Ijxteapmk ttmntvftit ngi jyi.iwu tfatfjimgfciMtf6irt m iM - i.i gitil iii &rJim i"JA T' .iLl.iiIWi V . ' ."', - i-r -'V -- - .:.v.-.,' v THE DAILY KSBRASEAH. TDE DAILY NEBRASKAN aro placed in tho Morrill fund and will bo used for further rosearoh work. 1 utiMMr dToUd to Ua inUrttti i tk lTU jtmUj of Nabra ska. vy.4 ( T? A A CONSOLIDATION OF Tho IIuinrlan Vol XXX Tlio NebniHkim Vol XI TlicHcurlet iind Cnwm Vol III lir H. MuniiKlriK Editor Editor In-Chief MusIiionh MuiniKor Asslfitiuit Kdlto H W. Ilurlmr. dims I. ThvIup ' Mills. K. Wells f K T. Mill. Associate Editors. V. ('. Untie. H A. McNown, II (i. Nelson III. ( use. Dan (ttit lelicti. ' Tba sabscrlptlon prlca of the Dallj Nebras Un la XL for the col log year with a regular do ll to rr before chapol each day. Notlcoi, com tounlcntlons, nndothor mnttor intended for pub lication, must be handed In at the Nebraskan pQloe bofore 7 p. m., or mailed to tho editor be fora 9 p. m., of tlie dar prerlous to that day on hloh the; are ex(ncteato appear. BubiorlpUons miij bo left at tho NebrsVan office, at tho Go. Op., or with Illiniums Manngnr Subscribers will confor n faror by roportlng promptly at thla ofllo any failure to recelre tho paper. All changes In adrartislnir matter must bo la tha ofllce by 3 p. m. on the day prarlous to that a which they are to appear. Address all communications to the Daily Ne kraskan, 134 N. 11 th Bt., Lincoln. Nebraska. Telephone 479. Entered itt the post olllee lit Iiicoln, Nclx ii.s Necond duns mull rinitler Tlie act ion of the seniors at Michi gan University In abandoning class smokers was based on the fact that smokers uro undignified and are Trown cd upon by pnonlo outside tlie universi ty. This reason jnay have been a valid one but tho substitution of class din ners showed tho necessity jifsome in lormal gathering at whien classmates can get together and establish ac quaintanceships. It is evident that the ordinary routine or class work Is not MiMlclcnt for this. To the weak ness of her class functions can un doubtedly be trace! tho deplorable lack of class spirit at Nebraksa. Librarian Wyor lias just added to the botanical section of tho library a lino copy of a rare work on the Philippine Mora. It Is in six larue quarto volumes, and contains nearly llvo hundred colored platos of plants. It is a revision or a work by the veteran botanist Illanco, an.l now baars the title of "Flora de las Fili pinos". It will bo most useful to those in tho department of botany who aro prepurig to go to the Philip pine Islands. Another book on t.hn Philippine Mora which will be userul to those who are going to the islands is Travera's "Medicinal Plants ot the Philippines," translated by I)r J Ii Thomas. A copy of this book lias been addod to tho botanical library. Miss Ed I Hi Webster of the geo logical department is busily ongaged In the preparation 01 different collec tions of specimens ana Is offering them for sale to other insMtutlons. The soeclmens aro some which were gathered by membeis or the depart ment while on the Morrill expedi tions. Already sales have been fade to JIavard, Vale, Vassar, Carnegie In siltUte and a 1111 m Licr. uf other, Insti tutions. The proceeds or the sales Sidle's Sporting Goods House Tennis Hase 11.11 and (Jyinnaiuin Coo.ls. Agencv for Herald and National nicle,. Se.ul us your Repair U'tfrk. At the Theatres. I KHMBHHKLHHHEl 1 HiH iaaaaaaaaBLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHBVfilaO& ILaaaaafl aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBpVuiHifiaW - BBIBBBBBbV BBBuRjrBaaaaaaaaE AAfasaaBsaaa.ue j&fefe kaaaaaaaB