The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 07, 1902, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
VOL. 1, NO. IOC).
Professor Nicholson Discusses Pro
vision to Establish Mining
Schools A Now Course
Professor Nicholson, of the Chemis
try department, spoke at com (ca
tion yesterday, on the proposed min
ing law and Its hearing on the uni
versity. He said that the two industries on
which is based the intellectual and
industrial tlevelopenient of the Uni
ted States are comparatively recent
in origin: agriculture and mining.
Not far hack, agriculture was not
an art. It could be called nothing
inoro than a handicraft. Hut it was
seen that ttiese primitive methodsof
tilling the soil must be superceded by
scientilic methods, IT the common
wealth was to make the best ot the
opuort unities and become a poer
in the broadest sense of the term.
Far seeing men devised schemes
lor overcoming the ditllcultles which
seived as limitation to progress. To
do this, it was seen, that It vas
necessary to educate the people In the
s-clenccs that underlay agriculture.
With such an object In view, a por
tion of the don aln was st apart
lor the establishment ol agricultural
schools and colli ges. Within twenty
years, said the p:ofessor, there aiose
a body of young men who made agri
culture a protesslon.
H one steu in advance calls lor
another, so this advancement in
agi lculture called for hcientilic in
estigation in the way of experi
mental farming. Such an under
taking was too vast tor private capi
tal, and so the state was again call
ed upon for aid. This was given
by congress in an act establishing ex
periment stations m the different
colleges. The act provided for an
annual appropriation of $lf,oou for
the maintenance of such Institu
tions. Hut it was found that the sum was
insutlieieni and, in lH'.H), congress
passed another act providing for a
yearly appropriation of 3i," , 0(M I which
was to bo used to promote the
sciences of economic value, wltl:
special application to agriculture.
Then, proceeding with the history
of the other base forming Indus
try mining Prof ossor Nicholson
said that It is yet in a very unde
veloped condition. It is a handi
craft as was agriculture in 180(5. The
industry has been carried on In a
simple "Catch as catch can," way,
each miner picking out the most pro
fitable location and mining It for the
best ouly la some plaeeSj however,
8cletlflc principles have beetrappTTeST
to such u degree that ores worth a
dollar and a half per ton can be
successfully mined.
Aware of tho fact that mining
comes next after agriculture. Mr.
Grosvenor of Ohio has Introduced a
bill in congress, providing for tho
establishment of schools of mining.
These- schools, accorling to the bill,
will be built from funds raised by
sale of public lands and will bo con
nected with the agricultural schools.
The bill provides an annual ex
penditure or $10,000 anrl an extra
? 1,000. until tho sum f Ji),O0o is
! reached. This Is only for students
in mining and othei niauches imme
diately connected witn them.
The professor said that a course in
mining and metal urgy could now be
picked out m about three years'
work, lint, if this bill becomes a
law, there can be added to the
curriculum of tho university a four
year's course In mining and a one
year course in metalurgy.
The program at the Palladian hall
will be taken up entirely by the
young men.
The following pr igrain will be
given by the Delians. Vocal Solo.
Miss Lally; First chapter of a contin-
Well known to all
will speak' Lo voting
pin. in the Old Chapel. X
ued story, Miss Lathrop: Heading.
Mr Hubbell: Tenor Solo, Mr Mason;
Recitation, Mr Harrison; Critics
ThO regular ptogiam will be pic
ceded by a gan.c of basketball be
tween this society and the Delians.
Afterwards the following will be
i! i veu:
Vocal Solo: Anecdotes, Mr. i'os
pisil; Rnosevojt as a Soulier, Mr
Hrown; Vocal Solo, Miss Nelson:
Story, Mr Mllek: Roosevelt as a
Statesman, Mr Nelson; Piano Duct,
Miss Mussetter and Mr Cochran;
Critics Reporis, Mr Hawthorne.
An Interesting debate tooit place
in tho advanced courso in oral dis
cussion (English 14) yesterday after
noon In tho old chapel from 2 to 4
o'clock, on "Resolved, that the
adoption of tho fifteenth amendment
to tho constitution or tho United
States has been justified by subse
quent events." Messrs. M L Harte
and fl D Strayor argued for tho
afilrmative, and C A Wells and 1 P
Hewitt for tho negative. Tho argu
ment In rebuttal wal XBpecialljr
Mr, Cornell is at present engaged
In making some haf-tones and zinc
plates, to bo used In tho "Engineers
Annual" soon to be published.
