The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 12, 1902, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
VOL. I, NO. ioc).
Dr. Gcorgo Lauds the Profession of the
Ministry.- Says it Now Requires
Men of the Broadest
Row Hr. George ol the Chicago Uni
versity divinity school addressed tho
convocation yesterday. Since the talk
whk to ho along the lino of itie minis
try as a profession the speaker said
he proposed to speak to the elect stu
dents. In this connection he told of
Hnttan. who was challenged to fight a
duel. The opponent, a large man,
grumhled that the duel would he unfair
because of the great difference in the
size of the duelists. Rattan said that
he would chalk off the size of his own
form on tho body of his adversary and
any bullets hitting outside of that
chalk line would not count. Ho, said
the speaker, if he should striKo beyond
the elect students n would not count.
Mr. George thinks that tho Christian
ministry as a calling for young men
is of utmost importance, because the
time is not far distant when the min
ister who has proper qualifications can
do vastly more with his fellow men than
anybody else. Good character and
thorough education are the requisites.
But in order to get the proper kind of
men into the ministry the right sort of
students must bo influenced to attend
the theological schools.
In olden times, said the doctor, the
poorest and weakest minded men were
selected as ministers because they were
good for nothing else. Not so today;
only the brightest and best bred are
considered fit material for tho profes
sion. The minister used to dress so
different from other people that it was
said there were three classes of per
sons, namely, men, women and preach
ers. That kind of a minister cannot
The man who looks for an easy time
was advised to remain out of the pro
fession, because, said the speaker, the
course in preparation for the Christian
ministry is the most severe in theTuni
versity. A successful minister must
have capacity. Ho must know science,
language, mathematics and, in fact,
every other branch so that he can or
ganize the units into .one complete
whole. In other words, tho minister
must bo a leader in the community
where he works, and that leadership
and influence must be the result of su
perior intellect. The man who cannot
construe Greek for tho school boy will
not have the con.uence of young or
Cold. With good character and proper
training for this work a young man
can do more for homo and state and
church than in any other capacity, for
the time has arrived when a man who
can speak exerts a most wonderful ln
lluence. Mr. George explained that tho "call"
usually spoken of. and in which ho
firmly believed, simply means special
qualifications for a special work.
The profession needs young women
as well as young men. It was once
thought that women could do little
in this vocation, but they are now do
ing the grandest work. The speaker
said that down at Chicago there is a
young woman who takes her degree
this year, and, he added, 'she is the
best man in the class."
In closing. Dr. George emphasized
the need of athletes in the university.
"We need," he said, "men who have
good form, strength and great endur
ance. The fellow who sits beside his
fire, with elbows on his knees and a
long face in his hands, who is too good
to play football, has not Christianity.
He has the dumps."
TEE. The nominating committee of Ihc
Y. M. C. A. meet tonight to make rec
ommendations for the various offices
of that association for the coming yeai.
In order that the asosciation in iv be
Expect to Hold a Glass Dinnor During
Oomnionoemont Wook Ooromonios,
Boys to Appear in Gaps
and Gowns.
The senior class held an Interesting
meeting yesterday afternoon at which
a numuer of questions of Importance
were discussed. As a result of Its de
liberations a number of innovations
will doubtless be made in the custom
ary senior program for tho closing
weeks of the semester. In accordance
with the decision of the class an at
tempt will be made to give a claBS din
ner at one of the hotels in the city
some time shortly before commence
ment. To this dinner a few disin
guished persons will he invited to de
liver short addresses and toasts, as will
be done by a number 01 tho members
of the class who are recognized as
strong "allor-dinner speakers. The
idea of a class dinner is a new one in
the university, though it is very com-
Lincoln Hotel
led by the strongest men in its mem
bership it devolves upon the nominat
ing committee to make a thorough can
vass of all the men and then to report
to the association the names of
men who will be of the greatest benefit
to the work of tho Y. M. C. A. There
fore, as tho regular election of officers
will be held on March 20, the commit
tee will make its recommendations to
night. While the report of this com
mittee is not final in the matter of
choice of officers, a regular election
being held, yet it is practically an elec
tion inasmuch as the members of the
association realize that tho committee
has taken great pains to find the men
who are best qualified to fill the vari
ous positions.
