The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 13, 1902, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
VOL. I, NO. no.
idin man to travol abroad, It is also
of benefit to tb American woman.
Tells of tho StatuB of Women Students
in European Universities. In
stitutions Not Pro
gressive. "Women In Foreign Universities"
from the standpoint of a woman stu
dent was the topic for discussion at
convocation yesterday. Miss Louise
Pound, who spent several years in Ger
many in the pursuit of nor studies for
the doctor's degree, was the speaker.
Miss Pound said in opening that the
subject could be vieweu from many
sides. From the viewpoint of the
American student to that of the foreign
The conditions existing in Europe to
day, said the speaker, present about
the same difficulties that were raised
and settled in tnis country forty years
ago. Opinion In the foreign institu
tions is still fluctuating. In America
the girl as well as the boy is offered
every advantage and encouragement to
receive an education. Progress in hiiig
land is very slow, but at present
women can receive the bachellor's de
gree either in the University of Lon
don or the University of Glasgow. At
Oxford the master's degree is denied
them, but they may take tne examina
tions and receive a certificate. The
lectures at Oxford are attended by a
considerable number of American
women who have but a short time to
spend in Europe, since they find it an
advantage to hear uie lectures in Eng
lish. But some of the more Berious
are deterred from remaining at Oxford
on account of the impossibility of re
ceiving degrees.
French universities are open to
women, but Americans seem to be
drawn to them more by the desire to
study the language than by the meth
ods. In France the lectures are less
scientific and more popular because of
the desire of the lecturer to have his
lecture rooms well filled. The popular
lectures are the best attended.
In Germany, the last to open the
doors of Its higher Institutions to
women, progress was slow. The aim
of university training there is to pre
pare thoroughly for a life work and to
limit the.number turned out. When
one enters Into this training it signi
fies that he has decided to become an
educator or professional man
The question as to whether German
women were fitted for entrance by
their preparatory schools arose. For
merly expensive private lessons were
needed to fit them for the universities.
Now, however, there are three girls'
gymnasiums. The need has been felt
for better trained women teachers in
the lower grades of the German
In closing, Miss Pound emphasized
tho fact that if It is good for the Amer-
A very interesting and fiercely con
tested basket ball game was played in
the armory last night between the
freshmen and sophomores, trie fresh
men winning by a score of 15 to 28.
Every man on the freshmen team was
a star, while Meyers. McKutcneon and
Andresen were the strong players for
the sophomores. This is the second
game the freshmen have won from the
The sophomores having defeated the
seniors, the freshmen assert that it
only remains for them to beat tho
juniors on Saturday evening in order
to procure the class championship.
GINEERS. The engineering society held its reg
ular meeting last nignt. I). II. Rich
of the Lincoln Gas and Electric com
pany addressed the meeting. iir. Rich
gave in detail a projected plan of power
transmission in the Hiack ..ils.
The power is to be obtained from
Spearflsh creek and the power is to
be supplied to Terryville, Lead City,
Pluma, Terry and Deadwood. As most
of the interests in vicinity using
electricity are mining, the power would
be used for lighting and for running
machinery, that is, by motors.
The estimated cost of the plant is
$500,000 and of operating one horse
power hour, 14 cents, which Is much
cheaper than by steam power even In
Lincoln, where coal is cneaper than
in the Blacic Hills. About one-third of
tho cost of installation is for water
After the address a short business
meeting was held and the book com
mittee reported that the annual would
have to be printed in Lincoln becauso
the establishment of Hammond Bros,
of Fremont, the firm that had the con
tract for printing the boon, had burned
and they were unable to fulfill their
M. B. Case and W. L. Tnomas were
voted into the society.
Chancellor Andrews went to Madi
son, Wis., where he will deliver his
lecture on "Kant and Koenlgsburg"
before tne students and faculty of the
University of Wisconsin
Traok Meot to bo Held Boon. Baseball
Men tako Advantago of Fair
Woathor. Praotioo Un
usually Good.
A track meet will bo held on the
athletic field Saturday afternoon,
March 22. The entries must be In by
Saturday of this week or by March 15.
Mr. Booth announces also that an en
trance fee of 25 cents win be required
of all contestants. A gold medal will
be awarded to the man scoring the
highest number of points. As there Is
no admission to the field a good crowd
is looked for. Tho events will Include
tho three jumps, broad Jump, high
jump, pole vault, and tho potato race.
