The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 06, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    FT MMOMMll)lJ .-.-.ri t...-..-.-T.r - -T J' - j -t ! I I TLB l' V 'it VriWBIJ Tl)jT
' i - i i
k MffiHHi dvotd to th IntfrMU ikf
UaivariUr of Nebraska.
The Ilosnorlun Vol. XXX
Tho Ni'liriiskiin Vol XI
The Scarlet mid 'mini Vol 1 1 1
HUirllnu II. McCuw,
K. W. Harbor.
MunaKliiK K'lllor
Kdltor ln-Chlcf
Huslness MuniiKur
Assistant Kdlto
Chun I. Tiiylur I
(Jims V.
K. T. Ill
(Jims K. Wells f
Associate Kdltors.
V ('. Hallo. 11 A MrNown, II CJ. Nelson
Win. ( use. Dan Uiitlebcn.
f Th subscription pries of tbs Dsllj Nsbrss
kn U 12 for the oollegs yesr with a rsrular de
Uranr bsforo chspal osok day. Noticss, com
snanfcatlons, andotbor mnttsr Intended for pub
Ilea t Ion. musk ba banded in at the Nebraikan
office bifora 7 p. m., or mailed to the editor be
fore a p. m., or ids any proTiuus iu
vthloh they are expected to appear. mnv be left at the Nebrssltan
offlca, at tho Co. Op., or with Business Manager.
Subscribers will confer a fayor by roportlng
promptly at this office any failure to reoeire the
All ohanms In adyertislna jpatter must be In
ths oflloe by 8 p. m. on the day pretlous to that
at which they are to appear.
Address all communications to the Dally Na
braakaa, 181 N. 11th Bt., Lincoln, Nebraska.
Telephone 479.
Kntoied ut thi' post ofllco !it Lincoln, NeK
iih second cliiss mull mutter
Attention was'rcenotly nailed by a
spoakot to the fact that the great
difference between an educated and
an mi educated man Is In the way
they use their leisure time. A man
or broad education and deep culture
has the whole world to choose from
when looking for amusement. He is
not conlined to those forms or recrea
tion which appeal only to the cuusor
or sensual nature. Tho thought or
ago.1', is Ills and he can spend hours of
unalloyed pleasure in his library. lie
is not even conlined to his books,
wide as their range may be. If his
oulturo Is broad and deop lie can go
to tlio art gallery or the music hall fjr
his recreation. Travel becomes to
him more than mere sightseeing.
Every experience Is food upon which
his soul feeds.
The speaker referred to cited the
ease of Mr. Schwab president of the
steel trust as an example. He is
prboablo the most successful business
man in America. When a short time
ago lie iiad a few days vacation he
went to Europe and the papers were
tub of the accounts of bis winnings
and losses at Monte Carlo. His un
cultured mind demanded the excite
ment oi the gambling tabic foi rec
reation. The best sort of mental rec
reation Is ahsoltely closed to such a
The annual hop of company Mwl!l
bo hold March l.t at Walsh hall.
Under the direction or Chairman
Moors thermunittce is. making prep
arations for one ot the best Informal
functions ot the year. The hop is
one of tho traditional common airuirp,
doublloss w ill bo well iittorulo 1 byjnuin
bora if tho battalion. Thero was boiik'
talk of increasing tho price but tho
commitieo hub decided to leave it atono
dollar. Tho committ'jeB E. II Meore
chairmun 10. O. EuBter, muster of
ceremonies, It. V. Mantt'nld.
Sidle's Sporting Goods House
Term's, Rase Hull and Gymnasium (Joods. Agency for
Herald and National Hieyeles. .Send us your Repair Work.