The association intends to give a
banquet on March 25, or somo date
shortly after the election, at tho in
stallation of the officers who enter Into
their respective offices on April 1.
The Houston club will shortly bo
presented with the manuscript of the
address made by General Miles at the
laying of the cornerstone of the me
morial tower in tho dormitories of the
University of Pennsyhunia, Februaiy
13, 1900; also General Miles' photo
graph and tho trowel used by hi in at
those exercises.
mon in eastern universities.
The class also Intends a) make an
other innovation in the matter of caps
and gowns for the young men. Here
tofore only the girls have worn the
characteristic dress of the college grad
uate at commencement. This year,
however, the young men will appear
at that time in similar garb if satisfac
tory arrangements can bo made with
firms doaling in the gowns.
Tho class yesterday decided to hold
ivy day exercises this year. This is a
feature of commencement week which
was inaugurated by tho class of 1901
and which will doubtless bo perpetu
ated by the succeeding classes. Tho
senior prom, committee has announced
that tho promenade will bo hold on
April 11 at the Lincoln hotel. Tho re
ception which tho Junior class intends
to give to tho seniors will probably be
held in the last part of April or early
in May.
Hy Robert E. Morltz.
The day announced for the opening
of the semester Is at hand. Knowing
the promptness with which matters
are usually attended to in Germany, wo
hurried hither on the day previous to
find lodgings and to bo ready for tho
work. About 9 o'clock I saunter
over to the university to read the an
nouncements and to enroll, but no an
nouncements are to lie seen. As I walk
through the spacious corridors of tho
"Colleglen Gohaeude" I hear no Bound
but the echo from our own steps, and
one Is reminded more of a long for
saken monastery than of a great uni
versity that will soon IniBtle with stu
dents, from every part of the globe.
Hut why this silence? Why is thero
no one to guide the stranger In his first
stops, or at least some announcement
to throw a ray of light upon the mys
tery? Is this not the day officially set
for the opening, The "Schwartzen
Hretter" so talkative at other times
are as silent as the Sphinx. Hut no!
There in one corner is a note, almost
microscopic in size, to be sure, yet not
small enough to escape the watchful
eye of one who is as eager for a sign
of life as is a wanderer in a desert. In
delicate German hieroglyphics that
note says that three days from today
precisely at 11 o'clock students may ap
pear "zum Einscnreioen In den grossen
Matrlkol," whatever that may mean.
Well, there at least Is a clue. We shall
await developments. Sufficient for tho
day is the evil thereof.
Tho mayor of xiologna has presented
the library of the University of Penn
sylvania with the municipal reports for
tho last three years. Tho librarian ex
pects tp get the reports from other
Italian towns and complete the file of
reports of tho most important cities of
Though tho foreigners who- havo
come here are anxious to get to work,
no one else seems to be. The "Schwart
zen Bretter" are now beginning to talk
and it becomes evident that there will
be no lectures for over a week yet,
though tho day set for their beginning
has come and gone, we havo appeared
before tho taciturn ofilclal known as
"Secretarlus," our credentials havo
been examined and approved, tho
"Grosso Matrlkel" turned out to be a
book something like a hotel register.
We have listened to the rector's speech
remarkable for nothing but its brevity,
pledged him with a "Handschlag" to
become law-abiding citizens of the unl-.
versity, we havo registered In tho "al
bums" of the deans of our respective
faculties, received each a "Legitima
tions Karte" and "AnmoldungBbuch,"
and then disbanded, each to spend tho
next two weeks as best he could.
At last the big machine Is In full
motion. It is Just between classes. Tho
corridors swarm with students. Thoro
are groups of red caps, blue caps, green
caps, white caps, black caps and vari
colored caps. Besides these there are
headgears that are difficult to name in
English. They are not caps, and they
are not hoods, mough they call them
"hauben." They resemble a foolscap
(Continued to Pago 2)
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