The delegates who attended the stu
dent volunteer convention at Toronto
will give reports of that meeting next
Sunday. While they feel .hat It is im
possible to reproduce in any satisfac
tory way the convention as It appeared
to the delegates, an attempt will bo
made to treat of the more Important
parts and give an outline of tho princi
pal things. The 1. W. C. A. and the
Y. M. C. A. will unite in this meeting
on Sunday afternoon.
The baseball men are rejoicing in the
weather that Is offered for their benefit
these days and are good use
of It. The candidates have been divid
ed into two squads, one composed of
the old men and one of the new men.
Wright, Thompson and Shelmer have
been added to the former.
As the grounds have been dragged
they are in much better condition for
practice, batting cages will be put
in repair as soon as possible. It is
coming to be generally understood that
the team this spring will be the best
in tao history of tne institution. The
men are already putting up fine ex
hibitions of ball at practice.
Two of tho best class games of bas
ket ball to bo seen on tho campus this
year will bo played Saturday evening
at 8 o'clock in tho university armory.
The juniors will play the freshmen and
the seniors will battle with the sopho
mores. The teams are all exceptionally
strong, as will be seen from the fact
that both the strong Lincoln high
school team which played the univer
sity first team last year to a standstill,
the score being very close, and the sec
ond Y: M. C. A. team have both buc
cumbed to the strong and declsivo
playing of tho class teamB.
Never has there been so much class
enthusiasm in basket ball as there has
been- this year. All tho ciasses have
been out and have had many strong
practices and practice games. Now
comes the time for the real struggle
for class supremacy ana all are ready
for it. In order to dtefray expenses of
this game and previous games, the ex
ceptionally low admission price of 10
cents will be charged, The games will
begin promptly at 8 o'clock and a largo
attendance is desired.
Tho father of D. E. Thomas has been
visiting tne latter for the last two
By Robert E. Moritz.
Many of the things that wq look
upon as necessary concomitants of stu
dent life are wanting here. There aro
no chapel services, no Y. M. C. A., no
literary societies, debating clubs or
oratorical associations, no athletic as
sociations, football or baseball clubs,
no Informal oil s by members of tho
faculty, no visiting lecturers, or polit
ical speakers, not even quizzes, semes
tral examinations, class meetings, con
vocations or commencements. All
these things the student is Bpared or
deprived of as the case may be. Think
of a large university without a gym
nasium, athletic ground, c.iapol and
dormitories, without mass meetings,
football matches and commencements!
Some of us would find - hard to con
ceive of a university without theso
The only meeting of a general char
actor occurred on tne emperor's birth
day. They call it the "'Kaiser's Com
mers." It Is held In the largest restau
rant of the euy. '1 ..e various "Bur
Bchenschaften" are seated at long
tables, each table headed by tho corps
leader dressed In gorgeous uniform,
with sashes, plumed cap and rapier.
The central table is occupied by mem
bers of tho faculty and guests of
honor. Tho hall is beautifully deco
rated with national colors, tho banner
of the corporations and festoons of
Chinese lanterns. There Is a "prae
sldlum" with a stentorian voice and
In the balcony is an orchestra. A loud
"sllentlum" from the praesldlum, sim
ultaneously repeated by the corps lead
ers brings order, and now, upon com
mand, the beer begins to flow. Now
and then a speech Is made and after
each speech a thundering "Salaman
der" 1b executed In honor of the speak
er. As tongues grow looser student
songs fill tho air and now and then
tho orchestra bursts forth In some na
tional air Thus the evening is spent,
until midnight calls the more temper
ate ones to their homes. How the less
temperate ones conclude tho celebra
tion I cannot relate.
I do not mean to imply that this Is
the only meeting of its kind held dur
ing the semester. Each "Burschen
schaft" and every otner society, and
their name Is legion, has its weekly or
its bi-weekly "Knoipe," where the
above program Is repeated on a smaller
scale. Sometimes a special program la
arranged for, to attract "Fuechse"
(Freshles we would call them), or to
servo as a diversion to the members.
For instance, the "Mathematlscher und
Naturwlssenschafllcher Vereln" has pa
pers of a scientific character at least
once a month, by one of its own mem
bers or a member of the faculty. Tho
(Continued to Page 3)
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