Novel Method of Cleaning Skeletons
Ao interesting oxporimont In cleaning
skeletons adoptod at the Wintar Insli
uto of Anatomy has proven Itself most
succoeeful and satisfactory, insocts do
ing tho work in u more satisfactory
unci less oxpensiv) mannor than was
accomplished by any of tho former
mothods omployod. Some time ago
moro than llvo hundred roughly cleaned
arid dried carcasses of animals of de
scription, varying si.o from a boar
to a mouse, woro sproad out on long
tableB in tho baeotiiont rooiriB of tho
building usod by the institute. In a
fow months almost the pntiro collection
had boon thoroughly cloaned by tho
larva of Hoveral spocioB of bodies.
The tnupical programs which have
bcon givon from time to timo at the
studonts convocations hnvo been highly
appreciated by all Since however ho
much interest has been manifested by
tho student 1 in foiecitnlH would it
not bo well to dovoto Bomo morning to
a "request" program? Whilo it is im
possible that tho requests of all could
bo grantod, 11 program could novertlm
less bo given which would bo tho stu
dents' choice
The big relay race meet which lnis
become a feature of athletics at the
University of Forms) lvuuia will bo on a
moro elaborate scale than ever, thiB
yoar The entnoi ore moro numerous
than at any time hhico tho beginning
of tho moots sevon oars ago Imita
t'onB havo been sent out to 11 r lending
schools and colleges of tho cuintiy
Tne class of "0J or the University
of Michigan which recently inaugu
rated class smokers as a means of
getting tho members of tho class to
gether has abandoned the custom
on tho grounds that smokers have
fallen into disrepute. Instead they
havo startod the practice of class
dinners at which elaborate menus
are served.
I'rofcidont Harper, of tho University
of Chicago, lias been cWoiated by Presi
dent Lou bet with tho French older of
tho Legion of Honor Dv Harper i o
ceivod tho distinction bocauso of his
interest in tho French educational s)s
tem Ho bus established at Chicago a
branch of Iho Alliance Francos, and
a Fans a branch Fchool of Iho Uni
versity of Chicago. Fjx.
Wiricks trunk and Hag store, l(i:!M.
Forecast lor Lincoln and iciuity,
M'hursday, fair and cooler in after
noon. Weather report for 21 hrs, ending,
7pm. Wednesday.
Ili..l..,rl I ,.....,,.,.. t .. -. I I
iiiiunt luio pci i uu i r, .11 octrees,
occuring at pin.
Z Lowest tompertaure.' lid degrees,
occuring at 7 am.
Mean temperature, :tii degrees,
which Is 1 rleirrpps; jihove t )if nnrmitl I
" x.ww- ..v,w., .... ............
(J A Loveland, Section I)ir.
is not the only place in town but it is THE PLACE
to buy your Shoes. We have a full line of
the latest style Shoes.
PBr5yiyirJspsJsjsE.jsjpjBPJsFsasHr 4
Sectional iew of actual Husincss
and Hanking Department
Endorsed by high school puncipnls
court reporters. Absolutely thorough.
equipped institution in the West. S l,100 invested in standard typewriter-,
8.'),"i()U Hanking and other fixtures placed in uetualbusines- department. Ele
gant roll-top desks ordered for Commercial Department Another tlbor has
been leased that all may be accommodated. Situations procured for over 'JO
IMC 11 CENT of lastyoaCs enrollment. Students may enter any time Address
A. C. ONG, A.
Write for elegant.
Cataloguo free
Thits Omaha
Tenth and Fn;Wic Streets,
.'iiiHRkktJ'usww. L '
AlVL .-,
i "'
Established Nine Years.
A School Without a Superior.
Employs the Ahlest Teachers
Actual Mubinoss from tho Start.
As it is practiced.
The Touch Method.
(iruham and Crogg S) sterna
Practical and thorough.
ending business iikmi and olliciul
'1 be finest and most thoroughly
M., LLB. Pres.
Omaha, Neb.
Uniaha, Neb.
ESP ege offers a graded
course extending over four
annual sessions.
The ' I vantages and re
qiiiroinci t of the college are
fully up to the requirements
of the present timet, and the
conditions laid down by the
association of American Med.
cal Colleges of whicM thi.s
college is (member. For in
formation addres;,.
1104 () STREET.
1MIUNE F 1038...