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In the sixth inning a new pitcher went into service for the redskins, and for a while proved easy meat for the pale faces, allowing them to make six scores in the one inning. The 'arslty boys all played ball, and delighted their supporters by the fre quency of their trips around the dia mond. In the pitcher's 'box, "Zobe" Townsend gave Green's men a few lessons in the art of twirling the ball, and succeeded In striking out eleven men, a. lowing only one to walk. "Twister" Bender, the "shaggy-haired youth" who treated the Omaha men to such a surprise, held his place behind the bat, and played good ball all the way through. An unfortunate fumble allowed one man to get to first and subsequently to make a score after he had been struck out. "Bonnet" Hood played his usual game at the bat. mak ing four out of the thirteen scores, but was denied an opportunity to dis tinguish himself at third. Captain Bell was also fortunate at the bat, and had three scores to his credit. His work in left field was good. Bobble (laines made third by the combination of a safe hit and a fumble by the left fielder, but was unfortunate in knock ing a number of flies to the fielders. "Dusty" Rhodes won the admiration of the crowd by a beautiful three-bagger that started the work In the sixth inning. His work at short was up to its usual standard of excellence. "Sticks" De Putron, the "sylph-like Russian," distinguished himself by a long run from the outfield, and with his usual good eye, captured a fiy that seemed apparently lost. His playing in the outfield was faultless and with out an error. "I key" Raymond held down first In a creditable manner and availed himself of every opportunity. Shelmer, the new man in left field, played a good game, with the exception of a little ragged work at the first. A successful two-bagger In the sf'xth in- 'Varsity. Hood 3d Bell I. f. Gaines 2d Bender c. Rhodes ss. Dp Putron c. f. Raymond 1st Townsend p. Indians. Frax.ee Bradley Green , . Roberts and Raymond Weaver . . .Hopkinkah De Corah Raymond and Whiteboy Shelmer r. f Irving Score by innings: 12345G789 'Varsity 30 0 1 1 110 2 0 13 Indians 0 0 2 10 2 0 0 05 Summary. Safe hits Off Townsend 8. off Ray mond 3, off Whiteboy 3. Struck out By Townsend 11, by Raymond 2, by Whiteboy 2. Bases on balls Off Town send 1, off Raymond 2. Stolen bases Irving 2, Roberts, Frazee, Green. De Putron 2, Raymond. Shelmer, Bender. Hood 3. Hit by ball Hood. De Putron. Errors 'Varsity 1. Indians 5. THE KANSAS DEBATE TRACK TEAM TRIALS. Coach Booth has announced that en tries for the track team trials must be in by April 21, which is next Thurs day. From the results of the trials a team will be made up which will repre sent the university In the intercollegi ate meet to be held on the campus next month. Following is a list of events: 100 yard dash, 220-yard dash. 440-yard run, 880-yard run, mile run, 2-mlle run, 120-yard hurdle, 220-yard hurdle, pole vault, high jump, broad jump, shot put, hammer throw, discus throw. Hurdle men are especially wanted In these preliminaries and contests, as there are now so few entries in this event. PRESIDENT DROPPERS TONIGHT. President Droppers of the University of South Dakota will speak In Me morial hall tonight on missionary and educational work in Japan. Inasmuch as Professor Droppers has spent con siderable time in that country, his talk tonight will be exceedingly inter esting and Instructive. Students should not fall to hear this learned educator tonight. Delta Gamma sorority is now mak ing preparations for a series of Ken singtons In honor of the four sororities which assisted In entertaining the na tional convention of Delta Gammas last year. Beginning with next Saturday, the PI Beta Phis will be entertained, and on the succeeding Saturdays the other sororities will be given similar entertainment In the following order: Delta Delta Delta, Kappa Alpha Theta and Kappa Kappa Gamma. Annual Contest Will florae Off Friday Evening in Momorial Hall. Strong Teams Will Fartioipato. The second of Nebraska's Interstate debates that with the University of Kansas takes place next Friday even ing, April 25, in Memorial hall. With the whirlwind victory of Maxwell, Kutcher and Cionln over Colorado two weeks ago, by a piece of work that set faculty and students talking of what trained Nebraska students can do in sheer debate, the Nebraska quartette that goes against Kansas Friday night finishes Its case today. Practice debate Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday