V.'yff'T 'r . M . , ' ..f ' " i S"V""V Twvl THE DAILY WEBRASKAH. I THE DAILY NEBRASKAN k imyuw dTotd to U InUrMU f tk Unlrtriltr of Nabrtika. A CONHOLIDATION OF Tho Htwimrtiin Vol. XXX Tho NtibriiHkun Vol XI Tim Hciirlot and (Jrotini Vol 1 1 1 Btorllnn II. Mcdiw, H W. Harbor. UhiiH. I. Taylor ' UluiH. K. Wells f it. t. inn, MunnKliiK Kdltor F.dltor In-Uhlof IIuhIiiohm Manager AhhIhUuiI Edlto AhhocIiiIo Editors. V ('. Hullo. It. A. McNown. II. O. Nolson Win. Owe. Dftii (hitldhcn. Kntorod at tho post, ofllpe at Lincoln, Nob. oh second class mall miiltur r Th rabtorlptlon prio of th Dally Mcbrat Uii U C for the oolleff year with a roralar do Urarr btfor ohapol aaok day. Notlca, oom- Bmnfcailont, andothar matUr Intended for pub patlon, mail b handed in at tho Nabraikan fflo Mfora 7 p. m., or mailed to tho editor be fiiraSp. m., of the day proTloui to that day on biqh thay are axpootod to appear. Sobiorlptloni may b left at tho Nebratkan offloa, at the Co. Op., or with Builneii Manager. Bnbrlbora will confer a faror by reporting promptly at thla office aay failure to reoelre the AU ohancea In adrertlBlna matter mart beta ee offloe by 8 p. m. on the day prerloua to that which they are to appear. Addreaa all oommanloationa to the Pally No traakaa, 184 N. lit Bt., Lincoln, NobaU, t . Telephone 479. - Tho recont changn of weather was doubtless accompanied by a wavo of baseball spirit as was shown by the lure number of men who came out for practice last Friday afternoon. Judging from tho spirit with which the men aro playing and the interest manifested by tho students tho baso bail season promises to bo a very suc cessful one tnis year. Tno extract bolow, Trom a city pa per oxpressos tho opinion of people not connected with tho university In regard to student pranks. It Is safo to say that tho' student body as a wholo does not look upon such de preciations with favorablo sentiment in as much as thoy aro of very rare occurrence. 'The exceedingly childish past-time of stealing ico oroam furnlshod onjoy mont on Saturday of last wook for tho sophomores of tho state universi ty. The free.ors and their contents woro tho property of tho juniors who wore holding their class party in tho armory. Such dopredations aro regarded with favorable stfntlment in student circles but to other people tho repotltion of tho samo pranks seem to Indicate a tiresome lack of originality. n this ojoaslon tho c.o packers wore roturnoo later in tho evening with a note thanking the juniors for tho refreshments which had been so much onjoyed. Tho unlvorslty is blessed with kinds of sj.udets. As a rulo tho in- dustrlous ones prevail, occasionally an Indolent one may bo found. That there arc a few over-industrious ones hero was shown tho other ovoning when a young couple sat at the north .door of the chemical laboratory for two hours in the faco of a cold wind trying to solvo so mo dinloult prob lems in mathematics by tho aid of an aro liirht. It is needless to say tho library was over-crowed. Sidle's Sporting Goods House Tennis, llase Ball and (iymnuaium Goods. Agency for Herald and National Bicycles. Send us your Repair Work. 1304 O STREET. PHONE F 1038... UNION ROOSEVELT.PROGllAM. Tho "Roosovolt" program given by mombors of tho Union Lltorary society last Friday night was a suc cessful effort.""" The auolenco presont was woll pleasod with tho ovonlng's entertainment. ""Miss Nolson oponed tho program with a pleasing vocal solo. Mr. Thomas thon read a paper en titled. RoosevolfuUKjjnMtton by Mr. Pospisll who In a clear con olso style dopicted tho youth, devel- oplngXth8o talents which flnaljy iiiado him "a sucoosstul'loador of 'men. .Mr.' Rrown,Uln an excel 1 out essay told of tho short milltaryjlfo of tho president, in which timo his ability asa manager was'attestcd to by tho esteem of ills men. Mr" somo Milok, followed bv reading oxtracts from "Frontier Types." Tho extracts Illustrated the koen power of observation, and knowledge of Nature, as well as literary skill which have made Mr. Roosovolt known to tho lltorary world. Miss Mussotor and Mr. Cochran closed tho program with a skillfully rendered duot which su pleased tho audience that tho slngors woro oblig ed to respond to an encore. PALLADIAN HOYS ENTERTAIN tWITH'A FARCE. Friday ovoning tho Palladian boys ontortalned tliogirls with a special program, tho chief feature of which was a rarco ontitled. "The Yankee Duollst." Mr. Hayes assumed the part of the drawling Yankoo with much credit to himsoif and to the great amusomont of tho audience. Miss Storl ing took tho part of Amanda with whom tho Yankee was in lovo and whoso stubborn undo in tho person of Mr. Bruner, was much opposed to tho union of tho two. Tho affair ondod with a duel in which no one was klllod and a "living happy fur ovor aftor." Tho dobato was comical In tho ex trorno. all tho spoakors proving thomsolves woll acquainted with tho humor of the story of Carrio and her hatchot. Tho program was as follows: Piano duot Miss Mussoter, Cochran. Dobato Resolved that Carrie Lion bo commonuoment orator tho class of llHW. Affirmative Mr Pierce, Plaok;! negative, Mr. llowitt, To bin. Tonor solo Mr. Ilutton. Story Mr. McNown. Mr. Na for Mr. Mr. Soriir by Pall Hoys Quartette Mes- srs. Ilutton, T-iylor, Clark, Stull. Farco "A Yankee Duollst." Mr. JIayos, Mr. Prunor, Miss Sterl ing. Piano solo Miss Wells. Nicholas Murray Butler, recently clouted president of Columbia col leu'o, Now, York, is'a closo friond of President Roosevelt. llo was a trussed political adviser of the latter during his campaigns In New York. H Is said that a'oabinet portofolio has been offered him. SYDLES CYCLE CO. The Co0p. UNI. Pins Fobs Hat Pins Souvenir Spoons To tho first three ladies purchasing a souvenir spoon and the first three gentlemen pur chasing a fob, we will give 20 per cent off sell ing price. EVERYTHING FOR THE STUDENT, at The CoOp. OUR PLACE ... is not the only place in town but it is THE PLAGE to buy your Shoes. We have a full line of the latest style Shoes. PERKINS & SHELDON, 1120 0 St. The Omaha HEDICAL Tenth and Pacific Streets, : WMmmmmmEBmm 1 The makers of Hawes' I 1 hats say "Advertising I I is simply this having a I I good article at the right I I price and telling all the I I world you have it." I I Hawes' $3 New York 1 I hats alpines and I derbies are good hats I I at the right price. Five I I hundred agents sold H I these hats last year to I I three hundred thousand I I men. I lit art Ikr lot, ajfrmli or tkll aty H I ewing;clothing I I COMPANY J Our Spring Line of " . hats X Is now complete. T COLLEGE. : : : : Omaha, Neb. 2 ege olYers a graded course extending1 over four annual hObsions. The J 1 vantages and re quirement of tho college aro fully up to the requirements of the present times, and the conditions laid down by the association of American Medi cal Colleges, of which tins college is (member. For in formation address. EWING BROWN Secretary k J wj