Compotition for Positions Brisk
Number of Now Men Largor
than Last Year Old Mon
Out in Forco.
Fiom present Indications the per
sonnel of the baseball team will be
practically the same that It
was last season. Outdoor practice
has been indulged in nearly every
night this week, ard the number of
new men who intend trying for nlaces
is even greater than it was last year,
but the old men seem confident ot
their places.
Candidates for tho battery have
been working out in the cage for two
Among the most promising of the
pitchers are (ialnes, Townsend,
Mender. Stringer and Morrison.
Tho honors of ihe box were divided
about cinially last year between
Gaines and Townsend. Stringer is
by no ni' ans a new man on tho base-
Cuiveis'il y people
men Sunday 1
ball field, having played with the
'varsty team before. Doane, Render
and Riynolds aro behind tho bat.
Second base and left held aie the
only positions left vacant by the ab
sence of last year's phyers. ike Ray
mond will try again for, Hood
will go after his old place on third,
DLl'utron and Captian Moll will
oMeiate In center and right Held re
spectively while" Dusty" Rhodes will
again be in evidence at short-stop.
Townsend will try for left field, and
Hender and Gaines will probably
divided their attention between the
box and second base. Doane Is said
to bo sure of his position, unless somo
new man develops materially.
several practlco games will be
played with the Lincoln high school,
ana tho IlrsL real uamc will bo with
Omaha League In tho early part of
Tho junior class will hold a meet'
I rig Monday at 10 am in tho old
chapol. A reception to tho seniors
will be discussed. S E Black, Presi
dent. SENIORS.
There will bo a meeting of the
senior class Tuesday, March 11
at 2 pm. in University Hall. Import
ant business.
R W HARBOR, President.
Tonight tho Union arid Dolian litera
ry societies will vio with each other
for inter-society basketball champion
ship. For somo time both the society
teams h avo been practicing hard lor
the coming contest which promises
to bo an exciting one. The game
will be called promptly at 7::i0 pm in
order that tho regular library pro
gram to be held in tho halls, may
not bo delayed. Tho lino up of the
two teams Is ns follows:
UNIONS-I) K Thomas, eentor;
Nelson, captain, and PKplsll, for
wards, Snafforo and Mllck, guards.
DELI ANS Morrell, captain, cen
ter: Teach, Gilbert, Tor warns; Rcers
and Hoar, guards.
Tho donate In English Hi this
afternoon will be on tho following
question: " Resolved. That tho
Gothenburg system of controlling the
liquor tralllc should be Inrroduced
into Nebraska." The principal speaker
will be W E Ilnpna. .) N Norton.
C S Sargent and F (' Hulla.
All oil friends of John Moore a ro
invited to meet him In the Associa
tion rooms Saturday evening from
7 till H::i().
The Easter recess will begin at tf
am Friday, March 28, and will end
at 0 pm Monday, March .'H.
Word has boon recelfed rrom Pro
fessor Hruner of the department cf
entomolgy and ornithology, who
left for Central Amorlca a short
tlmo ago. Professor Hruner writes
that he and Messrs. Cary and Car
riker. who accornpalncd him, en
joyed a very pleasant voyago and ar
rived In Sa-i Jose, Costa Rica safely.
The party nas found tho country and
climate very delightful and thereroro
hopo to havo a pleasant time while
doing their research work.
An eastern judge has decided that
fraterrlty property is not taxable.
Tho case In dlr.puto was between an
assessor ana a fraternity at Hamilton
College, New York. The court held
that fraternity property was freo
from taxation undor tho statutes
"That Charitable organizations or
organizations with charltiblo intent
and purpose" shall bo exempt. Fra
ternities were bold to be constructive
ly charitable.
Active and hard pactlco has been
begun by tho studonts intending to
entor the all around outdoor athletic
contest, to lie lield TaTch22r In-tute
contest, every candldato must enter
all the events and is not permitted to
con 11 no himself to hie specaltles. Al
ready there are a number of promls
lng ones, aside from those who hold
tho records in the past contest.
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