HKBaaaaBBBiaaaaaaclKBiaaaV HaaaHaH.ira&f' liiaaaaal WALKER WHITESIDE At the Oliver Tomorrow Night AT THi; OLIVER. The production of "The Merchant of Venice," by Mr. Whiteside in this city is scheduled Tor tonight at the Oliver. During Mr. Whiteside's engagement at the Century theatre St. Louis a row weeks since tho St. Louis Re puolichad the following unique com ment upon his work: "Mr. Whltelsdeis like olives, arr.er you have learned to love his methods you crave him. Ills pocul-irities of pose, his fondness Tor Intense situa tions aro part of the entrancing Whiteside flavor." Sale of seats now going on. AT THE FUNKE. "Ago cannot wither or custom stale" the attractions possessed by that best Swedish dialect play "Olc Olson." V ear in and year out. f or 1 more than a decade "Olu" has-been presented to tho theatro going public and Its popularity has never waned. Other Swedish characters have come upon the scene, but none of them can view with "Olson" In the regard or the public and It stands unique- in its line llko RId VanWinklo and Uncle .Joshua Whltcomo. Z This season Mr. Hendricks, the popular cdhiedian. has made numerous changos in order to givo the play greater attractive qualities and it is goneraily conceded that bis company is tho best that has eve" appeared lu this play, its presentation at the Funko opera house next Monday and Tuesday nlgbfs will doubtless attract a L'enerous attendance. The popular Swedish Ladies (jiia.letLo will appear with the company. For sheet' music and supplies go tJ tlie. ALlLhews Pluiio LU, U2D U J street. , l OUR PLACE . . . is not the only place in town but it is THE PLAGE to buy your Shoes. We have a full line of the latest style Shoes. PERKINS & SfclELDON, 1129 0 St. NEBRASKA BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND BOYD BUILDNG, I7TI1 AND HARNEY STREETS, OMAHA, NEBRASKA aPSBJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJBBBBBBBBSJIBJRBBBBHBBBBBBBVBBBBBBBBBBD 1 9BkSaBaBaaaaaaBaaaaaaVBaaaaaaaaaaBaBaaaaV taSttaatiafKL I HyrsW'f MWi-qh 1 ,3Bt3 EIS 9lHMHBBaaaaaaaa aWaKBlS???SgaSsSiwr ' Avi Sectionnl View of actual Husiness and Hanking Department. Endorsed by high .sch00i principals, leading busness men and oflicial court reporters. Absolutely thorough. The finest and most thoroughly equ.pped institution in the West. 81,000 invested in standard typewriters .V.0O Hanking and other fixtures placed in actualnsness department. Hlc gant roll-top desks ordered for Commercial Department. Another floor has been leased that all may be accommodated. Situations procured for over I'EK CENT of lastyoai 's enrollment. Students may enter any time. Address A. C. ONG, A. Write for elegant. Cataloguo free. Thte Omaha HEDICAL COLLEGE. Tenth and Pacific Streets, : : : : : Cmaha, Neb. 1 fi hLiaaaaaaBBaaaaBBaaaaVaaaaaaaWJ'b ek iflWsWTpffnllLWBswf f h jMssaKWtWBWwHBMJfcMlglHWBsasiaaal I a m iHBILBVHBWBBBBnMBHKawVWBBBBBlBBal COLLEGE Establnhel Nine Years. A School Without a Superior. Employs the Ablest Teachers. BOOK-KEEPING, Actual Business from tho Start. BANKING, Ab it ia practiced. TYPEWRITING, Tho Touch Method. SHORTHAND, (Jrahain and (Jrogg Systems. ENGLISH, Practical and thorough. M LLB. Pres. Omaha, Neb. X cge offers a graded course extending over four annual sessions. C The lvantages ' and re quiroinor t of the college aro fully up to the requirements of the present times, and the conditions laid down by the association of American Medi cal Cul'eges, of wliic'i tbis college is member. Tor In formation address. EWING BROWN, Secretary ; . 4 w: N 1301 () STREET. TnnxiTF"l?3K.7. hflrt- - SYDLES CYCLE CO. M "7Y