-.-, j iTi-rrr w M t '-'. -.V-v-.., -.-- y r x v r . ( THE DAILY NEBRAffltAM. OOO0 OOO KW frOOOOO ANNOUNCEMENTS. Translations 9 I iut.iI, v Iiilrrlliii .ir, f i v i7"Ih Dictionaries ( t'riiiiiii, K trni li, 1 1 ill in. Si i.im sh, L.itin, ( rcrk, $ i ii, .Hid $i Completely Parsed Caesar, BOOK I. 1 1 is on fa, )i p i' , tnlr linen (riiisllli iii . 1 It in l i'ii-ii, .nnl r nf wnnl i iii i i ni'.cil $i s1 Completely Scanned and Parsed Ae- '! neid, Book I. $, , ,i, nnsi iv , HINDS & NOBLE, Publishers, 4 5 ft 11 n 14 Cooper InHt ilut r, N Y City S hnntht't k o' itl put'1 'if 1"? 'if i,' n' Chicago Shoe Repairing CO. 1341 0 STREET, Half Soles While You Wait 45c and up Rubber Heels 4J"c Give Us A Trial and You Will Call Again Very Low Every day (lining the months of Mureh and April, HIO'J, the I'NION PACIFIC will sell Colonists one-way tickets at the following rates: rituM MISSOURI RIVI-R ))U( (K To Ojfdcn -ind Salt Luke City $20 OO To ltutte,Anadonda and Hel ium fy- HO Tn Spokane. $22 HO 'l'o Points on Great Northern Uv , Spokane to Wenatchce inc, via Huntington and Spokane. $25 OO To Points on Great Northern Ky., west of Wenatehee, via Hunting ton and Spokane $25 OO To Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. $25 OO To Ashland. Ore., and inter mediate Points, including Branch Lines on S P Co. south of Portland via Port land. $25 OO To fan Francisco. Los An geles und other California Points Full information cheerfully fur nished on application to K. B. SLOSSEN. Cheap Rates to Puget Sound Points. Rates Commencing Mureh 1st and.'coo tinuing daily until April SUtt the. Burlington will sell one waj eettlors tickets to the above points at greatly reduced tatos Call und get ull information City Ofllce Oor 10th & O Sta, Depot, 7th &PStB. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0OOO CONVOCATION ANNOUNCEMENT. Speakers and subjects this week are an follows: Wednesday, Professor Louise Pound, "Women in Foreign UniverHlties." Thursday, II. II. Wilson, "Compul sory International Arbitration" Friday, F. L. Geisthanlt, "Public Library Buildings " EASTER RECESS. The Easter recess will begin at 8 a. in. Friday, Maiv.i liH, and will end at (! ). in., Monday, March ,'ll. COMPANY 11 HOP. Company H of uie battalion will give its annual hop at Walsh hall next Thursday evening. PRE-MEDICS' MEETING. Dr. II. II. Everest will address the lire-medical society Thursday evening, March l.'l, at 8 p. 111., in room HOI, Me chanic Arts hall. All interested are in vited to attend. BASEBALL MEN. Baseball men are requested to report in two squads. The following men will report at :i..1() dally, the balance at 1:30 p. m : Doane, Gaines, Townsend, Ben der, Rhodes, Raymond, Hood and De Put ron Per Order. PERSUING RIFLES Pershing Roies will meet lor drill Thursday at 7 p 111. Eeiy man is c pei led to be present SOPHOMORES There will he a meeting of the la s Thursday morning at 10 a .111. in uui ersity hall. E F. DAVIS. President THE WEATHER Forecast for Lincoln and vicinity: Wednesday, fair and moderate tem perature. Weather report for twenty-four hours ending 7 p in , Tuesday, March 11th: Highest temperature. f7 degrees, oc curring at 5 lit) p. in. Lowest tempera ture, IIS degrees, oci urring at 8: 1 f a. 111. Mean temperature, 48 degrees, which is 12 degrees above the normal. G. A. LOVE LAN I), Section Director. The Mandolin and Giee club of Min nesota gave a very successful enter tainment on Friday evening. The pro gram was varied and the audience was a representative crowd which support ed the organization. During the recent heavy snow t-toims the clock in the tower of College hall of the University of Pennsylvania stopped for the Ilrst time In twenty eight years. The rain and sleet which froze upon the hands caused the clock to break its brilliant record. The seniors of Wisconsin are now busily discussing the memorial they shall leave at the university on their departure this summer. The prevalent W. J. BRYAN -ON Jumble Weeds." - '$- - - 4 4HPunible Weeds'1 is ;i collection of original poems by Will Reed Duiiroy, the author or "Corn Tassels." While some of those poems have special reference, to western life, most of them are upon themes as broad as humanity, and they give evi dence of an unusual degree of poetic talent in the author. -W. J. Biiyan, in the Commoner. At all good bookstores or Co., Lincoln, Nebraska, NEBRASKA BUSNESS AND SHORT-HAND 6OLLE6E 1U)M) I'.l'ILDINC, 17th AND Sectional View of Actual Business and Uankmy Department. Endorsed by high school principals, leading business men and ofllcial court reporters. Absolutely thorough. The finest and most thoroughly equipped institution in the West; $1,000 invested in standard typewriters; $3,500 banking and other fixtures placed in actual business department. Elegant roll-top desks ordered for Commercial Department. Another floor has been leased that all may he accommodated. Situations procured for over 90 PER CENT of last year's enrollment. Students may enter any time. Address A. C. ONG, A. Write for Klpunnt Catalogue, Free. STUDENTS Get your clothes clean ed, pressed, relined, repaired and refitted at the same old stand, WEBER SU1TORIUM N.E.Cor. llth&OSts. 'Phone The Pioneer . Clean Linen 1 inest of Toilets Fi st-class Service W. WILITrORD. Puopuiktoii 113 South 11th St., Lincoln, Nob. of the University Publishing $1.00, postage prepaid. IIAK NKY STS., OMAHA, NKliK. Established Nine Years. A School Without a Superior. Employs the Ablest Teachers. BOOK-KEEPLG Actual Business from the Start BANKING As It Is Practiced. TYPEWRITING The Touch Method. SHORTHAND Graham and Gregg Systems. ENGINEERING Practical and Thorough. M. LLB. RRES. OMAHA. NEB Attention, Students! I wish to know you. I wish VOU t.n'lrnnw inu wni-lr For this reason tl will give you your denial work at about half the us ual rates for about sixty days DR.A. B. AYERS, 127 So. lath. H, H, GAFFEY APLUMBING -t- f J I opinion is for a fountain. 1200 O St., Burr Block. Tel. 303. ,'A