.W"r'!Ji ).; . V"'; HgJ "fT' " -r, t i " n - r v ' f jr . .-4 4 i -1 ' ',',- '1 THE DAILT KXBRABKAN. t N t ftiT)-, I. U r laDHDiaaniatciaBiiSEiQncicinnDeinGiia BjinnndoannnnnnBBBnaaBnnnn IS PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ia nannnnnpnncnnnnnnnniniliH DaDQcucDaDDauaaBiaDqiiHiaB JR. HAGGARD, M. D. Offloo 1100 O Street, Rooms 212-213-214 Rlch rda Blook, Telephono 535. RriUnce, lffl.0 G Bhrt, Telephone L084. DR. BENJ. P. BAILEY; Dr. May Louiso Flanagan; Office, 141 Bouth L2th Street. Telephone 018. LI. DAVIS. D. D. 8., Dentist. Bridge and Crown work. Ofliec room 7, over Hoc It Island ticket ofllcc. Phone 3H). Best Shoes on Earth For the Money. . . . All the Swell Styles Local and Personal. at at Hendry's 12? N. 11th. SANDERSONS - - $4.00 - -SPECIALS. OLIVER : THEATRE F. C. ZEHRUNO & 0. T. CRAWFORD. MORS. Cor. 13th and P Street). Prions 354 COMPLIMENTS or tiik MOW LINCOLN BOWLINC, ALLEY id tiii: FNIVERSITY STL DENTS. Club rates given. John S. C in, Propr , l.T.t So. Tenth Fine furs, Steele, 143 So. 12th. C. E. Ilrown, dertist. Burr block J. S.NcMay. dentist. 12H () St. The Hygienic Cafe, 31C So. 12th at. The Only Up-to-Date Billiard and Pool Parlor in the City rUVVLLL O llephone 5S6. . . . The Better Class of Printing and Engraving Dance Programs and Menus THE NEW CENTURY, 1I2MI23 N St. I)r Aley. cniunic diseases, l.'UH O Don Cameron's lunch counter, UK So. mil. '(Jet an up-to-date universlty.lhalr cut at Westcrfields. For slicct" music and supplies go to the Mathews- Piano Co., 1120 O street. Stndent's Your Suitorium Is Located at 318 No. nth St. Telephone L 1028, at ... . BLUMENTHAL'S. I also bey to call your attention, that I carry a full lino f Spring Style hate, in soft Panama shapes and Stilt' hats. lU' oil' o student Photographer. 1029 0 St. Reference: Seniors, '02. We can Rive you all the new styles In cards and finish the market affords. SPECIAL. RATES TO STl'DRNTS. JrfC&72s Do You.... Ever Write to HER or to HIM? Of Course you Do. Why not get some of our high grade station ery. Its the best there is. It'll increase your prospects Wilson & Hall, Booksellers and Stationers, 1123 0 St. Yule Bros. Laundry 1514 0 St. Phone 754 The Pallarlian boys will entertain the girls next Friday evening with a farce corned y. Professor Nicholson will speak this morning at convocation on ihe new mining school. Miss Mary Cro.ier had Lite misfor tune of spraining her ankle in the gymnasium last Tuesday. Every college debater at Yule in tho future, niUHt take the regular coureo in debating and bo recommended by tho instructor. Twuuty girls arc practicing a very pretty club drill for tho athletic ex hibition which is to bo held in the first Saturday of May. The recent Y W ( ' A contest for new meiuoers is to be brought to a close Friday evening when the loosing side will banquet the winners. The first of a series of basketball games between the literary srcieties, will be played Friday evening. The Delians and Unions are the contestants. YOU CAN FIND IT Byinsertlng a notice in the Daily Ne braeltan ntone Cent a wor 1 per user-t:on. Tho following story illustrates one of the many reasons that Induced tho Burlington railroad to change tho system of operating its dining-cars from the fixed price per meal to the a la carte plan, whereby tho passen ger orders what he wants and pivs for what lis orders. Under the old plan some travelers had the idea that It was necessary to order a very ela b irate meal in order to get the worth of their money, and the hero of tills little anecdote was among the num