--'we' . ..iorr v - . - .r- J. . - . -- - ., ., I ...VJ 1 . f 'VI THB DAILT XSBRASKAK. ?a 1 k. J X il f x lUlglgSSSgggiSSSSHSBBI PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY iBnpopinnnannianHSJiQnnni laliDDuoaanaaaatBaDQB JR. HAGGARD, M. D. Offlo 1100 O Street, Rooms 212-21S-2H Rioh irds Block, Telephone 535. Residence, 1810 O Street, Telephone L084. DR. BENJ. F. BAILEY j Dr. Mt Louise Flanagan; Omce, 141 South 12th Street. Tolophone 618. LP. DAVIS. D. D. 8., Dentist, e Bridge and Crown work. Office room 7, over Rock Island ticket ollice. Phone 349. J COMPLIMENTS OF TIIK NEW LINCOLN HOWLING ALLEY TO TIIK UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. Club rates given. John S. Cain, Propr., 130 So. Tenth The Only Up-to-Date Billiard and Pool Parlor in the City POWELL'S &? its .V: The Better Class of Printing and Engraving Dance Programs and Menus THE NEW CENTURY, 1121-1123 N St. Stndent's Your Suitorium Is Located at ai8 No. nth St. Telephone L 1038, at . . . . BLUMENTHAL'S. I also beg to call your attention, Uiat I carry a full lino f Spring Style hatB, in soft Panama shapes and Stiff hats. 10 off o student Order Your Ice Cream From J. H. Stuckey 1837 () I Special Attention Street. Given to Dealers. Phone Also Entertainmonts both 1105. Public and Private. Out Door Sports This is the lime of year for Base Ball, Lawn Tennis, and all outdoor sports. You should see our line be fore buying. Agents for D. & M. Sporting Goods. Wilson & Hall, Booksellers and Stationers, 1123 0 St. !! Yule Bros. Laundry 1514 0 St. Phone 754 Best Shoes on Earth For the Money. . . . All the Swell Styles Local and Personal. i,at at Hendry's. 1 N. 11th. Trunks & valises, 10:10 O. Steelo stores furs. See him. Buy your gloves at the Famous. Dr. Kotchum, oculist, glasses Httod. Fine furs, Steele, 143 So. 12th. Wl ricks trunk and Bag store, 1036 O. Eat at Don Cameron's"., 118 so. 11th. DU TEIL Cigars "that's all." Dr. Woodward oculist. Richards blk' C. E. Brown, dentist. Burr block. J. S.NcMay. dentist. 1214 O St. The Hygienic Cafe, 316 So. 12th at. Dr. Kotchum, oculist, glasses llfcted. Dr Aley, cnionlc diseases, i:J18 O Don Cameron's lunch counter, 118 So. 11th. Rooms for rent, 4.00 per month, 1215 Tst. Get an up-to-date universltyhalr cut at Westerllolds. Young Men like a nice sweater. A nice line Is just in at Painc's. G. C. Shedd visited at his home in Ashland over Sunday. Presidont Clark or the state normal spent a few hours at tho university last Saturday. Chancellor Andrews spoke at Pleas ant Dale Friday evoning. Captain Smoko of tho battalion made a visit to Fort ('rook Satur day. For sheet music and supplies go to tho Mar.howR Piano Co., 1120 O street. Phi Delta Theta fraternity will give its annual banquet at the Lin coln next Saturday. COVOCATION ANNOUNCE MENTS. This morning John S. Moore, for merly genreal secretary of tho Unl vorslty Y. M. C. A. will sneak. Tomorrow Dr. George of tho Unl vrolsty of Chicago Divinity School will address tno convocation.) Of course you'll have to keep your room warm this winter Gregory, the Coal Man Has the Stuff Eleventh and O Streets SANDERSONS - $4.00 - -SPECIALS. A. U. Leo, toachor of history and mathomatlcs In tlio Beatrlco high school was in Lincoln Saturday. Miss Ada F. Wlllsey has loft tho unlversltv to accept a position as toachor In tho public schools of Blair, her homo town. Sho will tako chargo of tho seventh grado work. The