iii"""p" ll v " h' PS r t THE DAILY VXBBABSL4B. A- fr J. , I'? ' k! 'ft Mc- A M vy vt '. T ' R- fcf ' -s J'.. 1 . c. &"v TJig Daily: Nebfaskaji v i . . - - ' " A Nciupappr drroUd to the lotercita of tht UnlTortlty of Nebraska, A CONSOLIDATION OF Th Ifsprtan. Vol. XXX th NobrMkAQ. Vol. XI The Scarlet Cream. Vol. Ill RlerlMjc n. KCaw. :. f. ftarbar. Ch". h Taylor, t i. T. Mill. Df Kdltor-ln-Chlef uilnofi Manageri AJiUUnt Editor ASHOOIATS jDDTTOHl Y. 0. Ball. R. A. MeNowa. M. O. NeUon Wi. Obm. Daa Outloben. Jtnterd al the pait office at Uocola. Nob. a Moaad OlaM Mall Matter. 0 tiuoTHONB t. It Ib up to the students of tho Uni versity of Nobrnaka to Hhow their col ors. Tho contest with Colorado to night will bo Interesting from more than onc-standpoint. It will, bo Intor eotlng from the standpoint of a schol arly and a keen discussion of a live topic. It will also show whether a class of Btudentfl who have boon yell ing "loyalty" all year really mean what they Bay or whether they have been omitting" heated air to draw attention to their particular brand of loyalty. Any student that doeB not show him self at the debate tonight, whore his presence is needed, need never prate again about his devotion to tho uni versity or his interest in things In tellectual. And any student who does fall, without good reason, to attend and who, on any futuro occasion, Is hmrd vociferously shouting about pa triotism, will Justly deserve tho con tempt which all really loyal students will manifest. Don't call it a talking match, gentle men. The debate tonight Is not neatly classified between tho blue covers of Brookings and Rlngwalt's standard text for college (?) debaters. It's a now brand, and If the campus Solomon that pompously says, "I've heard 'em afore," should he attend tho debate to night, will contritely retract the state ment. Trained to a fino edge is Nebraska's team. A few fortunate Individuals, by eluding Professor Fogg's vigilance or by some clever strategem. have been auditors of tho practice debates be tween the first team and the valiant scrubs. It leaked out last night that Jack Best had to spend the major por tion of tho evening in the rubbing room with two members of the scrub team after their innings with the regu lars. They also have mysterious ac counts to relate of the coaches, Fogg, Ross and Taylor. One was heard to remark that the mountaineers in their descent upon the warriors of the plains will pay the penalty tonight for their previous successful forays.' The plains men have discarded the deer corslet for Bteel armor and the knotted club for the thirty-pound battle axe. Sidles' Spottimj Goods Jloilse Tennis, Base Ball and Gymnasium Goods. Agency fbr World and National Bicycles. Send us your Repair Work 1304 o st., Phone f I038. SIDLES CYCLE CO. LINCOLN ACADEMY CHANOE8 , HANDS. . Announcement1 has Justbeen made of tho sale of the Lincoln academy to Prof. T. M. Hodgeman Possession will bo given August 1. The high character of the school un der the new management will be main tained and a number of Improvements made In equipment It Is tho Inten tion to provide more commodious quar ters, either at the present location or somewhere else. Professor Ilodgman's long experi ence in tho university Is an aBBurance that tho high standard demanded of preparatory schools by the university will bo maintained. He will not sever his connection with tho university, but will continue his work In the mathe matics department. CLEANLINESS ON THE CAMPUS. Tho convocation hour Thursday morning was spent In considering tho question of cleanliness and order which ought to provail on the campus and In the buildings of the university. Chancellor Andrews spoke with pride of the neatness of the campus, but re gretted greatly tho fact that the In ferior premises were not what they should bo. The throwing of paper and other litter and expectorating on the floor, he said, are things that should not be done. Tho talk In tho library and In the lecture rooms and the other forma of disorder must and shall be cured or, the chancellor added, "there will bo death." The presidents of the four