SWIflf? 'P.T'.'IIW !Apw T.fr'. ,,5 M-r . . k THE DAILY WEBRA8KAB. 'if 'T' it I n The Dallu Nebraskaji A Nowspapp r (Jevoted to tho InterotU of the University of Nebrak, A CONSOLIDATION OV The Heprlnn. Vol. XXX tho Nobraskan.Vol.il Tho Bcartot & Cream, Vol. Ill Btorllne II. MoCaw. It. W. Harbor, Chnn. I.Taylor, I Clms. R. Wells, f B T. IIUI. Mannalng Kdltor Editor-in-Chief Buslnoss Managers AsiUtniit Kdltor ABROOIATl JBDITOIIB V. C. Uatlo. n. A. MoNown. H. 0. Nelson Win. One. DaoQuUeben. Entered at the poit office at Lincoln. Neb. &a Recdud Class Mall Matter. TKLKPHONB 47. Tho Dally taken thin opportunity to call to tho attention of the HtudentH tho exceptional opportunltloH offered lor RalnlnR useful information by at tending convocation in the morning- Chancellor Andrews Iiiik made it a point this year to Rive the very best to the HtudentH, and tuose who appre ciate hla effortH are tho.se who are realizing the greateHt benefits. The series of talks and concerts from morn ing to morning are not merely for amusement and for passing away a half hour, but for the strengthening of the student mentally and spiritually. Often times one may reap benefits from at tending one of the short lectures which may open up his field of view, give him wider vision and broaden and cultivate the mind. Thin suggestion of attendance at convocation is not meant to urge and insist that students attend tho exer ciser, but merely calling to their at tention tho opportunities which are offered them, which are too valuable for them to overlook. Charles S. Allen, an alumnus of the university, Bpoke at convocation yes terday morning on the "Influence of Public Opinion In Social Politics." Mr. Allen spoke of the change In modern universities In tho matter of consider ing present politics. Tho tendency now Is for students to take part In affairs of tho world. Public sentiment, ho said, Is a popular subject, formed by a few. Tho administration of social af fairs calls for special qualifications, the most Important of which are business ability, training and experience. Tho samo experience Is required In modern politics as in the handling of private matters, only on a larger scale. Tho great trouble at present is that tho dogma of quality stands liftho way of efficiency In local government. In de mocracy every man has a right to office, but In modern politics all ap pointments made are expected to be given to members of tho local democ racy. In viewing the question of appoint ments In office from tho standpoint of whether tho office may be considered a sugar-plum or not, tho question arises whether It 1b democratic or not. It 1b plainly soon that tho principle does not repreBont tho idea of democ racy. The difficulty of precedent lies In tho fact that It Is founded on tho wrong principle In tho matter of appolnt- menu. An office Is created for tho valued at $20,000. His rarest stamp la benefit of tho people who aro affected the 20-cent label l88ued In 1845 bv the by the appointment and tho peoplo of i na nat ,, t ; . -. . , , .... ot. 1-oulB post office, before there were are benefited only when a man of yk ,. ... it, , ot . . c , i , , mx i an regular United States stamos is made a magistrate. Tho samo is iiuyn. Sidles' Spor tine) Goods (iodse Tennis, Base Ball and Gymnasium Goods. Agency for World and National Bicycles. Send us your Repair Work ,3o4 o st., Phone f 1038. SDLES CYCLE CO. true. In the matter of foreign teachera. Schools exist for the benefit of school children and It Is absurd to say that their Interests shall be affected for the sake of getting members of homo de mocracy. If tho name principle were applied to higher educational admin istration people would consider It fool ish All Hhese precedents exist not by virtue of positive law, but they are due to public sentiment. Talk, said the speaker, will govern more and morn matters In the future and this could easily be changed In citiee If a few of the educated and intellectual people would take the matter in hand. A. I-:. Sheldon of the State Historical society bas had a photograph made of an old map of the original townslte of Niobrara, which he obtained