jPKTii!r,,''''c"v " i? yy??l?T?!rS?5????5 i mt A- THE DAILY XXBRASKAN. i!iaaE3DQaDaaacarakJ3Duaai3a I nnncceeirum nmcPTnrv o5 lg U1 """""- ' ' H gnnnnnaiaaRiiEiaciiiDHEiiaciUupHB QHHQauDaaQDaiaaDaDciBaaoDa JR. HAGGARD, M. D. Offloe 1100 O Street, Rooms 212-213-214 Rich Brdi Block, Telephone 535. Residence, 1810 Q Street, Telephone L98A. DR BENJ. F. BAILEY; Dr. May Louise FlnnoRan; Office, 141 South 12th Street. Tolephone 618. P. DAVia D. D. S., DentUt. Bridge and Crown work. Offloe .. D.l, Talnsl tll,a nffln. VFTVA AV l AJS1WUU VAUKW VU1WU. 41. Photographer. 1029 0 St. Reference: Seniors, '02. We cnn grive you all the new styles In carde and finish the market affords. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. The Only Up-to-Date Billiard and Pool Parlor in the City POWELL'S swss? ah 8t The t IIIST NATIONAL DANK Of Lincoln, Nebraska. Capital, $200,000; surplus and profits, 168,837; deposits, $2,716,000. S. H. Burn ham, President; A. J. Sawyer, Vice Prestj H. S. Freeman, Cashier; H. B. Kvans, Anst. CaBhler; Frank Park, Asst. Cashier. UNITED STATES DE POSITORY. Tke filter Class tf Printing and Engraving Dwce FrtfrMU tI lews THE NEW (BTURY, 1121-1123 N St Students, Your Suitorium Ik located at 2ltf No. lltli Htroot. Telo phone L102H, at BLUMENTHAL'S. Tlioso hats you buy of mo will lo taken care of free of charge Hnrlrm Htylc Hats In soft Panama Hhapos and Stiff Hats. Out Door Sports This is the time of year for Base Ball, Lawn Tennis, and all outdoor Aports. You should see our line be .ore buying. Agents for D, A M. Sporting Goods. Wilson & Hall, Bestsellers ui Stalloiers, 1123 0 St Yule Bros. Laundry 1514 o st Phone 754 &SftsA?s79 f Sanderson's $4 Specials They aie Great Shoes. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Huy your hosiery at the Famous. Eat at Hendry's, 129 N. llth. Fine furs, Steele, 143 So. 12th. Steele stores furs. See him. The Ivy Press prints things. C. E. Brown, dentist, Burr block. The Hygienic Cafe, 316 So. 12th st. Eat at Don Cameron's, 118 So. llth. Get an up-to-date university hair-cut at We8terflelds. For sheet music and supplies go to the Mathews Piano Co., 1120 O street. Dr. Woodward, oculist. Richards blk. Cameron's lunch counter, 118 S. llth. J. S. McNay, dentist, 1214 O St. Souvenir given with $1.50 purchase in ladies' furnishings at the Famous. Huy your gloves at the Famous. Most of the football sweaters have arrived. Tho University of California will cel ebrate charter day on Saturday of this week. The classes In American history 4 are now dealing with the abolition movement The class in American history 18 is at present examining the records of the election of 1876. E. F. Myers has returned to the uni versity after having successfully con quered a case of smallpox. The play by the department of elocu tion May 2, 1902, at the Oliver, is looked forward to with great expecta tions by all. Let all interests note that the college settlement has pre-empted Friday evening, May 2, for the benefit to be given by Miss Howells and tho troop of students under her charge. The department of elocution, under the direction of Miss HowoIIb, will give a play In the Oliver theater Friday evening, May 2, for the benefit of the college settlement association. TRY Of course you'll have to keep your room warm this winter Gregory the Coal Man Has the Stuff Eleventh and O Streets mm N'S J2I3 0 STREET. fr Wlrrick sells suit cases; 103G O St. Each branch of athletics at Cornell has its distinctive "C." Yale has refused to play any west ern football teams next season. Harvard defeated Yale In basket-ball last Saturday by the score of 39 to 20. The Juniors of Minnesota have re cently decided to wear caps or distinc tive headgear. Professor Crabtree inspected the high school at Wayne Monday and at Wake field yesterday. Yale defeated Harvard in the finals of tho intercollegiate Beries of hockey by the score of 4 to 1. Mr. Dudley, who finished his univer sity course lost semester, was at the university this week. Claicnce Morse, '05. who is suffering irom toiiBllltis. went to his home at Harvard, Neb., yesterday. It is reported that Sunday's Dally Bee will have cuts of the university debaters in the illustrated section. Tho University of Chicago Weekly has a start of fifty-nine members, In cluding editors, reporters and artists. 1-red M. Deweeso will leave next Sunday for Pittsburg, where he will at tend tho national convention of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. Efforts will be made to raise money at California university to provide a means to send their track team east. A society vaudeville show will be pre sented by alumnae and university tal ent. The civil engineering department Js contemplating making several tests of the expansion force in wood due to moisture. This is an important prob lem in the design of large wooden stave pipes. A letter from J. F. Boomer was re ceived recently by T. F. A. Williams. It was dated at Gibraltar, March 9. Mr. Boomer left New York the latter part of February, headed for the Philip pines, where he will teach In the pub lic schools. He was much disappointed in the staterooms furnished them on the. passage, but aside from that en Joyed the trip. WmD Have you seen The faster loVeltie$ AT They are the swellest lines ia EASTER NECKWEAR, EASTER SHIRTS. EASTER HOSIERY, EASTER HATS, Don't forget, you may go home for Easter. Bear in mind you want to show home folks something new. Don't pass by without taking a peep into v ., Easter Haberdashery, AT EWING'S, 1115-1117 o St., LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. LOW RATES Via NORTHWESTERN LINF. MARCH AND APRIL To Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, San Francisco, Los Au- geleB, San Diego and Intermediate points. $25.00 To , Spokane and Intermediate Points ' $22.25 MARCH 25, APRIL 1 Ay 8. To Certain Points in Minnesota and North . Dakqta At Greatly Reduced Rates. Homeseekers Excursion March 4 and 18. April 1 and 15. May 6 and 20. TO CERTAIN POINTS IN Nebraska, Wyoming, North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING."" For other information call on E. T. MOORE;. Depot Ticket Agt Cor. 9th and S sta. C. H. DEAN, City Ticket Agent, 117 So. 10th st. R. W. M'GINNIS, General Agent. (TRY THE. Boston Cash Market I (Choice Meats and Groceries i 1311 O Street A. B.CURL, Prop, Phone 620. :n i i wl 1 a 3 1 i u i ,a U ' ' & '- ri s m Sh ,V Jfi !