PpStTfi' I,:- .f--.-f-.r- . ' " T'- r- r -rv,. r - . .--'- -j.-'-j ' Ol. . 4 V ' v " '' Tldt DAILY tn&RABtAM. - Legislative Gallery ooo oo o oo i THE U. OF N. CO-ED. I; ANNOUNCEMENTS. 1 V : W44KH 0HC-OH l:i. r v u? I v f . s$C9nGvui Portrait and Landscape photographer alUry EitabliahM 129 So. 11th 81. 1171 Lincoln, Neb. Square meals at "square" prices THE UNIQUE, 1230 0 ST. VEPY LOW RATES ..... Every day during the months of larota and April, 1002, the UNION PACIFIC will bcII Coloolets one-way tickets at the following rates: FROM Ml SOURI RIVER 20 00 To Ogdon and Salt Lake City. $20 00 To Butte, Anadonda and Hel ena. $22 50 To Spokane. S22 50 To Points on Great Northern y., Spokane to Wenatcheo inc via Huntington and Spokane. 25 OO To Points on Great Northern y., west of Wenatcheo, via Hunting ton and Spokane. S25 00 To Portland, Tacoma and oattle, $25 00 To Ashland, Oro., and inter linediate Points, including Branch Lines ,on 8. P. Co. south of Portland via Tort land. $25 00 To San Francisco, Lo An goles and other California Points. 1 Full Information cheerfully fur nished on application to E. B. SLOSSEN. $45 CALIFORNIA AND RETURN Tickets on sale: April 21st to 27th, May 27th to June 8th, August 2nd to 8th. Liberal stopovers and limits. Call andget full informa tion. Uity umce uor lotn & u an.. Depot, 7tb&PSta. 1mI1mM1111'IILm. CONVOCATION ANNOUNCEMENT. Speakers and subjects UiIb week are as follows: Friday, F. L. Geisthardt, "Public Library buildings." EASTER RECESS. The Easter recess will begin at 8 a. in. Friday, Marc.i 28, and will end at G p. m., Monday, March 31. BASEBALL MEN. Baseball men are requested to report In two squads. The following men will report at 3:30 daily, the balance at 1:30 p. m.: Doane, Gaines, Townsend, Ben der, Rhodes, Raymond, Hood and De Putron. Per Order. ANTI-SALOON. All students interested In the anti saloon movement in our city are re quested to meet in the old chapel Sat urday at 2 p. m. Good speaking. COMMITTEE. GRADUATE CLUB. The Graduate club will meet with Dr. Lees. 1801 C street, Friday evening. March 21. DR. T. L. BOLTON. President. ALL SOULS' CHURCH. Prof. H. W. Caldwell will speak at the Chapln union of All Souls' church next Sunday evening at (:4.r. His sub ject Is "Idealism." At 8 o'clock Mr. Marsh will give the llrst of a series of "Talks Upon Unitarian Beliefs," the following being the series as arranged: March 1G. "Scripture Proofs for Uni tarian Beliefs." March 23. "Unitarian Beliefs About the Bible." March 30. "Unitarian Beliefs About Jesus." April , "Atonement and Salvation." April 13. "If Unltaiianlsm Be True. Why Preach It?" These talks will be of particular in terest to those who do not attend the church regularly and have been planned with special reference to the point of view of those who would like to know more about the Unitarian faith. The series will be of special interest to students. Size of California." California is the second largest state in the Union in size, and is an empire In itself, its area being no less than lf)8,3G0 square miles, exceeding that of the whole of Great Britain, with Bel gium, Holland, Switzerland and Bava ria added. The Four-Track News. (iencriiin (i ft to I'runce. M. Thorny Thierry, a native of Mau ritius, long lesident in Paris, has just died, bequeathing to the Louvre im portant works by Corot, Delacroix, Troyon, Millet, Rousseau, Daubigny, Isabey, Decamps, Jules Dupre, Diaz, und a 11 u m bur of bronzes by Barye. Oil for Frying or tuition. For some domestic purposes, and particularly for frying vegetables, ar achide oil or peanut oil 'is said to bo considered, even If -unce, the home of the ollvo, supei .'o any other product. Is extended a most cordial invitation to attend the formal opening of the ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO'S., Lilliputian Bazar, on March 17th. Not that we expect you to bring your younger brothers with you, but we have a surprise in store. There's a department in these delightful apartments for girls and young ladies. It is in charge of ladies' who will devote their time to looking after your wants, and who are also experts in Glove and Corset fitting. The goods we display for yonr particular inspection are: . Shirt Waist Cornets filnvps Patterns corsets uicnes Hosiery Handk'fs tlnderwear Belts Stock Ties Sweaters Music and flowers will usher in the reign of the Lili putian Bazar. Hagenow's Orchestra furnishes music, both afternoon and evening, and souvenir (lowers are to be given lady visitors. In the meantime, come and enjoy a glimpse of the Bazar. It is open to the public now, and you will be cordially welcomed. Look at the exclusive nov elties we show. Second floor. Take the electric elevator. Armstrong A Close Shave A hair cut, or anything else you want a bnrber to do for you, at the Y. M. C. A. Barber Shop, 13TH AND N STREETS Our Prescription Department is Complete. The Chapman Drug Store 8. W. Corner 10th and O Sts. Brushes of all kinds. Toilet articles, soaps, Perfumes, Stationery, Candy, etc Telephone F24. STUDENTS Get y o u 1 clothes clean ed, pressed, relined, repaired and refitted at the same old stand, AVEBER SU1TOR1UM N.E.Cor. 11th AOSts. 'Phone The Only Up -to -Date Billiard and Pool Parlor in the City DftAITI I ?Q 66 N,rth ntl r VJVVtlL-L- O Telephone L664 th St The Pioneer Clean Linen Elnest of Toilets Fl bt-clasB Service W. WHITPGRD. PitorniKTOH 113 South 11th St., Lincoln, Neb. Clothing Co. II. II TOWNSEND. P. M. PLAMENDON. THE BEST LAUNDRY 224b o St. Phone. 579.-. Saw edges Ironed Smooth. Stylish Gowns . . . For Stylieh Young Women and Special Prices on Graduating Dresses at ... . MrS J. O. nail S Room 30. . . . Trie Elajii Restaurant 134 South 10th Street. 15c Meals a specialty. First class, quick service. I . A. ELAM. Prop. Attention, Students! I wish to know you. I wish ybu to know toy worki For thia reason I will give you your dental work at about half tbj us ual rates for about sixty days'. DR.A. B. AYERS, 137 o, latb. f. Shoemaker's Private Hospital Special Attention glrta to diseases' tt sad all sarrlcal diseases. X-ray exanslMUjM with no discomfort or injury to patios.! mt rythlpf at homelike as possible. Boar M roost reasonable. 1117 L ST. LINCOLN. W. O. Box ML Telepkoa M ,.fA t fvWTJ 1 vi 4 i ,