lk liiV. KW 1 X. C.I ,.4'V jijiw.p"ii 1 f rwmMmt