studonts of tho Uni7orsIty of Pennsylvania aro soon to give tho play "Old King Colo." It is unaor the direction of tho Mask and Wig Club. At tho schoolmaster's club meoting hold laBt Friday In Omaha, tho fol lowing represented tho university. Professors Davis, Hill ana Lees aud Inspector Crabtroo. An Invitation has boon received by Professor Bessey requesting him to dollver a courso of locturos before the assombly and summer school to bo held in Colorado Springs. Chacollor Andrews will deliver his lecture on "Kant and Koonlgs berg" at tho University of Wiscon sin. Tho date is not fixed yot, but will probably be Thursday, March 111. Tho Union Boys debating club elected ofllcors Saturday night as follows: Presidont, A. L. Chase; vice presidont, John Paul; secre tary, Charles Sawyer; sergeant at arms, Fred Bulla; attorneys, Buck ner and Lewis. E. F. Warner, '1)7, very prominent in dobating circles whiJo in the uni versity was in tho cltv last Satur day. While hero ho oallod at tho university to meet his old frlonds. Mr. Warner is now a member jf tho Oreuon Monarch Gold Mining Com pany and reports a very good busi ness. It Is tho plan of the department of botany to have a largo amount of collecting done next summer bv stu dents of the department. Various parts of tho stato will be visited but especially tho central and western counties which are said to abound In rare specimens. A new text book on botany especial ly for uso in high-schools has beon presented to tho public. It is " re vision of an old toxt "Gray's Les sons" and Is such an Improvoment pn tho old one that Profossor Bessey intends to recommend It to Nebraska teaohorB of botany. Next Saturday evening Delta Gamma sorority will hold its annual banquet at tho Lincoln. ' Oliver Theatre F. C. ZEHRUNQ & 0. T. CRAWFORD, MQR8. Cor. 13th and P Street. Phone 354 Three Jolly Nights, commenc ing Thursday evening, Mar. 13. Special Children and Ladies' Matinee Saturday. The Greatest Novelty of the 20th Centnry. POLLARD'S Australian Juvenile Opera COMPANY Fifty Marvelous Children in four of their best efforts THURSDAY NIGHT The London and New York musical comedy, "A Gaiety Girl." Friday Night, "La Maacotte" Saturday Matinoo and Night, "The Geisha, or the Tea Bouse of 10,000 Joys" by special arrangement with Augus tine Daly Estate. Perfect productions in evory dotail by the most talented children in the world. "A Treut for Old and Young" Immediately after the matinee tho Pollard Juveniles will hold a reception on the stage. All arc cordially invited to step up and meet the clever children. Matinee Prices 25c, 50e. Night 25c to 81 At Funke Opera House Moil. Tues. Men. 10 & 11 III E BEST OF SWEDISH DIALECT COMEDIANS... BEN HENDRICKS And an Excellent Company of Players Including the Famous Original Swedish Ladies Quartette Direct From Stockholm, Sweden, in the Time Tried and Ever Pop ular Comedy-Drama 01e Olson Filled to the Brim With Roaring Comedy Scenes.... Touches of Heart Interest. Brilliant Specialties. . . . Prices, 15, 25, 35 and 50c. STUDENTS citSis JiSii ed, pressed, relined, repaired and refitted at the same old stand, WEBER SUITORIUM N.E.Cor. llth&OSts. 'Phone C. H. MANN, Gasoline Refined Oils ' 123 NORTH I2TH STREET. TRY THE Boston Cash Market Choice Meats and Groceries 1311 O Street A. B. CURL, Prop. , J Phone 020. , "4 ."' 11 , 41 s i -; ..j i V ;i 1 1 ,5 ffl .'M 4 I r . '1 i T v '- . , v" . - , .i . '4 '