The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 16, 1902, Page 4, Image 4
, TOT DAILY NXBRA0KAM. A OUR ANNOUNCEMENTS. TheHmah-i lli: -,1 j- Ai r w $3.00 SHOE Is Stylish, Well Made, Perfectly Shaped. We are confident no better Shoes are sold at $3.00 and we know that verv few are so iood WE SELL SHOES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN. MIUEWME Geo. W. Montgomery, President. l. P. Funkhouscr, Cashier. CASH CAPITAL. $50,000 00. Farmers and Merchants B&ik. 15th and O Sts , Mix oln. Neb. DO NOT FORGET that )ou will soon bo going away. You uin't carry yout trunks, (all us up and we will take ou to any depot and send a hack to take you. Tel. 303. Ensign Omnibus & Transfer Co. A Close Shave A hair cut, or anything ela you want a barber to do for you, at the Y. M. C. A. Barber Shop, 13TH AND N STREETS II. II. TOWNSKNJ). 1 M IM.AMONDON. THi: BEST LAUNDRY. 2 249 C) Street. Saw edges uoned smooth. I'honc. 57i). Prewitt MAKES GOOD runs ' Little Ovale 35c per dozen Come andee my work. 1814 O Street Attention, Studentsl I wish to know you. I wish you to know ray work, ifor this reason I will give you your dental work at about half the us ual rates for about sixty days. DR.A. B. AYERS, 137 So. lath. 0 TRACK MEN. All candidates for tho track team will report for dally practice between :j and 6 p. m. The trials will bo held April 26 Weight men are especially m-Rpd to come out W. C BOOTH. CONVOCATION The convocation exercises lot the week are bh follows Wednesday- T. V. A. Williams. "An lCvamlnatlon and a Lesson " Thursday- CkUerco HongH Rev .1 I, Marsh will lead the re lin;louH exercises after Monday Tickets to "A Pair of Spectacles" may be had at the book stores, the chancel lot's office, the Y M C A and Y W C A rooms Everybody wants to hear Mr Booth. Miss Howell. MIsb Henry and others Tickets 60. 3f and '2.r cents Buy early and avoid the rush. BASEBALL. The "University Originals, ' or in other words, the second team.'will play Lincoln high school on the diamond this afternoon at .' o'clock Stringer aril Townsend will do the pitching ( 'OLLKO K SETTLEM EXT The patronesses ol the pla to be given tot the college settlement, May 2, are as follows Mis E B Andrews. Mrs E It Bai hour, .Nits C H Morrill. Mrs W .1 Bryan, Mrs W E L Tay lor, Mis .1 L Teeters and Mis (' E. Ernst A public recital will be given Thurs day eening in Memorial hall b the school of music There will be a meeting of the pre niedlc society tonight In room .'101, Mechanics Arts hall, at 8 p. m Dr H. W On- will address the society on "Pieventive Medicine" An election of officers will also be held and special announcements made Everybody wel come President Garrett Droppers of the state university of South Dakota will gie a lecture next Monday- evening in Memorial hall on "The Heal Japan " The lecture promises to be doubly in structive and interesting, as President Droppers wan for some Lime a profes sor in the I'nlvctsity of Japan An in flation is extended to all. Schuyler H Miller has returned from Em ope. where he has been traveling and studying during the past winter months. SEND ME THEIR NAMES Send me the addresses of your friends who might be induced to move, to Nobraska and I will mail them our new 48-page book descriptive of Ne biaska's agricultural resources and its unbounded opportunities. The book Is illustrated with Nebraska farm scenes, and is supplemented with a sectional map of the state. It will help bring any honieseeker to Nebraska. J FRANCIS, (Icn'l Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. IF GOING ABROAD, WRITE WARD BROTHERS, Ceneral Steainbhlp Agent. I.ons personal tourint; evpHneneo. '.'Ss South Clark St. ( hl':ii;i. III. College. TENTH AND PACIFIC STREETS, OMAHA, NKT3K iBBSsssssMBSBmBAMBssssssssssssssaBSv8BSsssmE v EWING BROWN, Secretary. Cut Flower and Plants. Funeral Designs on Short Notice. Stackhous & Greer. FLORISTS $45 CALIFORNIA AND RETURN Tickets on sale. Apt il -ist to 27th, Ma) 27th to June .St':, August 2nd to Sth. Liberal stopovers and limits. Call and get full ltilotnia tion Ulty OHM Cpr IUMS u Depot, 7th A Psta. John B. Wright, Pres., J. H. Westcott, 1st Vice President, J. Samuels, 2d Vice President, P. L. Hall, Cashier, W. B. Ryons, Assistant Cashier. . . ....COLUMIIA NATIONAL IANK.... CAPITAL 9100,000. LINCOLN, - - - - NEBRASKA. f. Skfteoaker's Priyato DnyitaL SmoIaI KtUotion f lrn to dlteaM of www ad all rarcioAl dlsnaiet. X-rar imttvw wltk ae dlaconfori or injury to yatlemt Br rytalac at homelike at potilbU. Board mi room raaaonabla. UJTLBT. UHCOLN. f. O. Boa S6L WpWa a. f BHj This college offers a graded course extending over four annual sessions The advantages and re quirements of the college are fully up to the require ments of the present times, and the conditions laid down by the Association of American Medical Colleges, of which this college is a memner. For information address TRY THE .... , Boston Cash Market Choice Heats and Groceries 1 1311 O Street A. B. CTRL, Prop. Phone 020 VEPY LOW RATES Every day during the mowtha of March nd April, 1003, the UNION PACIFIC will sell Ooloaiata one-way tieketi at the following rateat rnou MISSOURI RIVER 020 OO To Ofden rod Bait Lake City. $20 00 To Butt,Anadeaa and Hel ta a. $22 0O To Spekaao. $22 O To J?olnte ! Great Northern fty- reoktt Weaatekee imo ria Huntington ant Spokaat. 825 OO To Point 9 Great Jhrihern y., went tf Wefcatekee, il Muntig ton and Spokane. ?25 OO T Forttead, Taooata and cattle, $25 Ltl Ora., aad laker- audiatte l.tai VUm Maea raPort- oa 8. P laad. aoath oi $40 OO T fle rramaiMo, Lae Aa refei td 3, CalUoraU Fafate. Pull iafoMailoa ahetr fully fur atiked oh apattoatloa to B. B. JLOSSBN. The Pioneer . Clean Linen 1'inestof Toilets Fi it-class Service VT. WHITPORD. ' PaoPHUio: 113 South 11th St.. Lincoln, Neb. OA Tai at. i jtm Til 11M1MBIT ftlaa r v h - u R3WWW