".""TV, ' ?'' 1 TU'' .,&: -r'ir"? "irtt 'j wpr ',fp?a-,, nyvyBitatt'Uri'JV? w"'? ', i The Daily Nebraskan , 1 VOL. I, NO. m. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1902. THREE CENTS ;:". rcy .i ik Hi 1 HL w - i r " I LaL " I h U COURT FDR NATIONS Bond, Gaines, Hood, Bender, Do Putron, Rhodes and Raymond appear in the latter squad, nnd arc daily giving an exhibition of vory fast ball. Wright. ProfesBor Wilson, of the Law School, Pre- Thompson and Sheimer liavo also beon diets an International Arbitra tion Court to Sottlo Disputes. Professor H. H. Wilson of the law school spoke upon compulsory inter national arbitration at convocation yesterday. He said, in substance: If the atmosphere were suddenly to be drawn from the room the violent pressure from without would instantly crush the walls. The equal distribu tion is all important. Hut so beauti fully adjusted is this atmospheric en velope that we pass through life with out being conscious of its existence. So it is with the legal atmosphere of every community. Many a man passes through life from the cradle to the grave unconscious of its existence. Not very far back in the history, of the human race the individual depend ed upon toree for the protection of his rights. Then the power was taken from the individual and given to the public. A judge cannot pass judgment upon himself, a sheriff cannot serve a subpoena in a case in which he is in terested; no man shall be the arbitra tor of his own case. And yet today the nations of the earth stand in relations of absolute savagery. To be a patriotic American one need not hate a soul upon earth ; then how absolutely devoid of sense that nations should devote hundreds of millions to maintain armies because this is the only way to enforce their rights. To day America stands as the confessed policeman of the whole western conti nent. Professor Wilson looks forward con fidently to the tune when a court shall be established in which every civilized nation shall have representation and no one shall help judge his own cause. At mat time any nation which refuses to submit to the rulings of this court will be considered an international bully. The spirit of the times Beems to favor this Btep; and every civilized nation shall stand pledged to uphold the court. All civilization is ultimate ly based on physical force as a last resort. The decrees of the government are supported by armed men. The community stands behind the courts. And thus the armed nations should stand behind the common tribunal, and every man uphold its decisions. added to this squad as the most prom ising of the new men, and are show ing up well. The unusually fine weather has been extremely advantageous to the men and the high wind which at present prevails is the only disadvantage un der which they are laboring. The grounds have been rolled and the strength of the battalion was called into use Monday night to remove the east bleachers to the south side, in order that the grounds may be ar ranged immediately. At the meeting of the athletic board Wednesday night it was voted to spend $200 for the purchase of supplies. Nine new suits will be bought, and, contrary to the former custom, they will be grey. The choice of this color was in accordance with a vote of the men. These suits must be turned in at the end of the season, but every man will be presented with a suit who serves three years on the team. The old red suits which were used last year will be donated to the second team. STUDENT HAS SMALLPOX. I. F. Myers, a student from Broken How, was taken to the pest house yes terday. He was suffering from a well developed case of smallpox. So far this is the only case reported among university students. Dr. Hay, who had the case in charge, said last night that while Mr. Myers was in a serious condition, the disease had not developed enough to show just what it would amount to. The patient is being given the best of care and it is thought that he is in no danger. Dr. Hay also said that there were a mini- WAY GD TO SEWARD Captain Smoke Examines a Sito for the Cadot Enoampmont at that Place. --Location Al most Ideal. Captain Smoke returned yesterday from Seward, where he went to inspect grounds for the cadet encampment to be held In the spring. He was ac companied by Edgar Clark of the chan cellor's office. Hoth Captain Smoke and Mr. Clark express themselves as well pleased with the grounds at Seward. The tract examined Is used for holding the coun ty fair and were Just newly laid out. They contain a number of new build ings which are very neatly painted. The Blue river runB through the grounds and furnishes facilities for bathing and boating. launches are maintained on the river and may be used for a distance of three or four miles from the fair ground.. One of the features that makes the situation almost ideal for a camp is