l? .., 'C.-l . ' a B"V- r-C ---- - r ,v- V,l E The Daily Nebraskan 1 VOL. I, NO. 123. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL y, 1902. THREE CENTS k $ - h m 1 if ,,. v VARSITY VS. OMAHA Two Interesting Games Played With Pro fessionals. University Boys are Beaton, but Not Dis couraged. Captain Boll's mon took a biace yes terday and held the Omaha men down to a score of 10 to 4. In spite of the drizzling rain that fell throughout the game, the playing of the 'varsity boys was decidedly better than the day be fore and the errors less numerous Gaines and Raymond distinguished themselves by making home runs. De Putron made the best runs, getting to third three times, and to second the fourth. Gaines and Lentherby did the pitching, both doing effective work. Eight men were struck out, seven al lowed hits and five given their base on balls. A fair-sized crowd was piesent in pite of the inclemency of the weather. Batteries Leatherby, Gaines and Doane ; Hayes and Alloway. Errors Omaha 7, 'Varsity 7. Home runs Raymond, Gaines. Score Omaha 10, 'Varsity 4. Several bad ,rors on the part of the 'varsity team caused its defeat Mon day at the hands of the Omaha leaguers. The first game of the sea son was a disappointment to many, who expected the 'varsity to hold their opponents down to a smaller score. Do Putron's work In the field Is de serving of special mention, as Is also Rhodes' at shortstop. Townsend pitched good ball the first five innings, holding the visitors down to one safe hit. His place was taken by Thomson in Uie sixth inning. The line-up: TENNIS ASSOCIATION. The first regular meeting of the ten nis association for this season was held in old chnpel Monday afternoon. Con sidering the size of the association membership, a fairly good representa tion was present. A report was made by Manager Farnsworth of last year as to the con dition of the association, its needs and prospects. A general diseusslon of the opening season was indulged In. Plans were mapped out for the guidance of the association this year. Owing to the small, limited membership of the association, it has been more or less difficult to meet expenses, especially in the case of tournaments with other In stitutions. The following officers were elected for this year: President, Robt. T. Hill. Vice president, W. G. Hlltner. Secretary-treasurer, 13. P. Tyner. Manager, Guy M. Peters. As the managership is subject to the THE CHANCELLOR Speaks About tho Boor War, and the Outcome. Mr. and Mrs. Bob. Burdetto AddrosB tho Students. Chancellor Andrews spoke at the uni versity yesterday upon the probable outcome of the Boer war. The first re sult to be noticed, he Baid. was the unfavorable condition In the Internal politics of England. There Is a great political chasm in English life. As a rule, the differences of opinion In that country are concerning things about which honest men might have different views, and aro so recognized by the disagreeing factions themselves. But now many liberals, and among them some of the most powerful think ers of the country, believe that the gov ernment is acting criminally against all the cherished principles of British realization of his hopon. The Dutch element will gradually predominate In tho colonies and tho antl-Britlshvsentl- ment will increase. The political powcr will bo Dutch In sentiment and tho memory of tho war will go far toward making It more so. Some future strug gle for Independence may result In a United Stntes of South Africa. There will arise, furthermore, a shaken sense of loyalty In BrltlBh col onies outside of South Africa. The colonial troops came forward nobly be side the English-born soldiers, but tho war has shaken tholr faith. It has al ways been the boast of the English man that the freo colonies need not belong to the power of Groat Britain If they did not wIbIi, that they were only bound by ties of love. But tho spirit of tho Boer war has been coercion of a free people alleged to bo in a remote way a British colony, A new and less happy aspect of the relation between themselves and England has been, pre sented to other colonies. Omaha. Calhoun Stewart Mickey Dolan Carter If Genius cf 'Varsity. lb Raymond 2b Gaines 3b Hood as "Rhodes Bell De Putron Senior Promenade Friday Elveinitig, April llth, LINGOLN HOTEL MR. AT .Bender Fleming rf Gondlng and Hayes p Townsend and Thomson Alloway and Owens c Doane Errors Omaha 4, 'Varsity 9. Score Omaha 11, 'Varsity 3. approval of tho athletic board, the elec tion of Mr. Peters by the association will have to be approved before he can assume his full duties. A committee was appointed by the president to reconstruct the old con stitution and formulate some amend ments. The meeting was adjourned to meet Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. SENIOR PROM. The senior prom, committee this year proposes