ber. After seating himself id a Burlington dininc car, it is related that he ordered tnroo kinns of soup, with celery, radishes, pickles, two kinds of fish and two varieties of meat. After disposing or this array, the stranger found that ho had al most readied the limit of his capa city, but still had an unsatlslled long ing for pie, He called a waiter and said in a hoarse whisper, as he point ed to the menu card: "Say, mister, if it ain't agin the rules, I'd like to skin from thar to tliar." Booms for rent, tl.Ol) per month, 121.) T st. Hulfoekt That Tro'. Eat at Don Cameron's ,11b so. 11th. l'r fessor Barbour has announced to tho class in Geology 2, that thoso analyzing one-hundred different rocks will bo excused fiom the final examination. IHT TEIL-Cigars "that's all." Mrs. Naomi Knight Easterday, state secretary of tho Young Woman's Christian Assjclatlon, will address tho Association meeting next Sunday afternoon at four o'clock. Dr. Woodward ooullst. Richards blk. Attention is drawn , In an Agricul tural Ledger on the cattle of Rajpu tana to the "Nagoro" and "Illnda" breeds. The "Nagor;;" bullocks are famous throughout India as magnifi cent trotting animals, on which ac count, says the Lahore paper, they are greatly sought after bv well-to-do na tives, who drive them In ekkas. A good pair will usually command from Its. 100 to Its. 1C0, and tho price of a well-matched superior pair is froi& Rs. 200 to Its. 400. They are good tempered and docile, hut timid. "Rin da" means small, and cattle of thU i oieeu seldom measure more than for ty Inches in height, whereas Nagoio bullocks have been measured up to seventy Inches. "Rinda" cattle are used for all kinds of agricultural work, for which purposes they are in great demand by zemindars. They also make very good baggage animals, either in the plains or hills, being short-legged, with hard feet. They are, however, morose, obstinate and bad-tempered, sometimes showing 'lght when roused, or when a proached by Europeans. An avorago pair may ho bought for about lis. 75 In Beawar and Marwar these breed are preserved in their purity. In oth er Rajputana states, like Bikanlr, Jai pur and Kotah, no attention Is paid to breeding. Important economic ben efits might result if the principle of selection could ho widely taught to cattle breeders In Rajputana states.- Tirana Agriculturist. Of course you'll have to keep your room warm this winter Gregory, the Coal Man Has the Stuff Eleventh and O Streets FRIDAY, MARCH 7. MR. WALKER ITbSIDE... Wh ASSISTED BY Miss Lelia Wolstan Ar.d an Escllent Company in Sbakr- speare's Most Beautiful Coineil The Merchantof Venice Miss LHia WoUtnn as . . Portiu MIL WHITESIDE ns SUV LOCK Entire New Scenic production and Costumes. Prices ''".' to SI, 00 Sale-of i o ts opens Wednesday, ' a. in At Funke Opera House Mon.Tues.Mch. 10 & 11 'I II E BEST OF SW LTHH1I DIALECT COMEDIANS BEN HENDRICKS And an Excellent Com any of Players IncluMng the Famous Original Swedish Ladies Quartette D.rcet From NlrscVholni. Sweden, in the Time Triec and Ever Pop ular Coined Di itin.i . 01e Olson- Filled to the Brim With (Soaring Comedy .Scenes. . Touches of Heart Intcicsl. Brilliant Spccialt es. . Prices, 15, 25, 35 and 50c. STUDENTS r --:;' ed, pressed, relined, repaired and refitted at the same old stand, WEBER SUITORIUM N.E.Cor. 1 1th A: O Sts. 'Phone C. H. MANN, Gasoline Refined Oils 123 NORTH 2TH STREET. THY THE Boston Cash Market Choice Meats and Groceries 1311 O Street, A. B. CURL, Prop. Phone O.'O. ; , ' l -IS ' ;4 ,JS 4 s :! A m ' -4 t t-e & X t