The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 18, 1902, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
VOL. I, NO. 127.
The Varsity Team" at Omaha Makes an
Exceedingly Good Showing
Against the Strong
In one of the mast hotly contest "d
Karnes played at Omaha for some time
i , c iinievisitv team was defeated ly
the hagueis last Wednesday 'in :ui
eleven inning game bv :i stoie ot 1 o
I The name was leplete with brilliant
plays on both sides Tne 'varsity men
did theniHehes (ledit by the manner
in whwli they held theii protessional
bn tin en dow n
For the flist thiee innings the uni
eisit boys were in the lead but we:e
I k (I in (he loin th when the sc ore slo nl
at 1 to 1 and leinained so until t lie
leeiith when the leagueis took ar
oint i and se.ib d the long c out est
The frame was pitched by Lealhby.
who kept his head thioiighoiit the
name and sin c ee ded in ha ing ltoui ke s
lamilv in onstant feai dm ing the pio-
giess ot the contest The plaveis on
both sid". made stai plavs and n
iiied laoiable (oniinent in the pn
peis The day was not an ideal one so
ilia! not an unusiiallv huge iiovvd ws
piesellt Those who weie llieie ll() -ever
iiiimmmI their money's woith, as
was shown by the unrestrained enthu
siasm manifested, thioiighoiit the en
Hie game
S oie by innings
Omaha 0 I ' " " " " " ' -
Univeisitv u 1 I ' " " (l u !
The tilth name ot the series with the
Omaha league ended yesteiday with a
Mine of.", to 2 ill taor ot the leaguer .s
Captain Hell's men put up the same
quality ot ball that has given them
an inteislate leputation but the Onia
ha men pioed to them again tint
piolessional and collegiate baseball aie
not in the same (lass The game w is
d( void (d spei t:u ulai play and was
. lean good baseball all the wav
iluoiigh In the Inst inning Omaha
plaved ball in a niannei that look si
bad lor the 'aisity but when the ol
legiatts oik e bet nine lnteiestttl tne
outlook t hanged
The Omaha league has defeated the
'aisity team in (he stiaight games,
but the exceeding loseness ot the
store in the last two games pioes
that the 'wusity aggregation is second
to none in tollege athletics
The line-up
Varsity. League
Hood :ib - Hukey
Moll - 1 I- nui'K
Gaines ). Hisely ami
Bendei. . 2b Stewart
lUiodeB sb . Dolan
De Putron . e. r .Genius
Townsend r. r. . . . ' Flsftlns
liaymond .... lb. Hayes
Doane e. . . . Trending
Stoie by innings
1 2 3 1 5 f 7 8 !)
League .30000200 0--f
'Varsity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22
Struck out By Gaines 1. by Hlsley 2.
by Graham 3
Hoses on balls Off Gaines 3. off Gra
ham 3
Double plays Bender to Raymond,
Rhodes to Hender to Raymond. Hukey
to Hayes
Errors - "Varsity fi League 2
The "Vnisity team will meet the Nc
biaska Indians In a game of baseball
to be played on the tampus Saturday
afternoon Captain Hell has proved
to the public that lie has a winning
Nam and an interesting game is prom
ised for Saturday The Indians aie
ball playeis and don't intend to be
shut out The 'Varsity nine will ai
pear tor the first time on the home
grounds in their new suits The band
will be out to lend enthusiasm to the
The new menibeis ot the Palladia!)
sot let y will have thaige ot the pro
giam in that society tonight
The following piogiam will be
given by thel'nions
Mush selec tc d
Recitation Mi Haldwin
Thicuigh .lac kson Holy and Yellow
stone Mi Sargent
Music - Selet t 1
Recitation Mr Beardsley
Reading Mr Von Fore II
Rec itation- Mr Gibson.
Music Selec ted
A joint debate will be held tomouow
evening in Union hall between the
Union and Palladian debating soc ie
ties The question to be discussed is
Resolved That the ship subsidy bill
now before congress should be pnssed
The aflii mative will be suppoitccl bv
the I'alladians who will be represented
by Sc buy lenian. Clark and Huntei The
negative will be taken up by Chase
Tayloi and Stinyei ol the Unions
l)i II V On addiessed the pro
nieclical society Wednesday evening .in
the subject ol Preventative Medicine"
He einphasied the fact that the func
tion ol medicine was to prevent as well
as to cure diseases and enumerated sev
eral preventative agent les HeHketth"d
the development of bacteriology and its
beailng on the subject He encouraged
the use of anti-toxines The average
length of 111 has been increased by
nnpioved sanitation.
I)r II H Ward gave a briel talk on
the re-arrangement ot the pre-medic
course due to the recent affiliation of
the Omaha medical college
A short business meeting was hold
and the following officers elected for
next year
President W K Long
Vice-President -I) L Harry.
Secretary Mis. Mary Meeker.
Treasurer Mrs. Elizabeth Jeter
Seargeant-at-arms H. W. Graybill.