a beautiful grove standing near the place where the tents would be located. This would provide shade for the cadets. The center of the race track could be used as a drill ground and as such would furnish better facilities for drill than at any camp held by the battalion for a number of years. The only drawback to tho place is the lack of a good target range. No suitable bank could be seen, and if practice were held a pit would have to be dug. Seward is on the Burlington railroad, twenty-five miles from Lincoln. As yet no proposition has been made by the citizens to induce the battalion to go there. The grounds In question lie example the recent union of Rush medical school and the University of Chicago. The election of officers which was scheduled to take place last night was postponed until the next meeting. THE CLASS TOURNAMENT. Interest In the tournament to be held by the class basket ball teams Saturday night Is growing stronger every day. The rivalry between the freshmen and the Juniors is especially Htrong, since neither team has been defeated. Some of the classes are organizing rooting squads and will be present In a body to cheer their favorites to vic tory. The line-up of the teams is on fol lows: Juniors. Freshmon. Ferguson, capt. .Forw'd. ..Lehmer, capt. Magdanz Forward . . . Mac Donald Noyes Center Hanklns Hlltner Guard Hoar Gilbert Guard Beers The Une-up for the sophomore-senior game will be: Sophomores. Sonlqrs. Myers Forward Kellog Elliot Forward Nelson Newton Center ..Thomas, capt. McCutcheon, capt Guard Teach Andreson Guard Rose The games will begin promptly at 8 o'clock. ber of new cases in the city, nearly a dozen having come down within the , nbout tlm0 blorUH from tht, edge of BASEBALL PRACTICE. Baseball men now practice regularly In two squads. All new men who are trying for positions have orders to appear on the field at 1:30 and to get through with their practice in time for the old men, who do not appear until 3:30. Captain Bell, Doane, Town- last few days. It Is urged that ex traordinary precautions be used to pre vent the spread of the disease. town and nearly a half a mile from the business center. COLORADO ACCEPTS CHANGE OF DR. WARD ADDRESSES PRE-MEDICS. DATE. ! I Owing to a professional call, Dr. Word was received yesterday by Sec- Harry Everett waH llnable to attend rotary Home of the debating assocla- j the meeting of the pre-medlc society tlon that Colorado had consented to : Jaat nlght In h,B place Dr Ward postpone the debate with Nebraska un- 1 ta,ked to th0Be preHent on preparation til April 4. The first date agreed on I tQ tho 8tU(Jy of medicine fell on one of the days of the Easter I A omnlinHr,i ,, tnr.t thnt t.h vacation. For this reason Nebraska asked for a postponement. COMPANY B HOP. The annual dance given by the mem bers of company B was held last night at Walsh hall. The floor was crowded with dancers who, under the charge of nlcal work medical college and the university have been drawing closer together in the last few years. The university Is now doing the preparatory work that was formerly a part of the curriculum of the medical schools. This leaves to the medical colleges the purely tech- SOPHOMORES SELECT BASEBALL MEN. Tho sophomores met yesterday morning at 10 o'clock In the old chapel for the purpose of arranging for a class party and a baseball team. Speeches were called for frequently and enthusiastically applauded. When ever the sophomore basket ball, base ball or party was mentioned the ap plause was deafening. Class spirit was high. If there has beon any doubt In the other classes as to the spirit of tho sophomores, that doubt would certain ly have been dispelled by a visit to the meeting. It was decided to have a class party, provided the armory could be obtained for the purpose. President DavlB will soon announce the committee. Clark Bell was elected captain of the baseball team and Amos Thomas was chosen manager. Both were called on for speeches and both responded, saying that they wanted the players to get out and work and the rooters to get out and root. The president appointed Sam Rees and I. C. Baldwin to select yells and organize the rooters. Master of Ceremonies Eager, enjoyed the dancing until a late hour. The affair was purely informal. Most of the officers and many others wore ca det uniforms. This Is the last of the military hops of this season. As a result of this, said Dr. Ward, students are Baved much time and ex pense. Instead of spending four years In tho university and four years at a medical Bchool they can now take both degrees In six years. He cited as an of the farm. Dean Bessey is working on the manuscript of a little book dealing with elementary agriculture, which Is to appear soon. He Is concerned with' only that part pertaining to the plants l A n. 3 A r.'l "a 4 WJ ;1 r t ;l rvi '(& a ' (ft Vi Al -