The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 11, 1902, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
VOL. I, NO. 1 08.
Pormcr Secretary of the University Y. M.
0. A. DiB0U88a8 tho Development of
Students Eeligious Activities
John S. Mooro spoke at convocation
yesterday morning on the theme of the
religious activity among eoMogo stu
dents. He quoted President Patten of
Princeton and President Adams of
Wisconsin university, both as express
ing great satisfaction and hopefulness
because of the healthy, strong, organ
ized movement among ollege men in
Christian work.
The Christian organization, he said,
is many fold the largest and strong
est college fraternity today. He men
tioned but three ways in which this
actually is manifesting itself. First,
in Bible stutiy. Seven years ago this
institution had less than a dozen men
doing systematic daily Bible study.
Now it has 112 men so engaged. Out
of a membership of 40,000 in the col
lege Christian associations in this
country, one-half that number are
studying the Bible daily, second, tho
missionary activity. Since 188G, when
tne Student Volunteer movement was
organized, over 5,000 young men and
women have decided to go to the field,
and 1,900 have already sailed. These
were among the best students in their
respective schools. The third way in
which this great activity is manifest
ing itself is in the new type of col
lege men it is producing. The associa
tion man today enters heartily into
athletics and all forms of healthful col
lege activities, and is a thoroughly
representative man. He has broadened
his vision and at the same time his
splu re of influence. Mr. Moore cited
as a case in hand the fact that Mc
Cracken of the University of Pennsyl
vania, who had trained more than two
years for a certain athletic event at
Paris during the exposition two years
ago, let the medal pass from under his
hand because he refused to compete for
it on the Sabbath. Such a man has
broad and liberal views of right and
wrong and has the moral courage to
stand for right and brand wrong as
wrong when he sees it.
An enthusiastic meeting of the
junior class was held in tho old chapel
yesterday. Tho meeting was called to
consider the much talked of reception
to tho senior class. Tho discussion
waxed warm, calling forth eloquence
and wit. Some changes were made in
tho mode of carrying on class affairs
which, it is thought, will stir up spirit
and secure TlrmerlnTppoTtfrom a, large
majority of tho class. The motion to
give the seniors a royal reception was
carried unanimously. Because of a
lack of time complete arrangements
were not made. President Black will
announce committees later.
NUS. Tho following letter, together with a
largo picture of the hereinafter de
scribed articles, was recently received
at tho university museum. Sinco it
comes from an alumnus it may be of
value to those especially interested in
(urios. It is gratifying to hear that
some of tho alumni are ..evoting somo
of their time to the cause of science.
Tho letter as received says:
"Tho bonoological specimens pic
tured in the enclosed photo were dis
covered and brougni together by the
indefatigable explorer and collector,
Major Pug-Pup, who, unaware of their
great value, useu tnem to decorate and
adorn the somewhat neglected lawn of
his friends, the family.
The ostensible head of the family,
who is somewhat noted as possessing a
large and varied amount of unreliable
knowledge pertaining to the study of
bones, cheerfully undertook the task of
naming them. It was interesting to
know the altogether unique collection
and also their habits.
Beefcritterithenium nil inaris This
animal was largely used for food for
which purpose it was wonderfully
Hazelsplitterodon porkchopltherious.
This animal obligingly contributed a
membraneous integument for envelop
ing sausage meat and also olly-grlstly-bony-indigestible
substance, called
porkchops. It was also covered with
a kind of coarse hair used in the man
ufacture of bristle brushes with which
tho artists of tho old world painted
$50,000 paintings henco tho great
value of this animal.
Maryslambodon hypo, eticalis This
animal was known for its hop, skip
and Jumping proclivities a strict vege
tarian and therefore not considered
dangerous. A great thlrster after
knowledge, and it is said to have fol
lowed Mary to "school one day, al
though it was against the rule," and
what made tho lamb love Mary so re
mains to this day an unsettled ques
tion in tho minus of our greatest in
vestigators. Jackrabbitaus gitupandglttlcus This
fleet animal was occasionally over
taken by tho hunters' bullet (when
both were not traveling In tho same
direction). It ,ad ears large enough
for a grown person and was of a rapid
ly retiring disposition.
Cottontallensis Nebraskensis Was
noted for a wad of white fluffy hair
carried in a highly ostentatious manner
at the end opposite tho head. Its uso
is unknown as it was not prehensile
and therefore could not have been of
Borvice in climbing trees in search of
its favorite food, tho bark of tho Bon
Davis or tho Jonathan.
