The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 11, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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TJie Dally Nebraskaji
A Newspaper devoted to the Interests of the.
University of Nebraska,
Tim Hesperian. Vol. XXX
Tlic Neliraskan. Vol. XI
The Heailet k. Cream. Vol. Ill
mar Instead of wandering hack Into the
Ellznbethlan period lior article woul i
liave appeared a little more scolarly.
HtcrllliK II. MeCnw.
It. W. Murlior.
Chiifi I. Taylor, i
Ohas. K. ells, i
It. T. 1 1 111.
MaiiaKlnu Kdltor
Mana,'l"K KdUor
Assistant Keillor
V. C. Hatli. It. A. McNown. II. (!. Nelson
Win. Case. Dun (lutlelien.
Kntored at tlm post olllce at Lincoln. Noli as
.Second Class .Mall Mutter.
The NchniHluui 1h in receipt of some
very excellent noteH on (lermnii atu
dent life hy Kohert K. Moritz. Tlie nr
tlcleH which are well wortli tlie perusal
of all who (leHlre a glimpse of univer
sity life In t hut country, will he pub
lished some time tills week.
Tlie NehniHkan feels that an ex
planation is due on account of the late
delivery of the paper the past week.
Owing to a shortage of printers in tlie
ofilce doing the work the printing of
the paper was delayed. A change of
olllces has heen made and it is hoped
that not only will tlie delivery of the
paper he prompt hereafter, hut also
that its typographical make-up will he
much improved.
The Daily lowau in a recent issue
states that "The editor of the Daily
Nchraskan has his hands full to keep
ni to date with his general denials of
all the derogatory reports that ilnd
their way into circulation concerning
that institution." It is safe to say
that were It not for the untiring efforts
of the fake mill across the Missouri
in furthering and giving rise to these
reports tlie editor of this paper would
have no denials to make.
Whether this institution is to enter
the interstate track meet this spring
or not depends entirely upon tlie stu
dents who are interested in track ath
letics. Contests along this line cer
tainly ought not to he confined to tlie
colleges of this state alone. If a spe
cial effort is made hy the students who
are to enter the preliminaries to push
the work to its fullest extent, there
is prohahility of a tri-state meet in the
spring. This will not he attempted,
however, unless a strong feeling for it
is manifested.
Miss Sarah 11. Harris has again heen
heard from on the question of English
literature in the University of Nebras
ka. These dissertations, such as ap
peared in last week's issue of tho Lin
coln Courier, have heen coming around
with such periodicity that we wish to
suggest to Miss Harris that she collect
all her articles on this question, revise
them and place them in hook form
and present the same to the regents,
who will possibly place her at the head
of tho department of English literature
in this ins uition. Just why Miss Har
ris, in writing an article on English
literature, should attempt to inject so
many French phrases is not clear to us.
However, one thing is clear and that
is that had she spent an hour or two
In the study of Edgren's French Gram-
In the minds of some persons who
are interested in the university there
Is a question as to the value of mili
tary training In connection with a col
lege education. And hy some the ques
tion has heen expressed openly, "Is
drill wortli while?" and discussed. "Cap
tain Smoke, when Interviewed on this
subject, said that from his personal
experience and what he had observed
In others he considered military train
ing very valuable.
Military instruction and drill, he
said, trains the attention and teaches
concentration of the mind. It the drill
master sees that the attention is lag
ging he gives, as quickly as possible,
some commands such as facings or
marching by the flank and to the rear.
In an instant the attention of every
man Is riveted. This leaves its effect
and influence not only during school
Jife, hut in after life as well.
Drill gives a man the power to exe
cute the mandates of the will promptly.
A command must be executed at exact
ly the right time. So a man must
think quickly and be ready to act in
stantly. Military training causes a whole
some respect for all lawful orders. This
creates a desire to obey law. This
quality, which every good soldier pos
sesses, is the very basis of good citizen
ship, morals and religion.
There is another advantage to the
individual from a purely selfish stand
point. It gives a good physical car
riage, which stays witn a man and
is profitable to him all his life.
Drill or military training developes
the aspirations of the youth. All na
tions are born with war, and the heroes
of the war are at the head of nearly
all the departments of the government,
in the peace which follows. The stu
dent, in drilling, is conscious of emu
lating the best as far as comes within
his sphere.
Hut there is another reason, a ben
efit to the country as well as to the
individual, which is more important
than these A relatively small propor
tion of"yoiing men receive a thorough
education. Those who do are the nat
ural leaders of the masses. As lonir
as we wisn to maintain the govern
ment these same men should be able
to remain at the head of the masses
in time of war. for until human nature
changes we shall have war.
.Statistics gathered by the registrar of
the Pennsylvania law school show thai
13 per cent of the students are college
graduates, 18 per cent have attended
college without graduating, and 28 per
cent are graduates from high schools.
The general average standing of the
students is 75 per cent. Only the col
lege graduates and partial college men
average as high as this. The college
graduates are almost two points ahead
of the partial college men, and more
than five points above thermhlic high
school graduates.
Florul Hetivoii lit Nun .lone.
The Sun Jose (Cal.) Mercury says
that the last week in April Is the very
prime of the rose season there, and
sweet peas and carnations also thon
J bloom hy the millions.
a. v
The makers of Hawes'
hats say "Advertising
is simply this- having a
good article at tlie right
price and telling all the
world you have it."
Hawes' $3 New York
hats al pines and
derbies arc7 good liars
at the right price. Five
hundred agents sold
these hats last year to
three hundred thousand
Wt mrf tir ult tfrmt, er tku nl
Our spring line of
Is now complete
A new shipment
Uni. Pins
Heit Pins
1 o the first three la
dies purchasing a
Souvenir spoon and
the first three gentle
men purchasing a
fob, we will give 20
per cent off selling
Whore are you going to buy your SPRING
SHOES? Upon your decision depends a
great deal of personal comfort, as well as
economy. We carry the best that money
can buy. Look over our stock before pur
chasing. Perkins & Sheldon,
1129 O STREET.
The Omaha
Tenth and Pacific Streets,
Omaha, Neb.
ege of Vers a graded
course extending over four
annual sessions.
Tlie f ivuntuges and re
quironier t of tlie college are
fully up to the requirements
of the present times, and the
conditions laid down by the
association of-Americun Medi
cal Colleges, of which this
college is member. For in
f or mu t ionu.d d rest,.