The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 18, 1902, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
VOL. I, NO. 113.
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Varsity Basketball Toam will Moot To
peka Next Friday, with Strong
Ohanccs of Viotory.Mon
iu Form.
Tho basket-ball game with Topeka
Y. M. C. A. next Friday evening will
be the only outside game on the local
floor this year, and it promises to be
an interesting one.
When the Nebraska boys were in
Kansas two weeks ago they were de
feated by Topeka by a score of 52 to
3G. The score, however, does not in
dicate comparative strength of the two
teams. Raymond was not in the game
t all and Hagensic had to play his po
sition at guard, while Hewitt took
JlageiiBic's place at forward. Hewitt
had been sick the two days before and
was In bed while the Kansas game was
played. Cortelyou had been sick all
day, but went into tho game Because
there was no one to substitute for him.
He could not play his usual game, how
over and the team was badly handi
capped, as he is always depended on
for a large share of the work.
At the end of the first half the score
was 36 to 3. But during the second
half, in spite of Cortelyou's disability,
the Nebraska team outplayed their op
ponents two to one.
Topeka made their large Bcore in the
first half by using the screen back of
the goal to bank the ball against
Every teanuthat.Nebraska haflmetthls
year has used the same scheme on goal
throwing. They have a loose, saggy
screen that they are accustomed to.
This gives them an advantage. The
university players have never used
their screen to any extent for making
goals, but prefer to throw a clean
basket, and so do not have as great an
advantage on their own floor.
The Topeka players are confident,
and the Nebraska team is anxious for
the opportunity of meeting them when
the players are all in shape for the
The Palladian and Dellan societies
will play their annual game the same
evening, beginning at 7:30. They will
play their second half between the
halves of the other game.
This will probably be the last game
for Captain Koehler's men this year.
Tho interest in basket-ball has been
better than ever before and the value
of the game as a mid-winter sport,
which keeps athletic men in training
the whole year, is being recognized by
all college men.
Tickets, are on sale at tho book
stores at 25 cents.
While several of the first team men
-will not be back in school next year,
the outlook is still good' for the team
next season. The interest in class
contests has brought out many new
men and several of them have learned
in oho season to play a good strong
The North Nebraska Teachers' asso
ciation will hold its annual session at
Norfolk beginning Aprfl 2 and closing
April 4.
The general sessions will be devoted
to tho reading and discussion of pa
pers on school topics. Among those
on the program are many representa
tives of the University of Nebraska.
A number of lectures and addresses
of especial strength and merit have
been arranged for.
Next Friday evening the Delian and
Palladian literary societies will con
test for the fntorsociety championship
In basket-ball. The game will be
played between the halves of the con
test between the 'varsity and Topeka
teams. Tho game promises to be a
warmly contested one inasmuch as con
siderable rivalry exists among tho
members of the societies. The Delians
recently defeated tho Unions and will
therefore hold the championship if they
succeed in defeating the PalladianB.
The game will be called promptly at
7:30 o'clock. After the contest the
Delians will give a reception to the
Palladians in the Y. M. C. A. rooms.
NO. 5.
A message received at the university
observatory yesterday states that
"From recent CroBsley photograph,
Perrine finds no evidence of polariza
tion in condensations A and D, nebula
surrounding Nova Persol."
The wisps of nebula surrounding the
new star discovered a year ago in the
constellation of Perseus have from the
very outset been moving outward from
tho nebula at a rate of about eleven
minutes of arc per year, which, if the
star is as distant as observations seem
to indicate, would give a velocity in
miles per second well nigh incredible,
iu fact, comparable with the velocity of
tho wave motion of light A recent in
genious suggestion is that we see here
not tho motion of nebulous matter, but
that we see already existing nebulous
matter progressively illuminated by
tho light which started from the stellar
outburst a year ago. Yet this is al
most equally incredible, that is, that
thoro can bo visible reflection from
that distance. The last word on tho
subject is this telegram from Lick
observatory, distributed to astrono
mers, to the effect lhat Professor Per
rine has succeeded in getting observa
tions with the polariscope on two of
the brightest wisps and that the light
is not polarized, that is, not reflected.
The enigma is still unexplained.
