TTTUjwvt-' T,pT"T'vwniii'ji r. v i ,y, v.'f f ' ' ? "" -;' f -s ' THE DAILT KVBRABEAli. '.ft T-'TI mktj r m V o A v V ". a ' t u V-' , ,H CDDaiaianpntaDcicciBcitscinnDnnnoii panQcaQQQaEsaDacuuacatLiCDDacfl 1 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOFY jj DQDQDUDaDClDQDaQQDUDaDDDl JR. HAGGARD, M. D. Offloo 1100 O Street, Rooms 212-213-214 Rich ards Block, Tolephono 635. R idsnoe, lffiLO O Btrt, Tolophono L084. TpvR. BENJ. F. BAIL.EY; Dr. May JlJ Louise Flnnngnn; Office, 141 South 12th Street. Telephone G18. LP. DAY.IS. D. D. S., Dentist Bridge and Orown work. Offlco room T over Rock Liland ticket ofUce. Phox 849. Order Your Ice Cream From J. H. Stuckey 1837 O Street. Phono 1105. Special Attention Given to Dealers. Also Entcrtainmante both Public and Private. The Only Up-to-Date Billiard and Pool Parlor In the City North nth St POWELL'S fSJtiSX The FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Lincoln, Nbraaka Cnpltal, $200,000; uurplus and profits, 168,887; deposits, $2,716,000. S. H. Burn ham, President; A. J. Sawyer, Vico Prest.; H. 8. Freeman, Cashier; H. B. fcvans, Asst. Cannier; Frank Park, ABSt. Cashier. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. WE ARE SOCIETY AND STATIONERY RRNTERS Dance Programs, Menu Cards. THE NEW CENTURY, 1133 N STREET. Students, Your Suitorium Ih located at U18 No. Iltli Street. Tele phono 1,1028, at BLUMENTHAL'S. Ttioso liftln you buy of mo will be taken care of froo of charge Spring stylo HatN jl Mt ill In soft I'auama shapes anil Huts. PICTURE SALE! Now is the time ior you to get bargains in Framed Pictures. This week we will give you 333 percent off or better on our line. Pictures, former price 15.00, Now 10.00. Pictures, former price $b. 00, Now 4.00. Pictures, former price 1.00, Now 65c. Wilson JI&ll, Booksellers A Stationers, 1123 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Ynle Bros. laundry 1514 0 St Phone 754 SW H.(1vm 11 All IK n& up TO-DATE STYLES, Kid, Patent Kid, or Liglit Calf, in 3 00 and $3.50 Shoes, guaranteed to .give j-atis faction in every way. Sanderson 1213 O ST. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Iluy your hosiery at tho Famous. Kat at Hendry's, 129 N. Iltli. Flno furs. Steeln, M3 So. 12th. Steele stores furs. See him. The Ivy Press prints things. C. E.- Brown,- dentist. Burr block. The Hygienic Cafe. 31G So. 12th sL Eat at Don Cameron's. 118 So. 11th. Get an up-to-date university hair-cut at WcBterflelds. For sheet music and supplies go to the MathewB Piano Co., 1120 O street. Dr. Woodward, oculist. Richards blk. Valises and pocketbooks; 1035 (). Professor Crabtree was in Hcitiici Wednesday. Dean Reese begins his leciiiri's on criminal law today. Miss Mabel Miles of Falls City is visiting Miss Holland. Phi Delta Phi has postponed Its reg ular meeting until next Wednesday evening. In the Pershing Rifle drill-down lust night, Mr. Kanzler won first place and Mr. Harris second. Cameron's lunch counter, 118 S. 11th. Wirrlck sells suit cases; 103G O St. The University club will hold one of its regular dances at Walsh hall Fri day, April 18. The university band has received a number of tho latest marches for use on dress parade. K Delta Delta Delta has issued cards a dancing party in Walsh hall, hursday, April 24. S. C. Hawthorne of tho law school will address the Red Ribbon club next Sunday afternoon at 3:30 in its hall at 1034 O street. The commandant recently informed the cadets that tho old belts now in use would Boon bo replaced by new and more modern ones. Sigma Alpha Epsllon entertained last evening in honor of Miss Miles, who is (siting In the city. A company of university students are planning to stake claims In tho Little Hlg Horn mountains next summer. Mr. Huol of Randolph, Neb., was called to Lincoln on account of the ill ness of his Bon, who Is a student In the university. Samuel Carney, who was taken ill while at his home at Sutton during vacation, has not yet been able to re turn to his university work. Professor Hodgnian, who will have charge of the Lincoln academy next year, has offered a ten-doilar prize for tho best jester advertising the school. Messrs. Cain, Mathews and Cwud are not attending the law school this se mester. Coad has accepted a position with an Omaha firm and Mathews has returned to n.s home In Wisconsin. MONEY TO STUDENTS Bt ulents deHlrlng good. prnftUbln work for tli 1 aummcr, or. hh their time pormlta, durln tlm college year. nIioiiIiI write us at onco foro ir Wood Housekeeping agency proportion. The magazine In of the holiest quality (tnough only $1.00 a )enr)imd, a wo nro determined to don bin our list (now HA.UKi) In the noxt ulnn months, we are giving good men and women an oxrowl ly liberal commission. Our r. t requirement l satisfactory references as to tho applicant's I. tegrlty. on A AJfTPU '" ,l fnir Knm '"r an " JU M vvctzr iTolle man or woman to make 'i w III semi full particular to all In (crested, if when applying 'I he Daily Nohnuknn is mentioned, 'there is no limit to tlm number of men and women we can employ, hh wo cover the w hole country particularly In cities of from lo 000 to There Is a further chance of fu hire permanent salaried position to thoxn who show special merit in this lino of our work. Address College Popnrtmont, PHELPS PUBLISHING CO , Springfield, Main. Line is our line of Negligee Shirts, Sweaters, Caps, Gentlemen's Shirt Waists, and Stocks. The season for out door sports Tennis, Goll, Base Hall. Make Yourseir Com fortable ..IN.. Men's Wearing Apparel EWING CLOTHING CO. 1115-1117 O St., LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Smith's cases on municipal corpora tions will bo used the remainder of this semester in tho now course of administrative law, given by W. W. Cook. P. J. O'Gara went to Nehawka and Weeping Water on Saturday and col lected material for the classes in ad vanced botany. While away ho vis ited tho extensive orchards of Isaac Pollard in order to study tho condi tions under which hiB trees are growing. A large number of constitutional law case books, compiled by Chancellor McLaln of the Iowa state college, have been added to the law library. They will bo used by tho senior law stu dents in their study of constitutional law. ProfesBor Caldwell will put into practice a new plan In American his tory 18 this Bt-meater. Each member of the class is now preparing a paper upon some recent historic event, which he will deliver in tho form of a lecture before the class, occupying the in structor's chair while so doing. . -B " - Of course you'll hare to keep your room warm this winter Gregory the Coal Man TV H mswp' DON'T Order your Printing till you have seen THE IVY PRESS. We lead in workmanship, and com pete in price. If you doubt it investigate. THE IVY RRESS FRANK L. LEMON, MGR.. 125-127 North 12th. Phone 832. Ads in the DAILY NEBRASKAN Pay Because they reach the Students. r Has the Staff Eleventh and O Street Subscribe for The Daily Nebraska! i r-Ub -n I u, -. ' - y? jj n mJ- "Y.M """r- f y-y tfa w r i K A L JS :1 'H r-iq i