Wfs -5f " 7 -j .is. - -J--' ' V s THE DAILY NEBRASKA!!. P tt Craitslaiions Literal Interlinear ia Volumes Dictionaries M German. French. Italian. Spanish VJ ltin, orcck VU?1 tutorial Series oo voli. specially deilrned forcoachln lur exam, la all college studies Binds noble Schoolbooks of all PublUhera 4 Cooper Initltute, New York City - A A MAKES Prewitt - w T T PHOTOS Little Ovuls.'l.n per dozen ('( me aud see my work. l'Jl J O Street VEPY LOW RATES Every day during the months of March and April. 100'i, the UNION PACIFIC will Hell Colonists one-way tickets at the following rates KHOM MISSOURI RIVER tyiiO ()() To Ogden-md Salt Lake City. $ii) OO To ltutte.Anadondaand llel oua. $12ii 5 To Spokane. $122 5() To Points on Great Northern Ity., Spokane to Wonatchee inc,, via Huntington and Spokane. $25 OO To Points on Great Northern Ky., west of Wenatchee, via Hunting ton and Spokane. $25 OO To Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. $25 OO To Ashland, Ore., and inter mediate Points, including Itranuh Lines on S. P. Co. south of Portland via Port land. $25 OO To San Francisco, Los An geles and other California Points Full information cheerfully fur nished on application to U. B. SLOSSIiN. Cheap Rates to Puget Sound Points. "Commencing Murch 1st and. con tinuing daily until April SUtfc tho Burlington will sell one waj Bottlers tickets to tho above pointb at greatly reduced rates Call ond get ull information City Office Oor 10th & 0 SU. Depot, 7 th & PSta. TOASTER RECESS. Tho Kastor recess will begin at 8 am. Friday, Manih 28 "and will end at (1 pm. Monday, March 31." SENIORS. The senior class will hold a meeting Tuesday March 11th, at 2 pm. In Uni versity Hall. CO. It HUP. Company H or the battalion will give Its annual hop at Waish hall next Thursday evening. .JUNIORS. Tho Junior class will hold a meet ing today at 10 o'clock in tho old cnapel. PRE-MEDICS MEETING. Dr. H. II. Everett will address the pro-mcdlcal society Thursday evening, March Kl, at 8 pm. in room :i()l, Mechanic Arts hall. All Interested are inviton to attond. T N. JK. DANCING PARTY. Ono oj tho prettiest university dances that ha-, boon given for some time look place a Walsh hall last Friday night. Tho dance was given by tho T." N. Es. an 1 nter-rraternity society which corresponds to the Omega Psi among the university sor orities. Though the party was a very small one, only about eichteen couples be ing in attendance, the hall was most tastily decorated. Every where in tho rooms wero hung the fraternity ponants. A Japanese corner had beon arranged whero punch was served while the orchestra played behind an embankment of palms. The docorations in Uio dining room and the refreshments woro In the fraternity colors, green and black. Large oronzo candelebras neia green and black candles while American Reauty roses gave the only note or contrasting color. Dancing was continued until eaily in the morn- Profossor Caldwell lecturen Thurs day before tho h istory department of the Woman's club on "The Financial History of our Country from 178!) to 1820." Miss Jessie Heuton Spurck. !7, was recently married to Judge Wilmer II. Comstock of Lincoln. Mi.-s Spurck was well known in university circles and also as a teacher in tho Lincoln public schools. Tho bridal pair are spending their honeymoon in the south. On their return thev will beat homo at Seventeenth and K streets. PETRY'S BAKERY, MRS. J. W. PETRY, Proprietor. LUNCHES SERVED. " Telephone 564. 234 So. 11th St. Dr. Shoemaker's Private Hospital. SDOclal attention trlren to disease of woi ana all surgical disejiaua. X-ray examination with no discomfort or injury to pa Unci. TSr rythinc as homelike as possibl. Board aa4 room reasonable. 1117 L ST. LINCOLN. f. O. Box ML TaUpkoa W Square meals at "square" prices THE UNIQUE, 1230 0 ST. W. J. BRYAN - -ON TumbleWeeds.' -- - 4 4npumble Weeds" is a collection of original poems by Will Reed Dunroy, the author oi "Corn Tassels." While sonic of these poems have special reference to western life, most of them are upon themes as broad as humanity, and they give evi dence of an unusual degree of poetic talent in the author. -W. .1. Rhyan, in the Commoner. y At all good bookstores or Co., Lincoln, Nebraska, A COPY OF Webster's International DICTIONARY Absolutely new, with thumb index and best binding, is now on sale at the office of The University Publishing Co. If you wish the best dictionary there is at a bargain call at once, or write, The University Publishing Co., 134 North 11th Street, DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Eyes Examined Pre. Price Reasonable. 12380 Street, LBgS The Pioneer . Clean Linen I' inest of Toilets Fi st-class Service W. WIIITIOHD, PitopuiKTOit 113 South 11th St., Lincoln, Neb. of tho University Publishing $1.00, postage prepaid. Lincoln, Nebraska. Attention, Students! I wish to know you. - 1 wish vou to know inv work. For this reabon I will jive you your denial w,onc ai anoui nan the us ual rates for about sixty days. DR.A. B. AYERS, 127 So. 12th. The FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Lincoln, Nebraska, Capital, $200,000; surplus and profits, $68,837; deposits. $2,715,000. S. H. Burn ham, President; A. J. Sawyer, Vice Prest.; H. S. Freeman, Cashier; H. B. Evans, Asst. Cashier; Frank Parks, Asst. Cashier. UNITED STAGES DEPOSITORY. ,