- ??,; ', va-rrr"! Twr 'yTrZTT "'liifrftiy.iwjv'WjhM'ftyyf'iy i fjtr,mt,e'ryg ivap -,i ---.-. lMIj HfU'ipo v ""."t '' ""'' h ; . t ( THE DAILY NTEBRASKAH. ' H I?! h ' L I' 4 . Ill-1 II u TJie DalUj Uebraskan r o tho lntorosts of tlie A Nowspappr devoted to tho Into! UniveriiUy of Nebraska, A CON80LI ION QF permn. Tho Nobratkan. Tho Bcarlet & Crcftin. Vol. Ill Vol. XXX 10 Nobrathai). Vol. XI Ohas. I. Tftylor, I oW R. Wellp. f E. T. Hill. - MannchiK Kdltor Edltor-Tn-Chlpf Duslnoss Managers Assistant Keillor AHnOOIATK BDITOnd V. 0. Batle. H. A. MbNown. H. O. Nolson vm. Case. Dan Gutloben. Entorcd at the pot dftlce at Lincoln. Nob. as Bftoiid OlaiH MaUMMfor. TELEPHONE 479, J An altimniiH who has had occaHion to visit a number of western colleges Hip pant year recent 1 remarked that he still had the same love for his alma mater, for in her he recognized the greatest educational Institution In the west. At the name time, however, he scored the student body for the la k of that spirit whh h lormerly permeated every eln of students' blood. It i.i certainly npparent to everyone that there is at present a very apathetic state of mind here as regards college spirit. College spirit does not neces sarily mean mischievous pranks, but it does mean a deep and abiding interest In all university affairs, whether It be football, a debate or any other univer sity matter It Is certainly gratifying to learn of the improvement which is already showing itself in the cadet battalion. That some of the men, who early In the year let! the various companies, have returned since the coming of Captain Smoke speaks well for the new com mandant The presence of a regular army ofllcer is whnt thp battalion has needed for some time, as was well shown when Oaptaiil Smoke was called. A number of innovations have been made by him in order to raise the standard of the military department Heretofore cadets were often excused from drill when perhaps suffering only from an imaginary or pretended ill. Now. however, unless their excuse is one whlth appeals to the commandant they are relieved from the active drill only to be given the pleasure of work ing In the office until they recover from their disability dividual reads a book. He Is aroused to heroic things Another volume puts him on the qui lve. One more and he begins to fly. Still another and he soars away never to be heard of again. His erratic emotions are never transformed Into a tion A COMMUNICATION. Thp qupstion Is often raised as to what interest students have in politics, either city, slate or national. In fact, It is only too common to hear a uni versity student say: "Oh, I can't vote, and so I don't take any interest in such tilings." Now, If a man never takes any Interest In governmental affairs until he becomes of age, how vell flttrd will he then be to exen Ise the right of suffrage? It is agreed by all that the men tunud out by the university should be of great benefit to the communities in which they take up their residence. A book-worm is not an ideal man. An all round education is necessary. Therefore, university men should be posted on all up-to-date questions and act Intelligently on them. Because of their superior opportunities, college students should set an example to the world . y always standing en masse for general morality, liberal ideas and clean government. If this is not the case witli such a body, representing the very best element of society, what can be expected from .ie other elapses whose opportunities have been so much more limited? We are now on the eve of an im portant city election. There are two print ipal questions before the people. The first is the question of licensing saloons for the coming year The sec ond is the election of city officers of Intelligence and integrity who have the proper business qualifications and will honestly execute the law whatever ti.at may be. Every student in the university, without regard to age or sex. should be interested enough in these questions to investigate their merits. Hut the voters, above all, should thoroughly consider the subject from all sides that they may worthily represent this great university by their ballots in the tuning election A ST HI) 10 NT CITIZEN Your Sprint Suit. jP f'sjl WJrf ijZr A' MAKES GOOD PHOTOS Little Ovals 35c per dozen Come andjEoe my work. 1214 O Street Prewitt You can come lien and select a suit and wear it the same evening. NO such "waits and delays" as a tailor may give you. NO such pi ices as he will quote you; but a suit that will lit you faultlessly, wear satisfactorily and save you money. EWING CLOTHING CO. 1115-1117 O St., LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. I 1 " J Jnttrcallegtatt Bureau. COTTELL & LEONARD 472-478 Hrondrrnj Albany, New York Makers of the Caps,Gowns and Hoods To tho American Colleges and Universities. Illustrated Manual, sample prices, etc., on request. GownB for the pulpit and bench. TRY THE .... J Boston Cash Market Choice Meats and Groceries 1311 O Street. A. B. CI'llL, Prop. I'honc O'JO. A Close Shave A hair cut, or any thine else you want a bnber to do for you, at tho Y. M. C. A. Barber Shop, 13TH AND N STREETS GOOD SHOE VALUES. THIS IS WHAT YOT OET EYEKY DAY IN THK WEEK AT OUK STOKE. WATCH FOK ANNOUNCEMENT OF OUK LATEST SHIPMENT OFSPKINC. STOCK. Perkins 5t Sheldon, 1129 O STREET. PROFESSOR CALDWELL SPEAKS ON "IDEALISM." The danger of Idealism. Haiti Profes sor Caldwell in an address before the Chapin union of All Souty' Unitarian church. Sunday night, lies in the fail ure to transform into action. An idealist believes that he has a theory that can be realized and that it will make the world better. In con tradistinction Is materialism which pertains to eating and drinking and living, having In view merely the things which pertain to present exist ence. Nations as well as individuals have Ideals and on these the onward march of civilization depends. Eras of time formulate Ideals for the ages that are to come after. Ideals are found In the religious world where they underly churches and creeds. Ideals, ho declared, were sometimes dangerous because they led to emo tionalism and vain aspirations. An in- Ciillon Carter, who graduated trom the university last February, stopped off last night to visit his university friends while en route to the western part of the state, where he goes to look ater some land interests Thorim -K. -. ll-i: D College. Denbigh hall, one of the dormitories at Dyrn Mawr college for girls, was destroyed by fire Sunday at midnight, with a loss to the school of about $175, 000. The young ladies of the Institu tion won considerable distinction by the aid they gave to the local fire de partment. The Are originated in the room of one of the young ladies, who was preparing chocolate. The fire fighters proved to be very successful and were an interesting spectacle, at tired in bath robes, bloomers, knicker bockers and gymnasium suits. A faculty baseball team has been or ganized at Cul if 0i'n la university and has succeeded in defeating opponents in two games. They have so far con tested with fraternity teams. ? TENTH AND PACIFIC STKEETS, OMAHA, NEIiK. This college offers a graded course extending over fqur annual sessions. The advantages and re quirements of the college are fully up to the require ments of the present times, and the conditions laid down by the Association of American .uedical Colleges, of which this college Is a member. For information address EWING BROWN, Secretary. 'WnvWa-v- "r- 1 .VViKt'J, ". :.