wwpftfpSSp5?R5pS5HSRff i - tt ri- i ',.- . I - J" 1 "trkrl r ( J . . ' . -.. io Cf 5- The Daily Nebraskan It V'' VOL. I, NO. m. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, MARCH 17, 1902. THREE CENTS E9ew ) V '. V , :-v I- i TWO CLOSE GAMES Sopbomoros Win from Seniors and Juniors from Freshmen at Glass Tourna ment. Junior Claim Disputed. (Irani Memorial liall wiir tho scene of intense excitement and (lass rivalry Saturday night, where, before a repre i(Mitntio unlveislty audience, two games of basket-ball were playrd be twcoii the class teams, as follown: Seniors s sophomores, and juniors vs. lieshmcn. Tlie sophomores defeated the seniors by a score of 24 to 21 and the juniors won from the freshmen by a score of 111 to 10. The championship series was begun by the game between the sophomorcB and seniors, i he game was one of tne prettiest exhibitions of class basket ball witnessed in the armoi'y for some time. At the end of ine first half the score stood 10 to 8 In favor of the under classmen. Myers at forward and Audreson at guard did excellent work for tne sophomores, while Rose, Kel logg and Morrill proven to be the stars on the senior team In the last half Teach for the seniors took the place of Nelson at guard, but was unable to keep Myers, the sophomore forward, from throwing goals. Once during the last half the score waa 1!) to 17 In favor of the seniors, after which the score was tied and remained 21 to 21 until very near the close of the game, when Myers,, taking advantage of a free throw, found the basket and brought the final score, 21 to 21. The game was well played and was free from the usual rough playing characteristic of class basket-ball. The senior team, although unable to win a game during the year, has put up a good exhibition at every jame and has given every opponent a hard con test. Three games have been played with the following results: Seniors vs. Sophomores, 10-15; juniors vs seniors, 2X-21; sophomores vs. seniors, 24-21. Total wore of seniors for the season is of), opponents 67. In te game Satur day evening, for the seniors, Kellogg threw four goals, Thomas and Morrill one goal each. Thomas threw three fouls. For the sophomores, Myers threw five goals, Elliott two and Mc Cutchen three fouls. The second game of the evening was the most exciting because it was to decide whether the freshmen or the juniors were to be champions. Class rivalry was at Its highest. Squads of freshmen collected on the south side of the armory and kept up a continual yell, while the juniors, aroused from their proverbial lethargy, were well organized In squads at the west end under the leadership of President Black. While -the rooting of both classes waB effective as an inspiration -to the teams, it, at, times, partook of dlsngreoableness. Hissing at individ ual players in attempts to throw fouls was common, especially among the freshmen, and a few times both classes undertook to rebuke the referee, un necessarily. The game was fast and well played from beginning to end, the freshmen halng a little the better of the game In team work. The first half whs ex ceptionally interesting, neither side throwing a goal from the field. Each team threw a foul and the score stood I to 1. Thesecond half brought out renewed vimlin the juniors. Ferguson succeeded ill throwing two goals, Noyes one and Hiltner one, while for the freshmen McDonald and Hankins each threw a goal and Lehmer threw three fouls. Hiltner for the juniors of both teams was good, the Individual playing was much better. The fresh men guards. Hoar and Beers, did ex ceptionally good work. Beers succeed ed in keeping Ferguson, the tall Junior forward, from making more than two goals. Hiltner and Gilbert proved to be the stars of the junior team. There was considerable discussion after the game as to whom the cham pionship belonged. The sophomores hold that the championship cannot be claimed by the juniors, who have not yet played them, while the juniors claim the honor Bince they have de feated the freshmen, who previously defeated the sophomores after the sophomores had won from the seniors. It will perhaps be necessary to submit the matter to a committee on arbitra tion before the minds of the disputants can be satisfied. During the evening the Ideal Mando lin club furnished excellent music, playing before the games began and also between halves. The line-tip of the teams was as follows: The line-up of the teams was as fol lows: Seniors. Sophomores. Hose g. McCutchen (rapt) Nelson g Andreson Teach Morrill c Newton Kellogg f Elliot Thomas (capt) .. . f Myers Umpires Koehler and Lehmer. Ref eree G. E. Condra. Freshmen. Juniors. lipar g Gilbert Beers g Hiltner Hankins c Noyes Lehmer (qqpt) ... f Magdanz McDonald f. . .Ferguson (capt) Umpjres Koehler and Morrill. Ref eree G. JE. Condra. At Madison,- last Saturday, the Chl cagb track athletes suffered defeat at th6' ha.ncjBjof Wisconsin. The scores of the Indoor meet were: Wisconsin, 2614, Chicago 25. The meet Jncluded nine events, in six of which first place was taken by the Badger team. A large and enthusiastic crowd wit nessed the contests. LIBRARY BUILDING 8. T. Goishardt Speaks on thoir