even ings will conclude the team's prepara tion which began during the Christmas recess. That the Kansas-Nebraska battle will be at least as hot as the Nebraska Colorado combat, there is no doubt. In deed it Is altogether likely that it will be more fiercely waged. Whether or not the audience will be treated to two such sensational features as chance gave Cronln to corner his opponent Is, of course, uncertain, but the chances are that it will. Charles M. Bracelen, 1902, has been appointed to reply to Kansas' first man. J. C. Doubt, jr., 1903, will follow, and Samuel C. Hawthorne, 1902, will get In the flnnl direct blow. Mr. Bracelen will close the debate with a ten-minute speech In rebuttal. Faculty and student Interest in this second and last debate of the debates to be held here this year Insures more enthusiastic support of the team than the Colorado team got. There were about 500 people present at the Nebraska-Colorado debate. Sales to date of tickets (which may be had at the chancellor's office, the "Co-op." and the University Book Store) indicate a crowd lhat will show at least that Ne braska is after all not so far behind other schools of her class as she has been in Interest in intercollegiate con tests of brains. The university cadet band will again treat the crowd to the best band music In the state, and it Is expected Prof. Wlllard Kimball will also render a pipe-organ solo. Who will preside Is not yet settled. Not all of the judges are determined. Kansas has selected Judge W. F. Hast ings of Wilbur (a member of the su preme court, and an alumnus of the University of Chicago, '71) and the Hon. W. D. McHugh (Cornell univer sity), a leading Omaha attorney, late partner of James M. Woolworth. Mr. McHugh wrlteB, however, that he will probably be unable to come on April 20. NEBRASKA GRADUATES HONORED. The University of Nebraska waH especially honored in the apportion ment of fellowships In Columbia uni versity which were announced last week. Three of the successful ones are graduatos of Nebraska. They are John L. Kind, Hal T. Beans and Charles A. Turrell. Two of the appointees are from the department of Germanic lan guages, which fact reflects great credit upon that department. John L. Kind, to whom was awarded the Carl Schurz fellowship for the study of the German language and literature, graduated from the university In 1899 and took his master's degree last year. On his graduation he was given a fel lowship In the German department which he held for two years, re linquishing It last fall to accept the position of Instructor In German In the Omaha high school. He was elected to membership In Phi Beta Kappa at the first election, at which five members of the class were chosen. During his graduate study here he made special in vestigations In Sanskrit, Greek and Latin comparative philology and the old Germanic languages. It was his work on his master's thesis which was largely instrumental In gaining for him the appointment. His subject was "Coined Compounds in Gothic," and nis production was published In a re el nt number of the Graduate Bulletin. The fellowship which Mr. Kind will hold was founded two years ago on the anniveisary of the birth of Carl Schurz, by the German-American citi zens of New York city. A fund of $10, 000 was established, the Income from which Is awarded biennially. The re cipient may be reappointed onco for excellence In work done. The holder of the fellowship will study at Colum bia unless permitted to pursue his In vestigations abroad. The appointment is considered a great honor and It was competed for by most of the colleges In the Lnlted States and a number from abroad. Hal T. Beans, who received the fel lowship In academic chemistry, gradu ated from the university In 99. Mr. Beans served for some time as under Lraduate assistant In the department of chemistry and upon his graduation war awarded a scholarship In that de partment. Before receiving his mas ter's degree, which he obtained In 1900. he was called to the University of Idaho as adjunct professor In chem istry. Mr. Beans was a member of both the Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi societies. Mr. Beans has done considerable work in research and as a result hae published, in joint authorship with Samuel Avery of this institution,' a. number of valuable papere. A new method for the "Determination of White Arsenic in Paris Green" has been provlplonally adopted by a num (Contloued to Fage 3) Vl .'S 'l ' tl VJ Ml l ". ! .i .1 351 ?l l !W i: ,i ft.,r:Lr bi'H. i ft V-Ki ?'- - A ytM&hUig