as a loan when ho was in Niobrara some time ago The map is about flfty-Hix years old. The botany girls are somewhat ex cited over a couple of notices of prizes which are open to girls only. One of these Is a prize of $1,000 for the best thesis on a biological, chemical or physical subject and the other Is a scholarship In tho biological station at Naples. Somo of the girls are talking of trying to capture, one of the prizes. K. K. Mackman, archaeologist for the historical society, is In Platts niouth making arrangements for the placing of tho Horn pel collection of curiosities in the historical library. Tho local (i. A. R. has signified ita willingness to allow its interest in the collection to bo removed. Last year Mr. Hlackman explored the flint quar ries at Nehawka and while in that part of tho state expects to spend some timo in searching for the home of the ancient people who did this work. Ho will soon start on a trip along the Platte from Plattsmouth to Ashland, hoping to find tho clipping field where the Hint was made into instruments. HIG HORN BASIN. Aro you Interested In the Rig Horn Rasin of Wyoming? It's a rich but undeveloped portion of northwestern Wyoming. It con tains marvellous openings for small ranches along good streams in the val leys, with ono million acres of gov ernment land open to settlement un der tho United States land laws. Tho Burlington Route has just pub lished a folder descriptive of the Rig Horn Rasin. It is Illustrated and con tains an accurate map. It tells about tho lay of tho land, character of tho soil, products, yield, Irrigation and op portunities. If you're Interested, better write for a copy. It's free. J. FRANCIS, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. 8tmpi Valued at 820)0 Kach. Henry J. Crocker, the San Francisco capitalist, has 100 rare Btamnn that n Capitol City Bowl ing Alley, 1218 N St Wc cater to the student trade O. E KIMBERLY, Prop. A Close Shave A hair cut, or anything else you waat a bnrber to do for you, at the Y. M. C. A. Barber Shop, 13TH AND STREETS LINDSEY'S For Cigars, Tobaccos, and Up-to-date Heading Ma ttt-r. Richards Block. Also 1131 O St. Attention, Students! I wish to know you. I wish you to know my work. For thm reason I will give you your denta,l work at about half the us ual rates for about sixty days. DR.A. B. AYERS, 127 So. lath. FOR $3.50 We -have placed on sale a new line of Foot Glove Shoes, high and low top just what you want for Spring Wear. Perkins & Sheldon's, 1129 O STREET. NATURE'S OWN WAY of teaching a Foreign Language is Through the Eiar. FOREIGNERS MASTER OUR MOTHER TONGUE. They have neither books, teachers nor interpreters; they may be Russians, Germans, Frenchmen, Spaniards or Swedes, they generally understand nothing about the principles of grammar; they may be too young or uneducated to even write their own language, yet despite it all, they invariably, within a few months, master sufficient English not only to make themselves understood, but to speak it gramatically and cor rectly" provided they have mixed with cultured classes of society. From these facts, it is obvious, some system must exist which always and under all circumstances leads to complete control of a foreign tongue. Again we say v IT IS NATURE'S OWN WAY, AND COMES THROUGH THE EAR .... Let us bring any foreign language in your own room, spoken by a foreign professor, who is there at all hours of the day, willing to instruct you for 24 hours each day, if you wish. The cost is but trifling. Call at our store for a free demonstration. LANGUAGE PHONOGRAPHS DO NOT FORGET that you will soon be going away. You can't carry your trunks. Call us up and wc will take you to any depot and send a hack to take you. Tel. 303. Ensign Omnibus & Transfer Co. Jhe Improved BOSTON GARTER WStt- m- The Standard for Gentlemen ALWAYS EASY The Name "BOSTON I GARTER" Is stamped Hon every loop. The CUSHION, BUTTON! CLASP, Lies flat to the leg never SIips, Tears nor Unfastens. BOLD EVERYWHERE. fUmple pair, 811k 50c. . Cotton Sic Mailed on receipt of price. ' OHO. FROST CO., Mikan iMMion. luu., O.8.A. "EVEWY PAIR WARRANTED"? 202 5. lltji St. v v- fc