WVWiSTTr-SwW T" y.-Z ' . i k- -.. ...:"" ?, - , -'vfri " - ity - ' I THE DAILY NEBRAflKAJM. r ' r ' d" w . r in r Wfc r OUR $3.00 SHOE Is Stylish, Well Made, Perfectly Shaped. We are confident no better Shoes are sold at $;.)) and we know that very lew are so good WE SELL SHOES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Legislative Gallery Portrait and Landscape Ipbotogvapbet Qallerj Establish, 1J9 So. 11th Si. IB71 Lincoln, Nob. Oliver Theatre. I ( i ilia e; . .. i ( it v roicn. . "'K"-i- ( ornci 1 lt! .V V M Phone l",l FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL ii & 12 and Sat. Mat The (uealest homcstie Comeilv of tlir Atfe. . . . THE MISSOURI GIRL. I'lesenteel by Miss Sadie Raymond, Assisted by the inim itable comedian .... MR. FRED RAYMOND. And an excellent company. Bright M usit, New Son. Catchy Dances. PRICKS Miit 10 and V. evnU. Kc. LT), !() uml 7" cents .Scats on .sale Wctlnesiliiv. h-0 0O0- VO-frOO 0000 . ANNOUNCEMENTS. XyOOOOOOOOOOO-frOOO oeoooo !':(:iniii-:uin(! soc'iisty The engince i ing Melrt will meet V( (hi stluy evening i't " :n in Me i luuiii Ails hall SCHOOL OK Ml SIC KKCITAI '1 he Minimis of the Hi-hool ol music will give a recital Wednesday evening in Alcnioi inl hall. KN(;i 1SH CLl'll. The Kngli.Hh Mil) will hold Us icgu lai meeting Saturday night TRACK MKN All a lid idat s for the hack team will ie;ioit foi daily pontile between :! and i p in. The dials will he held Apnl 'i; Weight men aie especially nip il to onie out V C 1IOOTII CONVOCATION The follow in;; evie ies will lie gien this week at the i oimn ation met tings Wednesday ' 'hancellor Andrews, "(Veil Rhodes' Will." Thnisday. Charles H. Allen Friday, musical program Ro. L. 1-' Smith will had the re ltgious exercises attei Monday. MFSIC Rl-X'ITAI-Tho students of the school ol musie will give a rec ital tonight at S o'clock in Mi inni lal hull The musical piogiam to be gien at i on in at ion Ki ida moining will lie a semg leeital by Wilbur F Siai i baritone, mstriietor in the school of music I'cishing Rillcs will hae open 1 1 ill at the armory tomoiiow night The tenuis association will meet this atternoon at I o'c loc K in the old c h:i) I All intei cstcd parties aie urged to be out As this is an adjoin m-d meeting business ol iinpoi tain e will c oine up FNOINFIORS' NOTI-: '1 he engine m ing societ will meet tonight in Mechanics Arts hall at 7 :u Mi Hugh Wilson. '!i7 will talk on UaiMoading as a I'lofession foi Col lege Men DFI IAN IM.AY The DeMan societv and its ti lends will be gien a eliveision tioni the i eg ular program Satin day evening April 11!, in the form ol a play, presented by some ot its membeis The play, '"Diamonds and Ileal Is." is a eoinedy ctraiua in three acts and abounds in animated IhiilMng scenes and tunny situations The c ast of e hara teis is Hemic c Halsteael Sue Doane Amy Ha'.stead .Clara Sniout Mrs Halstead Mary Meeker Hannah Mary Barnes l "Sis") .... I lannah Pillsbury Dwight Mradley l)i Hurton. Sammy ("darkey") Attorney Sherin Abiahani Barnes F. R. Beers c Ralph But k H II I.inclerman A W Gilbert T F. Goo Id 1 1 M Garrett The play will begin promptly at 8 o'clock and will be preceded by selec tions by die Lincoln high school quar tet All are welcome. IF GOINO ABROAD, WRITE WARI? BROTHERS, ('.rner.il Str.tinshlp Agents. I.oni IXTMinal toui liin r irririirc. -'.! Sciillli Cl:il k St. I Chicane), III OmahaMed College. 1HNTII AM) PACIFIC S TREK I S, OM MIA, N h) mrMa EWING BROWN, Secretary. USB $45 CALIFORNIA AND RETURN Tie kets on salt April iist to -- 7 1 1 1 . May 2j to June M1:. August 211(1 to Sth. Liberal stopowrs and limits. Call anil g-t full infonna tion uity uraco gor iuin o sa Depot, 7?h ck PSts. A Close Shave A hair cut, or anything else you want a ba'-ber to do for you, at the Y. M. C. A. Barhrr Shop, 13TH AND 1 STREETS JohnlJ. Wright, Pros., J. II. Westcott, 1st Vice President, .1. Samuels, 2d VicePrebident, P. L. Hall, Cashier, W. 15. Ryons, Assisluat Cabhier. . . ....COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK.... CAPITAL $100,000. LINCOLN, ---- NEBRASKA. Dr. Shoemaker's Private BospitaL Spool J attention (lTon to dlieaie of wom imejf all rurfflcnl diseases. X-ray examtnailaa with no discomfort or injury to patleit Br- trythinf as homelike a possibU. Uotrs ai4 ross reasonable. ,.O. - rL8IU,,C0L.pW - s This college offers a graded course extending oer foi:i annual sessions. The advantages ar.d i'e Quirenu'nta of the college arc fully up to the require ments of the present times, and the conditions laid down by the Association of Ameriean ..iedical Colleges, of which this college is a memuor. For inlormation address VEPY LOW RATES Every day during the months of March and April, 1902, tho UNION PACIFIC will soil OoloaJlU one-way tiokete at the following ratesaj TRQU MISSOURI RIVER 02O OO To Odon and Sajt Lake City. $20 OO To BuUo.Anadaid and Hel ena. $22 00 To Spokaae. 822 00 To Fo Ut o Qreat Northern to Weliato&Be Inc., via Br.. HtinkaTiA t Huntington ana Bpokane $25 00 ToPo on Qraat J7orUifrn "J-1 west tOhe. Via Huntino-- von ana opbttane $25 OO To Portland, Tacoma and Seattle, mbditoclits,lnllajiipg Branah Linos on 8. P. Do. aotith of PoMlunclTla Port land. $25 OO To San Franciaoo, Ld An rolcB and other California Points. Pull laformation oheerfully fur aishod cm application to E. B. SLOSSEN. Attention, Students! I wish tq know jou. I wish yo)i to know my work. For this reason I will give you your dental work at aboti? half tho us ual rates for about sixty days DR.A. B. AYERS, 137 So. 12th. i Weha Tphe Pioneer Barbor Shop... Clean Lincu iiif m 1, . IMnost of loilets , Fi st-class Service lw - WHITSOHD. PnoP.KXO 113 South llth St.. Lincoln, Neb. i 1 ,v ; v e 1 f'-., itf- w - rv i ,' f9mmfmmtmm T.- -iJ.q