rat . - .r tm&,tirxW , - ' LV K!Trii.WWT g!ppww " - v V - . " Mi'dAilt kicbraskan. -. - i ' v L A IIISSSSSSSSSSeSSBEigBKBI PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY sasBSgstaBsi iapBHBnEsia DO JR. HAGGARD, M. D. OGloe 1100 O Street, RoomB 212-213-214 Riok arda Block, Telephone 535. Residence, IffiLO Q Btr t, Telephone L91 DR BENJ. P. BAILEY; Dr. Mar Louise Flanagan; Office, 141 South 12th Street. Tolophone 618. T 1P. DAYIIS. P. D. S., Dentist. -4-4. Bridge and Qrown vrork. Office ramY. orar RouLr Island tioket office. Order Your Ice Oream Prom J. H. Stuckey Special Attention Given to Dealers. Also Entertainments both Public add Private. 1837 O Qtret. Rhone 1105. The Only Up-to-Date Billiard and Pool Parlor In the City POWELL'S Spr 5t The FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Lincoln, Nebraska. Capital, $200,000; surplus and profits, 168,837; deposits, J2.715.000. S. H. Burn ham, President; A. J. Sawyer, Vice Prest; H. B. Freeman. Cashier; H. B. Iffvans, ABBt. Cashier; Frank Parks, Asst. Cashier. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. WE ARE SOCIETY AND STATIONERY PRINTERS Dance Programs, Menu Cards. THE NEW CENTURY, 1113 N STREET. Students, Your Suitorium Is located at 218 No. llth Street. llioue LlttJM. at BLUMENTHAL'S. Tele Those huts you buy of me will l taken cure of free of cliarKO KnriiiK stylo Hats In soft 1'aiiiiinii shapes and Stiff Hats. ' Now is the time ior you to get bargains in Framed Pictures. This week we will give you 3 3 Jo percent off or better on our line. Pictures, former price $15.00, Now $10.00. Pictures, former price $6.00, Now $4.00. Pictures, former price $1.00, Now 65c. Wilson $ Jl&li, Booksellers ct Stationers, 1123 O St.,-Lincoln, Neb. Yale Bros, laundry 1514 0 st Phone 754 Boys, have ycu seen the NEW OXFORDS at SANDERSON'S? THEY HAVE A SWKLL LOT OF $3.50 ONES. LOCALgAND PERSONAL. Rat at Hendry's, 129 N. llth. Fine furs. Steele, 143 So. 12th. Steele storj?s furs. See him. The Ivy Press prints things. C. E. Brown, dentist, Burr block. The Hygienic Cafe, 31G So. 12th sL Eat at Don Cameron's. 118 So. llth. Get an up-to-date university hair-cut at Westerflelds. For sheet music and supplies go to the Mathews Piano Co., 1120 O street. Dr. Woodward, oculist. Richards blk. Cameron's lunch counter, 118 S. llth. Valises and pocketbooks; 1030 O. C. A. Tucker, university jeweler, 1123 O street. The class in irrigation went to Crete Friday to gain some practical experi ence in the field. They gauged the Mine river ut that .point and returned Friday afternoon without having suf fered any serious mishap. One of the members of the class went swimming. Three of the lour men who returned as members of the cadet battalion on the arrival of Captain Smoke were given promotions Friday evening from the ranks to the positions of sergeants. Privates E. P. Walton and Robt. Hill were assigned to company I), and Amos Thomas was placed in company B. Private Pollard had his military record made clear of the charge of conduct unbecoming an officer, entered against him by the previous commandant. These promotions were made following a line of action which the new com mandant has been contemplating in re gard to the filling of vacancies among the officers by the older drilled men. MISSOURI DEFEATS KANSAS. The annual debate between Missouri and Kansas, which took place at Law rence, Kan., Friday night, was won by Missouri. The question was the same general question which Nebraska and Missouri debate May 9 municipal ownership. Missouri furthermore had the affirmative the same side she has against Nebraska. f TEAM TO LEAVE M)R MINNEAPO LIS. The baseball team will leave for Min neapolis tomorrow at 1:31) On (he way northward (hey will take time to play games at Cedar Rapids Wednes day and Decorah Thursday. Two games will be played at Minneapolis on Fri day and Saturday. Jntrreollrgtatt BurtMU. COTTELL & LEONARD 473-47B II mad it Mr AlliHtiy, New York Makers of the THE WEATHER Yesterday was an unusually but day. The thermometer on Nebraska ball started the day at (J n. in. at .r.r de grees above zero. At that time the mercury began (o rise until at .".30 in the afternoon it stood at the high water mark and registered !).r degrees. This is 22 degrees above the normal. Caps,Gowns and Hoods To tho American Collegon and Universities. Illustrated Manual, sample prices, oto. , on request. Gowns for tho pulpit and bench. NEMRASKA-MISSOURI DERATE. For the N"braska-Missouti debate nt Columbia, May 8, arrangements are last being concluded, and Craft, Meier, Noith and Lee are getting into shape. The debate has been changed from Fri day, May !), to Thursday night, at MlF souri's request " Word comes from Columbia that the Mibsourians, flushed with victory over Kansas on the municipal ownership question, confidently expect to over whelm Nebraska again. Chancellor Andrews has, according to the rules, submitted to Missouri a list of four judges who he thinks would be capable judges of a discussion on the municipalization question and who would be satisfactory to Missouri. Mis souri Is to choose two of the four. Mis souri's list from which Nebraska Is to choose the third has not yet arrived. Hy Croltcr Will Iteturn. It has been declared over and over that Richard Croker has expatriated himself for good, but officials of the New York Democratic Club say that the ex-Tammany boas will return in September qnd will take a hand In the fall campaign as usual. 'The Girls' Letter Guild" is the name of a unique reform move ment in England. Women of culture pledge themselves to write letters of friendly tone to the girls of the lower classes, to aid in their mental and moral uplifting. The object is to win the girls' friend ship, encourage them and disabuse them ol false notions and class prejudices. Good results are said to be already noticeable and it is suggested that suscessful men be asked to do the same thjng for boys. Of course you'll hare to keep your room warm this winter Gregory the Coal Man Has the Stuff Eleventh and O Streets for st. 50. $10.00 AND S15.00 We're helling Suits for men that are made up in the best manner, 011 the latest fashion models, of strictly high grade materials. IF WE CAN GET YOU to look at them, we are confi dent you'll find the one you want. WILL YOU LOOK and save money by it? EWING CLOTHING CD. 1115-1117 O St., WE DO NOT imitate; we Lead in com mercial and society print- I ing. The latest designs in programs and menu cards of all kinds. THE IVY PRESS FRANK L. "LEMON. MGR7. 125-127 North 12th. Phone 832. Square meals at 'square'1 prices THE UNIQUE, 1230 0 ST. -. . ' i. " "" .-.... ., 4 . - - 1 Ad J i xii A I - f.i -i l J A'A l i lit d . I (."I A vl -l ! (v. 'i '.!l V 1 J JL&l :iH .' ! CM , '2 1. . Ij -frr.TcC -t'i