. . r , '-, . ( , if- , .J- ' i f C M. THE DAILY lfSBBASEAS. Ft :.; ' V , X K L'(i . r fi:, I?"' Tjffi Daily Nebraskan A Newspaper devoted to fho Interests of the University of Nebraska, A CONSOLIDATION OF Tho Hespsflnn. Vol. XXX Tlio Nouraskftu. Vol. XI Tho Bcarlet &. Cream. Vol. Ill FWllriK II. McCnw. K. W. ftnrbor, t'lins. I. Taylor, I UnnnKlne Kdltor Kdltor-Tn-Chli-f DuslnosR Managers Assistant lull tor Chan. B. Wells. tt Hill. ABSOOIATIB KDITOKH V. C. Uatlo. It. A. MoNown. II. O. Nolson Wm. Case. Dan Outlebon. Kntored at tho post office at Lincoln. 'eb as BeconU Class Mall Matter. TKLKPHONE 47 The HiK i ckk of university graduates in lh( recent fellowship appointments at (Columbia vml vornlty should be ex ceedingly gratifying to all Its friends. Among (lie prizes was one which was competed for by the strongest schools in the country. The fact that an alumnus of Nebraska got it speaks well not only for the recipient, but for the quality of work done at the university as well. It should be borne in mind by the athletes of the university that only four more days remain to enter the contest troni the results of which the track team will be chosen. Those who are lilted for this work should not fail to enter the trials, which will come off Saturday. It means honor to the one who succeeds, and besides this the ( banco of winning an N Rhould be an ample ln entive. Everybody should tome out tomor iow and give the baseball team a rous ing send-off on their departure for Min neapolis, where they will meet the gophers. Captain Hell has as good an aggregation of players this year as has gone out from the university for a long time and it needs only the support of their backers to make the season one to be remembered In baseball annals. The team has Bhown that It Is worthy of Biipport and It Is now up to the students to give it what is Justly due it. Students who intend going to the train with the team should be on the caniHis at 1:30. An effort will be made to have the band out to add to the enthusiasm. LIEUTENANT EVANS AT CHAPEL. Lieutenant Evans, son of Pension Commissioner EvaiiH, now in charge of the Lincoln recruiting station, ad dressed the students at convocation last Friday morning on the phases of military life In China during the period juBt preceding the relief of Minister Conger. Too much talking, said the speaker, had resulted rather seriously for some military men of late and he would, therefore, try to avoid any such result Lieutenant Evans has a very pleasing disposition, which, together with his unaffected manner of speak- Sidles1 Sportinrj Goods jj4odse Tennis, Base Ball and Gymnasium Goods. Agency for World and National Bicycles. Send us your Repair Work 1304 o st., Phone f 1038. SIDLES CYCLE CO. lug, brought forth considerable laugh ter. Leaving the United States In the transport Hancock, he arrived with his regiment In Tien Tsin In the sum mer of 1900. Arriving there, a deplora ble condition of aualrs was found. Hodles of dead animals and Chinamen were strewn In the streets and formed a large part of the log jam in the river The sanitary conditions which pre vailed there were not the best, as may well be judged. The social life in the military tamps was something novel, said the speaker After taps a crowd of ticrman. French or Italian officers would often come around and awaken the American offi cers to indulge In a champagne supper, using six-inch rice bowls to drink out of. In case the officers were unable to do away with all the liquid, they would call upon some of the soldiers to assist them. The artillery encamped near a fa mous Chinese lub house, which was soon converted into a commissary i.uilding. The house was a historic building, having stood for more than ir0 years. To be a member of this lub the applicant was obliged, beside other things, to purchase a colIln. At his death each member is placed in his coffin, which is allowed to remain in the building as long as the relatives pay the rent. Lieutenant ICvans had no words of praise for the Russians as promoters of railroads. Their accommodations in China were then very poor. The Jap anese soldiers were natural investiga tors, often carrying their investigations so far as to stop a funeral procession to find out what was the matter. An interesting regiment was one composed entirely of Gorman students. All of them were of excellent physique and made good soldiers. Lieutenant Evans had a number of Chinese relics which he had secured while in the Orient. A Chinese queue served to amuse those to whom it was shown. Nebraska Graduates Honored. (Continued from l'lic 1) her of official agricultural chemists. A bulletin on "Some Idaho Soils" has won favorable comment. Mr. Heans is the third representa tive of the department of chemistry who lias gone to a large eastern in stitution recently. Benton Dales is now at Cornell and Mr. Heimrod is at Harvard. Charles A. Turrell, ', was awarded an academic fellowship in Germanic languages and literature. Mr. Turrell is now located at Arkadelphia, Ark. A Plant 300 Feat nigh. The largest plant In the world 1b probably the giant sea weed, called by BclentlBts nereocytls. This plant often grows to a height of 800 feet. It grows around the South Sea Islands, where the natives use it for rope. YOU RE- NOT- NEXT I I ra1vclMI If you will look into the history of bicycle selling during the past three years you will see the justice of this observation. The enor mous increase in the sale of Kacycles every year in this city proves that the bicycle is no longer "in it" as a competitor. The reason why the Racycle has proved so popular is because it's built right. The pull of the chain and sprocket is between the bearings. We have a full slock of 1902 Kacycles. Several improvements. See us at once. GERARD CYCLE CO. Phone 90S WE ARE SHOWING A NEW LINE of Ladies' Colonials in kid, patent kid and colt skin. They are beau ties and wtll fit your purse too. From $2.50 to S4.00. Perkins & 1129 O REMOVAL In order to close out all before moving, we will at a big reduction. "MVITTMANN BICYCLES $23-75 Other makes in proportion SEPAIRING A SPECIALTY 14(H) O Street Sheldon's, STREET. SALE our BICYCLE GOODS sell our complete stock Remember, all our WHEELS are Strictly Guaranteed '& 202 S. inn St. v- j ?V It v .' u, 1 1 r V a - It S''i ft UT-V, " kRSfflt'A. '". ' if. sL- " ? -r" saftuMMMosai i