to break away from tho method-whlch has become customary of late of conducting university social affairs primarily for tho not proceeds. The chief aim of . tho committee is to give an enjoyable party, and to that end no expense is spared to provide for tho guests everything that goes to make a baccessful promenade. The proceeds are secondary consideration and it is not expected to make any fortune at tho expense of the guests. No one vwlll bo able to feel that ho has not had his money's worth. A good crowd and a good time are expected. IOWA PERHAPS. Football Manager Engle met Mana ger McCutcheon of Iowa In Omaha re cently and negotiations were opened up for a game for next year between the two Institutions. Manager McCutheon stated that since Iowa would not play Grinnel on No vember 15, there might be a possibility of arranging a game with Nebraska. The latter, on the other hand, is sched uled to play Knox college on that date. The .manager of the Iowa team suggested that it might bo arranged with Knox college to defer the game, give It up entirely or let Iowa play bar at an open date. Insofar as the Grinnell game was to be played at Iowa City, the game of the two larger institutions would, In case of proper understanding, bo played at that place. These negotiations are entirely unofficial and propositions will be submitted to both athletic boards for consideration. liberty. A loss of prestige on the part of Great Britain will follow. She has al ways been f oared, If not loved, but now she will be despised; she has not per formed many brilliant feats In the present war. The rank and file of Brit ish soldiers have done nobly, as they always have done; uiey have never fought better than In South Africa, go ing to their death there with charac teristic intrepidity. But England is unfortunate in her generals. She has lost vantage ground In important parts of the world. Many European nations 1 0f Woman'B life. have actually helped the Boers in a way that would be difficult; to Indict AND MRS. BURDETTE CONVOCATION. Tho presence of Mr. and Mrs. Bur dette at convocation last Monday morning was the cause for an unually large attendance. Frequent bursts of laughter and rounds of applause showed that tho speakers had mot an appreciative audience. Mrs. Burdetto expressed herself as highly pleased over the presenco of so many co-eds In the university, and said that she sincerely hoped that the University of Nebraska would nover see fit to draw the line on co-education. Inasmuch as the ultimate place of woman Is wifehood, said Mrs. Burdetto, there is lio reason why young men and women should rtot Bpond their college days together; yet, at tho same tlmo, the young women should bear in mind that in later life they will hold a place far different from the present one, one distinctly their own. After all, tho work at college is merely character building and unless higher Ideals are formed all Is lost. Mrs. Burdetto l'urthor reminded the young women that home is the center Yet, since it is not I man's limit, neither should It bo 1 woman's. Successful home keeping is either after or during tho war as a the hlghe8t ideal for both man and woman. The preservation of the homo means good citizenship and govorn- breech of neutrality. Russia has im proved the opportunity to advance her outposts. Russia has been interested 1 m;n in the southern as well as the extreme eastern part of Asia, advancing toward the head waters of the .Persian gulf. And other countries, among them Ger many, are endeavoring to reach that same Interesting body of water. Great Britain is likely to lose considerable influence and power in Asia. Inere is little doubt that Great Britain fi ultimately conquer in the Immediate contest. It isn't the nature of Great Britain to begin- a work and not finish it. But that will not be the final end of tho difficulty. The Boer will not be subjugated, nor fail In the Mr. Burdette'Sjj-enown as a speaker was enough to bring forth a hearty ap plause at his very first words. Self confidence and belief wore tho words which he took for Ills subject. Noth ing is possible, hftfsald, to him who does not believe, nut to him who does believe all things will come in their turn. As nti instance of self-confidence Mr. Burdetto mentioned Anson, the great baseball team captain, who never knew defeat Confidence, faith and courage, said the speaker, are tho three great essentials of life and he who possesses theso will always find that he will always succeed. Mr. Burdette's talk was Interspersed with the humorous remarks which I have made the Bpeaker famous; "i i Jffl u 1 W 'iSi A h 3 ?? , ) ' K ' .J? , '41 X J "i ' . - 4 ..-.. ' ... a '- , -ik ' 'ffi -''5.,1--v -. -. . . .. . ... . . .. :. A 1.. ."I. . .: . ... .( ......... .. .... ........ ,r .. V ... 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