Should the major bring to notice
other prehistoric remains, will photo
graph and forward them to you. Your
fend, j. b. J. -
Oollego Sottlomont Association Makes a
Statomont of Conditions. Now
Plans Eoquiro Money.
Tho College Settlement association
presents tho following report to its pa
trons and frienus. In the fall of 1900
Mr. Hartley donated a lot at tho cor
ner of Twenty-first and N streets. With
the hope of securing its own home
your board raised ..iring 1900 some
$900, an amount deemed sufneicnt to
secure, remove and repair an old house
adequate to Its needs. Through no
fault of ours this plan failed. Your
committee then decided to build a new
home, finish and pay for it gradually
as funds came In. Possibly we have
"built too large," but we believe not.
The house Is 28x3G feet, and for our
purposes practically four stories high;
a seven-foot basement, well lighted,
two full stories above, with a good at
tic. The building is now almost ready
for the plasterer, but to push it this
far along we have had to go Into debt
something like $200 or $300. We have
paid out on it so far $971.25, and every
thing is paid for except labor for lay
ing floor, the lath and a portion of the
lumber bill. Ail this work had to be
done to make the house safe and solid,
except lathing, and wo get our labor
free for that by doing it now. To
raise a portion wo hope a largo por
tion of tho money to finish the build
ing, we are to have in April a play
given by tho department of elocution,
and a lecture by Miss Jano Addams of
Chicago. Professor Prevey will be
come our "resident" and manager in
tho fall of 1902, a guarantee we believe
of permanent and complete success.
Plans are under way, and wo hope the
work may start again in our own home
with the opening of tho university,
September, 1902. Lastly, we need somo
$300 now or by April 1. May wo not
ask that each one will appoint himself
a committee to bring his cash, or send
his check, to the treasurer, H. W. Cald
well, soon? One dollar or fifty accepta
ble. Larger amounts not refused. Wo
know how liberal you have been in tho
past; will you not give us tho privilege
of thanking you anew? Truly,
The debate in English 12 yesterday
afternoon in tho old chapel from 2 to
4 o'clock was on the introduction into
Nebraska of the Gothenburg system
of dealing with tho liquor traffic.
Messrs. R. C. James, J. S. Schuyleman,
G. M. Peters and Ira Ryner were the
principal speakers.
W. Y. Thornbury has gone to Ran
dolph to take charge of the schools
for a few weeks' during the absence of
the principal.
SOTA. Monday morning Linn M. Hunting
ton returned from Minneapolis, whoro
ho had been to install, in conjunction
with Prof. E. T. Lyon of tho Univer
sity of Chicago, a chapter of tho Alpha
Tau Omega fraternity at the Unlvorslty
of Minnesota. Tho installation cere
monies were held In the banqueting
rooms of the West hotel on Saturday
evening and were followed by an elab
orate banquet. Among tho toasts was
"Alpha Tau Omega" from Professor
Lyon, and "Alpha Tau and Western
Extension" from Mr. Huntington. Dur
ing the evening telegrams of congratu
lation were received from Congressman
Pago Morris of Duluth, Irving Bachel
lor, author of "Eben Holden" and "DrI
and I;" E. R. Morrison of Kansas City,
who will be remembered by tho older
students, and from a largo number of
the chapters of the fraternity.
A chapter of Alpha Tau Omega was
Installed at tho University of Kansas
this fall, and at the Unlvorslty of Colo
rado last spring.
There will be a meeting of the En
gineering society Wednesday at 7:30
P. m. D. H .Rich will addresB the
Mr. Rich Is connected with tho Lin
coln Gas and Electric company and Is
a graduate of tho university of tho
class of '96.
Professor Stout wont to McCook and
Culbertson Saturday. He returned on
C. D. Biggersta'ff has returned from
Ashland, where he went to secure tim
ber for testing purposes. Ho was very
Tho engineering annual board haa
received several designs for the cover
of the annual. As yet they have not
decided which one to accept.
The class In tho steam engineering
laboratory has been getting a little
practical experience in practical work.
Each week two or three men are re
quired to fire the boilers under the su
pervision of John Green and thus
theory is combineu with practice. Tho
boys enjoy it greatly.
Each man in the dynamo laboratory
is required to run tho lighting plant
one evening under the supervision of
Tom Lawrence. He 1s required to
throw all the switches, start all tho
machinery and shut down the plant
E. W. Cuff, who won distinction as a
football player last season, has given
up school to accept a position in a
bank at Butte,. Neb. Mr. Cuff will not
return td school next year.
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