classes In the academic collego and also the pres ident of tho senior laws were present, and each Bpokc in turn on the subject. President Sutton of the senior law class pledged his class to carry out the sentlmentB of the meeting. Ho be lieved It to be the duty of his class to set the example In cleanliness and or der as the people of the university have the right to expect more from the law students than from any others. Ho believed that the best way to accom plk.h anything was for every individual student to make a resolution to help the good work along by his own exnm plo. President Harbor of tho senior acad nillc class was heartily in sympathy vith the movement and offerod the support of himself and the Benior class to the movement of reform. He be lieved tho members of his class less to blame than the others because they had been In school longer and had formed better habits. In behalf of the Juniors. Mr. Black volunteered his assistance In the mat ter and believed that all should be IntoretiU'I In bringing forth a better n-oral t nc In the university. Messrs. Davis and Sawyer, presi dents of the sophomore and freshmen ".'asses, respectively, spoke on the sub je t for a few minutes and each of feied tho aid of his class to the chan cellor In the new movement. In ac cordance with a suggestion made by the chancellor, the presidents 'of tho two senior classes were appointed a two senior classes were appointed a committee to confer with him and draw up resolutions which would have a direct bearing on the subject The resolutions will be presented at a later date. Miss Mary Alter, a teacher from Omaha, has entered the university to do special work with Dr. Sherman. Tbe Denver fH CIayo(5., 1 744-1 746 Champa St., DENVER, COLO., Im porters and dealers in Chemical and Physical Apparatus, Chemicals And all kinds of Laboratory Supplies, Photographic Stock Mrs. L. Anderson & Co. MILLINERS Special Prices to University Girl. 135 South 12th St. Geo. W. Montgomery, President. t P. FunkhouBor, Caahler. CASH CAPITAL, ICO.000.00. Farmers and Merchants Bsxnk. 15th and O Bta., Lincoln. Neb. HAVE YOU SEEN Those &3.50 Foot Glove Shoes, in Bals. and Oxfords? They are just what you have been looking for. You will find them at Perkins & SheldbiVs, 1129 O STREET. Better Than a Personal Instructor. In learning a language usually the teacher gives les sons of an hour duration. Assuming this to be daily the student hears the language spoken say , an hour each day, the rest of the hour being taken up with the student's answers and questions he wishes to ask. 1 he results are most unsatisfactory. Experience shows that a person after taking 60 to 80 lessons in this manner is unable to converse fluently or to use the language to any great advantage. How do we better the condition you say? OUR STUDENT LEARNS BY IMITATION. He listens to the Phonograph as often as he likes, when and where he likes. By frequently listening to a record even without making an effort to learn the langu age he soon begins to repeat it to himself giving every word and sentence the proper pronounciation and intona tions. It is just the same as though you should visit these foreign countries personally. You could not help learning the language. We can show you better at our store any time at your leisure. No trouble whatever. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dd NOT FORGElMhat yofl will soon be g6ing away. x You can't carry your Jrutiks. Call us up and we will take you to any depfct and send a hack to take you. Tel. 303. Ensign Omnibus & Transfer Co. JnttrctHtgfMt Bureau. COTTELL & LEONARD 47S-47S Dm(twf Albany, Nw York Makers of the Caps,Gowns and Hoods To the American Colleges and pniTersities. Illustrated Manual, ample prices, sto., on .request. Gowns for the ptilpU tad bench. CHICAGO SHOE JlS REPAIRING CO, up. Iiubber hu 45c. Give US & trial and you will call &gnkn. 1341 O STREET. Order Your Ice Cream From J. H. Stuckey 1187 0 Special Attention Street. Phase 1105. QlTin U Dealers. Also EatertalamsjMta both Public and PriYate, 202 5. Mil St. m - y Bfc: v-? f !) .3 ' v IlHfc ,.", -J LmV!