Dovol- opmont and Construction. Ideal is Not Yet Eooohcd. The evolution of the art of library building has tended to emphnsl.c In terior decoration first, and outward decoration afterward, said S. L. Gels thnrdt in an address before the convo cation Friday. This evolution has been from the first conception of a library building, which was the old ca thedral plan, to the present style. which, he asserted, Is not yet ldenl. The speaker declared that while architects abound In great number who can put tip a dwelling which is almost perfect in Its appoointments, there are not so many who enn contsruct a library building. There are some rules of construc tion recognized by all modern design ers. The building should be adapted to the needs of the community In which it is built. It should be planned from within outward. Economical ad ministration is imperative. Architec tural features should be subordinated to convenience. Interior decoration should be of such a kind as not to de tract from serious work. Upon these features there are few who disagree. Mr. Gelsthardt warmly espoused the open shelf system of arranging books. Instead of a vault where the volumes are stored and drawn out by the libra rians, he believed in shelves accessible to the public. In thlB way a taBte for reading is stimulated. The immense good done and the Baving In the time of the library force more than coun terbalanced the loss by petty thieving. I PHI DELTA THETA ANNUAL BANQUET. I Phi Delta Theta fraternity gave its 1 annual banquet last Saturday evening at the Lincoln, about forty-five of the active and alumni members being pres ent. The banqueting table had been , very tastily decorated for the occasion with the fraternity colors, garnet and azure. The early part of the evening was taken up by the alumni in relat ! ing reminiscences of their college days in the University of Nebraska. After the dinner, Toastmaster True called upon a number of the eloquent guests, who responded with the following toasts: "The Dutch Company," C. H. von Mansfelde; "Strollers We," J. A. C. Kennedy; ''The Attic Angels," J. T. Fisher; "Forty Love," E. E. Farns .worth; "Cupldae Legum Juventute," T. J. Hewitt;. "kjTdrweed," $ i Gaines; "Ye Olden" ilmes," E. O. Hardy; ."The Alumni," T. p. Roddy; "Auf WJdersehen." H. W. Shermam Those present were Messrs. E. 0. Lew is, Falls City; F. T. Roddy, Nebraska City; E. O. Weber. Grand Island; Charles von Mansfelde, Harry A. Tu key. Walter P. Thomas, .J A. C. Ken nedy, C arles True, ('. B. Sumner, M. B. Hauck, Omaha; R. L. Sabln, Bea trbe. C. ('. St. Claire. Holdrego; E. C. Hardy, R. H. Wolcott. G. F. Payne. E. A. McCreary. C. A. Lyman. II. W. Sherman. II. L. Senger, H. J. SowleB, Amos Thomns, R. H. Gains, W. H. Mulllkln. C. V. Langevln, L. 0. Wltt mnn, H. O. Smith. E. W. Sencrest, J. I). Lau. A. C. Lau. T. J. Hewitt. E. E. Farnswortb, I. M. Raymond, Dan Mc Cutchen, W. N. Jenne, J. T. Fisher, F. J. McShane. all of Lincoln; Paul An dreson. Ned Loomls. R. H. White, H. F. Neely. ANTI-SALOON MEN ORGANIZE. An enthusiastic meeting of students interested in the present campaign which is being waged in Lincoln against saloons wns held in the "old chapel" Saturday afternoon. A tem porary organization was first effected and a committee on resolutions ap pointed. The name of University Non partisan Anti-License league was agreed upon. The following officers were then elected: President, J. D. Dasenbrock; vice president, E. F. Bliss; secretary. J. L. Schuyleman; treasurer, L. W. Turner, and as repre sentative to confer with the city or ganization, S. C. Hawthorne. A press committee and a program committee were appointed, and full preparations made for pushing the work from now till election. Professor Hodgman being called upon, responded with some very prac tical remarks on the situation from the standpoint of the university and the business man. He said in Bub stance that the organization should be above all, non-partisan. As to the moral phase of the question, the over whelming opinion Is that the saloon is harmful. The question is, "What Is the greatest good to the greatest num ber?" Tne voters as a whole seldom come out at city elections and leave the decision to a small part of the community. A few Interested people thus dictate to the great majority who have absolutely no use for the saloon. A few arguments were brought for ward representing each side. There would, he said, bo forty-two empty buildings and ?i2,000 less in the school fund. There would bo less support in political campaigns. He pointed out that on the other hand the university and the students expended $760,000 in Lincoln every year. "Shall we," he said, "allow the sa loon to dictate to us? Ninety-nino out of a hundred students have no need of the saloon in any way. Tho strength of tho saloons depends almost entirely on jthelr.. solidarity and,, the cash with wnfcfi they will oack tho movement University men, he declared, must unite as "nrrniy"and bo as energetic as they and then the movement will bo successful. A i ' a 1 f 'i i f 't i V ' & . si '1 tl rA K :va ? w i - ? i j. i n i 1 n :f I i - XsJ L il 1 ti'sJl A v- X ' ! J Tl u : fc r Kith -tl 2"i 1- r r - S i si j&i