The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 11, 1902, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
VOL. I, NO. 124.
ft J
Board of Regents Mako a Number of Im
portant Uhangoa. An Afffli
atod Sohool of Med
icine. The university regents have held a
buay session the past fow days at
which a number of very important
matters were settled. Hy their ac
tion the Omaha medlral college will
Tram now on be affiliated with the uni
versity. Dr. H. H. Ward was ap
pointed dean of the affiliated Bchool
of medicine and provision made for
the appointment of an assistant in
structor and a fellow for the purposes
of the. school. Under the new plan It
Is proposed to allow two years of the
medical course to be done at the uni
versity on nccount of Its superior ad
vantages A schedule of tuition fees
for the new school was approved
Another matter of great interest to
tho students was the appointment of
H. G. Shedd to the position of uni
versity registrar, to take effect Sep
tember I. 1902. Mr. Shedd, who is now
studying in Europe on a leave of ab
sence is an instructor in "the depart
ment of English and English literature.
Tho board Look up the annual budget
appropriating money for salaries and
current expenses. It also decided that
beginning with next year the incidental
fee for the course in agriculture shall
be $4, payable in November. The man
agement of the university concert in
June was placed in the hands of a
resident committee consisting of Re
gents Teeters, Ernst and a secretary.
Various changes in the plan of ad
ministrative offices were made at the
recommendation of the chancellor as
First After September 1. 1902, tho
office and title of examiner is discon
tinued, w
Second That there shall be elected a
registrar with the rank of an assist
ant professor.
Third That the enrollment commit
tee bo composed of the chancellor, and
the deans of tho colleges of letters and
sciences, respectively. The committee
to bo known as the committee on ir
regular registrations.
Fourth The work of the recorder Is
combined with that of registration,
forming a bureau of registration and
record under the Immediate charge of
an assistant to be responsible to the
registrar in all the work, It being the
aim that every detail of registration
and record from the moment the stu
dent leaves tho high school until he
graduates from the university together
with tho interpretation of all tho rules
relating thereto and publication of the
same bo under the supervision of the
registrar, who shall bo responsible di
rectly to the chancellor.
Fifth That the registrar be also
charged with tho entire work of office
administration, publicity and publica
tion as now carried on, these combined
duties forming a bureau of adminis
tration, publicity and publication under
the immediate charge of an assistant
Sixth- That all regents' rules and
rules of faculties and committees in
consistent with this order are re
pealed. The nomination of Miss Mabel Tut
tle as assistant registrar In charge of
registration, and records, beginning
September 1, was approved The nom
ination of E. H. Clark as secretary to
the chancellor and assistant registrar
in charge of publicity and administra
tion was also approved The resigna
tion of O. H. Ellsworth as assistant su
perintendent of grounds and buildings
was accepted and appropriate resolu
tions of appreciation of his services
Chancellor Andrews was granted a
leave of absence during the second and
third weeks of August for the purpose
of lecturing in the Chicago university
summer school. Permission was also
given him to be present at the inaug
uration of Nicholas Butler as presi
dent of Columbia university if he so
A number of changes in the titles
of members of the faculty were made
upon the recommendation of the chan
cellor. In English language and literature'
Miss May C. Whiting, from instructor,
to be adjunct professor in English lit
erature; Mr. George v. Shedd to bo
instructor in English language and lit
erature. In European history Mr
Guernsey Jones, from adjunct, to as
sistant professor. In Germanic lan
guages: Paul H. Grummann, from ad
junct to assistant professor. In phys
ics: Mr. B. E. Moore, from adjunct to
assistant professor; J. E. Almy, from
instructor to adjunct professor, II. J.
Spencer, from storekeeper to expert
and instructor in construction. In polit
ical economy Miss Belva M. Herron,
from instructor to adjunct professor;
Mr. E. Prevey, from lecturer to in
structor in sociology. In romance lan
guages: Miss Julia M. Korsmeycr. from
assistant Instructor to Instructor. In
zoology: A. B. Lewis, from assistant
Instructor to Instructor. Law college:
Mr. W. W. Cook, to be assistant pro
fessor of public law.
The regular Delian program tonight
will be taken up with a play, entitled
"Diamonds and Hearts," a three-act
comedy-drama. The play Is full of
animated and thrilling scenes and
promises to be well worth going to see.
The following is the Union society
program :
Music Selected
Recitation Miss Herbert
Reading Mr. Bothwell
Music Selected
Description of Bridal-Veil Falls
Mr. S. C. Hawthorne
Recitation Mr. Gibson
The Final of a Berios of Gamoa Won by
Omaha. A SucooaBful Moot.