Ohancollor Androwa.Dolivera His Lecture
on tho Gorman Philosopher at
tho University of
Concerning the lecture delivered at
the University of Wisconsin by Chan
cellor Andrews, the Wisconsin Cardinal
Notwithstanding the many counter
attractions a large crowd heard Prof.
Andrew's lecture on "Kant and
Koenlgsberg in University hall last
night. The talk, which consisted of an
exposition of the life and work of Kant
and a description of the old city of
Koenlgsberg, was very Interesting and
those who heard him feel highly grati
fied to the psychology department for
securing the lecture.
The speaker called attention to the
different characteristics of the great
philosopher, besides giving a summary
of his life and accomplishments. Kant's
life has been a peculiar one. When his
views were taken up by scientific men
he was idolized by the people and be
came very prosperous. He then
changed many of his habits, becoming
a real "dandy." Good clothes and a
good table became Important elements
in his life and he grew eager for fash
ionable society. It is said of him that
he treated all his friends with extreme
courteousness, frequently overdoing
the thing in his efforts to bo polite.
He, however, never permitted pleas
ures to stand in tho way of his work
and his accomplishments in philosophy
will keep his name over before tho
His talk on Koenlgsberg was inter
esting. Ho showed himself well ac
quainted with the crooks and corners
of that quaint old town. Tho descrip
tion was elaborately illustrated with
lantern slides.
The students were given a treat yes
terday morning at convocation in tho
way of a musical program by the uni
versity band. This was the second ap
pearance of the Land at these convoca
tion meetings and, judging from the
applause that it elicited yesterday
morning, it is safe to say that wore
these musical programs by the band
given at more frequent Intervals the
band would bo tho most popular or
ganization in tho university.
The first selection rendered was a
march composed by Professor Wilson,
tho director of the band. Tho piece,
which is dedicated to the Phi Gamma
Delta fraternity, was well received.
The second number, a paraphrase, was
a melody in F by Rubenstoin, and the
third, "Catanthe Waltzes." At the
conclusion of each selection the band
was heartily cheered, showing that tho
students were very appreciative of the
efforts of Professor Wilson and his
Last Sunday tho delegates to the To
ronto convention gave a very Interest
ing and helpful report before the two
associations. Thoro woro eight speak
ers on tho program, each one of whom
presented a particular phase of tho
work now being dono in missions
throughout tho world. Tho first
speaker, Sam Anderson, gave a gen
eral account of the convention and tho
daily program, which prepared the way
for those speakers following, so that
as each delegate told of the work dono
In a certain country the audience could
easily understand Just tho surround
ings of tho speaker at the convention
at the time each subjoct was treated.
In this way the delegates transferred
their hearers to Toronto and it is only
fair to say that this report of tho To
ronto convention was the best planned
and executed report of any convention
ever given to tho present Christian
associations in the University of Ne
braska. The following program was given
after Mr. Anderson's opening explana
tory remarks:
Miss Boose, "China."
Mr. Billing. "Burma and Ceylon."
Mr. Moore, "Egypt and Turkey."
Miss Thomas, "Japan and Korea."
Miss Shlnbur, "Africa."
Miss Holly, "SpanlBh America."'
Miss Case, "Practical Suggestions."
The Y. M. C. A. quartet provided tho
The sentiment of the convention,
after boldly facing tho conditions- at;
thoy exist today, was voiced in the.
motto of the student volunteer move
ment, "We can evangelize the world
in this generation."
Among the leaders at tho convention
were John R. Mott, general secretary
of the world's Christian students' fed
eration; Robt. E. Spear, secretary of
the Presbyterian boarld of foreign mis
sions; Dr. Ament of China, and Dean
Frank K. Saunders of Yale divinity
The growth of tho student volunteer
movement is readily shown by a com
parison of the first convention held
twelve years ago, at which less than
six hundred delegates were present,
ana the Toronto convention, at, which
over 2,600 delegates were present
The University of Nebraska has a
number of representatives in the for
eign field who have recently entered
upon their work: Miss Loughridge,
Turkey; W. T. Elmore, India; Wm!
Axling and wife, nee Lulu Burrows,
Japan; T. O. Rinker, Manila, P. I., and
Wm. Lowry, who will soon sail for tho
There aro at present six students In
the university who are preparing lot
that work, some of whom wJH probably
go to, tho foreign field within the next
two years.
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