Historian C B Hayes
Mass Meoting Hold to Enoourago Singing
Among Students Much Enthu-
Biain in tho New
Convocation houi ycsteidav was
given over to the -duging ot populsr
college songs The put pose of the
meeting wns to stimulate college sing
ing and to make the students moi e fa
milial with the most populai and stii-
rlng songs so that singing may paitly
replace shouting and yelling when uru
veisity spirit runs high
The meeting was a successful experi
ment The body of Memorial hall vh
filled and the gallarles well occupied
The enthusiasm of the students could
scarcely be restrained, applause burst
ing foith at eveiy interim
The singing was conducted by Pio
fessoi Stan ol the school of mush
who is well known loi his splendid
voite and lung caput it v Foltleis weie
distributed among the students con
taining about a doen of such songs as
America 'Bingo "Old Kentml.v
Home. The Hull Dog," ' Ching-a-
Ling ' 'Good Night, ladies," and
".luanltn " These folders weie toilette I
at the door. Iiom which it may be in
fened that othei such mass meetings
are to lollow
The fourteenth annual recital ol the
school of music was given last Wednes
day evening in Memorial hall The
following piogram was given
Duo for two pianos raraplnase on
Chopin waltz Op fiS. No 1. Sc liutt
Edith Coinpton, Winifred Howell
Contralto solo "The Flight of
Ages," Fritlerit Bevan. Julia Mc Ouii"
Sopiano scdo 'Rainbows," C It
Haw ley Mai ion .Johnston
I Contralto solo "Meet Me, Love. Oh
Meet Me,' DeKovcn. Flora Stiener
Piano solo Impiomplu A Mat, Op
112. Schubeit, Courante "The Three
Hands," Ramcati. Heulah Llvesay
Piano bolo Polonaise C shaip minor,
Chopin, Edith Shedtl
Piano solo Romana F major. Op
j 2(, No 1, Rubenstein, humoreske E
, flat minor, Op 101, Dvorak, Pauline
Soprano solo- "Silently Blending,"
1 Mo.arl, "Spring Has Come," Schu-
I mann, Eleanor Lally.
; Contralto solo "Cajler Herrin." Old
Stotch; "Good Night, Beloved." Dan
iel Protheroe. Charlotte Talcott.
Soprano solo "Aubade," E Gelll,
Catherine Agnew
Piano solo Die Forelle, Schubert
Heller, Marianne Sargent.
Piano solo Theme varie and fugato.
Op 20. Schutt, Nelle Trigg.
Two handsome tables are being
made for the library of the historical
Beginning tonight and extending
over Saturday and Sunday, there will
be held at Crete Neb, a conference 'n
the Interest of the college Y M C A 's
of the state Four delegates fiom each
college and university are allowed, and
entertainment provided lor the same
There will be Innttendant e nbout forty
delegates and matters of Interest to
the student associations will be consid
ered The delegates Horn the iinlveisity ns
sot lat ion are I I) Ringer S H Wil
liams. H G Lewis and R A Harrison
There will piobably be others who will
attend the conferenc e Dr II B Wai d
will go down Satin day night to deliver
an address before the conference Mr
E T Cotton of Chicago, student setiH
tary for the west, will be present and
leatl the t ontei enc e In conjunction vvlMi
State See retary I P Bailey
The board of contiol ol the Y M C
A met in the looms Thuisday at '
y. in This boa id consists ot membeis
of the lac ully and the ofllceis of the
association Matteis of business were
discussed The flnancinl budget loi
next vein will be about the same .s
loi this ytai Approximately eight
bundled dollnis will have to be raised
for the work An auditing committee
was selected to canvass the books of
the association A ihoioughly revise 'I
constitution whith has been prepared,
was submitted to the board for Its nj -pi
oval Theic will piobably be sonrc
woi k done among the high schools
ot the state In the Interests of the as
so latlon
The cadet battalion has now a inajoi.
an eiflit ei which has been dispensed
with loi the' past two years This ap
pointment was made by Captain Smoke
with the object of nit leasing the ef
ficient y ot battalloih The following
is the onlei lead last Wednesday
Cadet Quai tei mastei A M Hull is
hereby promoted to cadet major and
he will be obeyetl and respected by tl.e
battalion as such In milking this pio
motion the oinniandant wishes It
tleaily undei stood that no reflect ion
is made upon any ol the present cap
tains He finds them enthusiastic and
efllcient and he does not think better
work tan be found airy where than Is
being done by these four young offi
cers The t ommandant therefore
deems It only Just to say publely that
In promoting t'adet QuartennuHtor Hull
over them he wishes to create the pJllce
of eauet major ami to make as a .requi
site to promotion thereto onjc previous
year as a commissioned cadet officer.
Then again, it 1b desirable that- the
captains handle their com pan les as
tney now exist at the forthcoming prb.e
drills. Ijxatly, Cadet Hull's actual ser
vice to his country in theyfleld In time
of war should 'be -romemhered by nil
jjooel fcitizens, but more especially bv
military men.