Varsity Team BhowR
The last game of the series with the
Omaha league was played on tho ball
grounds Wednesday afternoon before n
fair-sized crowd of enthusiastic sup
porters of the 'varsity nine. Nine In
nings of hard playing resulted In a
score of 0 to 2 in favor of the Omaha
men. Captain Bell's men put up a
hard fight and played good ball, and
although they were defeated, it was
only because they were pitted against
professional players. Errors wero rare
and the Improvement made In the play
ing of the team since the first game
may be taken as a fair indication of
what may be expected in tho future.
Supporters of the scarlet and cream
should not make the mistake of think
ing that three successive defeats at the
hands of the league team means that
the university does not have a good
ball team.
On the contrary. Captain Bell has
a team that any university aggregation
In the west will have difficulty in de
feating. The Omaha team was not
brought here for the purpose of de
termining which team waB the su
perior, but the contests were looked
upon merely as practice games, both
by Omaha and the 'varsity, and as
such they have been a great success.
Our most competent men have been
tried in their various positions and
there haa been an excellent opportunity
to determine who arc the best men,
nnd tho line-up from now on will be
bnsed principally upon the showing
1 made In these games. The line-up:
Varsity. Omaha,
i.nymond . lb .Calhoun
1 Townsend . 2b Stewart
, Hood 3b. .Hickle and Burk
' Rhodes ss Dolan
Bell I. f. .Carter
, Do Putron c. f Gonlns
1 Shelmer and
Bender r. f Fleming
1 Gaines and
' Letherby p Alloway and
Bender and
Doane c Hayes
' Errors 'Varsity 4 Omaha 6.
Safe hits Off Omaha 11, off 'Var
f sity 7.
Struck out By Omaha 7, by 'Var
sity G.
Bases on balls Off Omaha 2, off.
'Varsity D.
The Engineering society held its
regular meeting Wednesday evening.
Hugh Wilson was the speaker of the
evening and spoke on "Railroading as
a Profession for College Mon." Mr.
WilBon began his remarks by giving
brlofly tho organization of a railroad
and a general idea of tho work of tho
different officers. He quoted tho defini
tion of engineering as tho "ability to
make a dollar earn the most money,"
and showed where an engineering edu
cation would bo of ndvnntago in many
of the departments. Mr Wilson gave
examples showing the necessity for
close attention to details and tho econ
omy resulting therefrom. The neces
sity for originality and not becoming
a machine was strongly emphasized by
Mr. Wilson, and in conclusion ho snld
that tho problems In railroading wero
dally becoming of such a nature that
In order to meet them a higher edu
cation was fast becoming a necessity.
After this address, a short business
meeting (was held.
J C. Stevens has gone to Valentino.
The civil and mechanical engineer
ing departments are each organizing
a baseball team and It Is very prohablo
that a game will be played between
these in the near future.
Last Wednesday morning, during tho
convocation hour. Chancellor Andrews
spoke on the will of Cecil Rhodes. Tho
regents being In session during the
day were present and naturally the
president, E. von Forrell, was called
upon for a few remarks. Ho called tho
attention of the students to tho fact
that there was no necessity for find
ing immediate use for everything thnt
they studied, for it Is always best to
store up a reserve force, which will
Booner or later be called upon. Whort
the world makes a demand for men of
Intelligence and power. It haa alwayB
found him In tho student. Thoreforo
every hour devoted to study while In
school means so much more ability to
meet the requirements of the world at
Chancellor Andrews then spoke brief'
ly of the (will of Cecil Rhodes) which
he considered a novel idea. Tho grant
ng of fellowships to the different
states will have a very beneficial ef
fect. The conditions relating to tho
securing of fellowships, the chancellor
considered very admirable. The neces
sity 0 student approbation before a
candidate can obtain a fellowship- is of
especial value, since professors ar
prone to judgo a candidate t,oo narrow
ly according to, hja Intellect.
The will clearly showed, said the
chancellor, that' Mr. -If nodes undoubt
edly considered the English-speaking
people as tho most eminently fitted to
rule the affairs of the world. Chan
cellor Andrews was of the opinion,
however, that there were other nations
who deserve their sharo of apprecia
tion, one of whlph was Qe.rmanjr. .Un
due stress has been placed upon tho
importance of England, for the signs
of the times undoubtedly point to tho
United States as the1 futuro leader of
progress. While tbofellowshlps at Ox
ford will do a great deal for American
scholarship, yet it should noj. bo con
sidered that Oxford Is the scientific
center of the world, but rather Cambridge.
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