B""fSw'lJ"f ''' jf'''Vf 'r w ;, (j; " .1TVK' J- -1 " ' . , 'I 4 1 . The Daily Nebraskari ii v i i , VOL. 1, N().0f. LINCOLN, NKH., WIODNKSDA V, MARCH. C, 1002. rp rmtKH CUXTK V FOOD PRINCIPLES Miss Bou'on Discusses tho Food Question at Oonvocation- Mentnl Life Dependent on Nourishment. M iss Ronton, adjunct professor in chemistry, addressed t lie students of the imiversilv at coiivnctaion ester day morning upon the tood question. She pointi d" out a tew means hv which everyone might receive Ijenelit. Food, "said Miss Ronton, "is that which enahles us to pertorm tin; I unc tions of life. And there are three classes or tin? functions, mental, physical, and spiritual. The first class, physical lood, is an absolute necessity for maintaining both, tho mental and spiritual. Some people exist on a very small amount of poor tood. This does not lead to practical results. Here m the university cer tain opportunities come to every stu dent, and he cannot make the most ol them without a certain amount of good nourishing food. Miss Ronton mentioned the diet of the foot-ball teams which leads to the best physi cal results It has not been so scien tifically demonstrated, howeer, that mental lile Is dependent upon what wo eat. Hut mental life i.1 depen dent upon what we cat. Hut it Is, no aoubt, of great inlluence. Our observations of other ueoplo lead to the conclusion that kind and quanti ty of fo id inlluence mental efficiency. 'Furthermore," said Miss Houton, "1 l.elievo that our moral lire depen ds very largely upon what we eat, and that Is why I believe- this is an important matter for your considera tion. All our life is high, but the in tellectual and moral are the hlghcs and thev depend somewhat upon the physical." Miss Houton discussed the. various food principles, motioning five classes. The first three are nutritious, the others non-nutritious, namely minerals and water. As a rule people do not drink enough water. The first class of nutritious food, the nitrogenous, builds up the tissues which are wearing away every day. Auumg the common nitrogeous foods aie lean meat, eggs, cheese and nuts. The second class, the carbo-hydrates give heat and en ergy, the lats give reserve force to the body. Varying conditions, according to age, health, occupation and climatic conditions require different propor tions of the various food-elements. Hut there is a certain law, in gener al, to tho effect that the fats and carbo-hydrates should lie in the same amount. There are four great mistakes in diet, under-nutritlon, over-nutrition, wrorg proportions, und food nbt properly propared. The first condition, under-nutrition, is found among the poor, tho lazy or the very busy also among those people who are over economical either in time or monqy matters. Women are apt to eat too little nitrogenous food food and too much carbo hydrates. In over-eating ono gets too much nitrogenous matter. Students often find dllllculty in getting food to suit them at boarding houses. Hut, they can choose from tho food ottered and sometimes need to sjpplement the fare. "It is largely a matter of backbone to eat what we know is giod for us" said Miss Houton In closing" Wo want to leain to think clearly and live rightlv." SOPHOMORES DEFEAT THE HIGH SCHOOL. In a hotly contested game of bas ket ball the sophomores defeated the high school team last night by a score ol 20 to i.'l. Dr. Condra acted as refereo and Ferguson and Nelson as umpires. The gamo was very much on the order of football but perhaps all the more entertaining on that account for every one played his best, enthusiasm Increasing as the gamo progressed. The high school was well lepresent cd in the gallery and the armory rang with cheers when its team made a goal or the sophomores failed in an attempt. Class standings are in a muddle now. Tho freshmen defeated tne so ANNUAL- HOP? -a-a-a r.niwiPAMV p &&&& X Thursday, March 13th. phomores not long ago and they in turn went down before tho high school. Now the question with the class teams is: "Whcro are we at?" TWO WORLD'S RECORDS RRO KEN. At the meet of the central aniatuer athletic association held at Mtlwaukeo last Sautrday two indoor recoids were broken. The meet was won by the University or Chicago with 14 poinns. Reloit came second with 22 points. F. G. Malouy of the University of Chicago won the 75 yards high hur dles in 0:10 flat boatiug the world's record by 1-5 second. Ed Merrill of Reloit lowered the worlds indoor record in tho 440 yard run by 1-5 of a second his time being 0:52 2-5 seconds. Hlalr of Chicago came with in 1-5 of a second or tho record in the 50 yard dasli winning It in 0:07 4-5 seconds. Messcrs Billings, Warner Turner and North and Misses .Ilolley, Shin ber, Thomas, Case and Hoose havo returned from their trip to Toronto where they wont as delegates to the International student volunteer con vention. Ham Anderson is spending a few days in Chicago on h!s way I back. BASEBALL SCHEDULE Dates for Trips Practically Filled -Series of Games With Om aha League arfd Nebras ka Indians. The basoball men were out on the Held last night for acltve practice and if tho weather continues good the practice will bo kept up In earnest. Thus fai a number of promising men have, reported and there is every reason to believe that the team this vear will be one of the strongest that has yet uono out. Manager Shldler of tho team an nounces that he has almost complet ed the schedulo Tor this season's games. There are now two open dates that havo not been dellnitely settled for the eastern trip. The team will start out on its northern trip about April 21 playing the first game with Luther college at Decorah, Iowa. On April 25 and 2(! tho team will play tho University of Minnesota at Minneapolis. Ir the athletic relations with Kansas I'niversity continue olea sant the matter of football game having caused some unfavorable talk Walsh Hall, Informal i in that institution their team wll play at Lincoln on May 1 and 2. On tho evening of the latter dato the university t3ani will start out on its annual eastern trip making the first stop at Des Moines where it will play Highland Hark college. The rest or the schedule is as follows: Iowa State University at Iowa City. Knox College at Galcsburi:. Northwestern University at Evars ton. Notre Dame at South Rend. Purdue at Lafayette. Missouri State University at Colum bia. Kansas State University at Lawer enco, two games. Washington at Topeku. St. Mary's College, at St. Mary's Kuiibus. Kansas State Agricultural Collogo at Manhattan. After this trip has been completod a Berios of games will be played between the Omaha league- team, the Nebraska Indians and tho university. Creightou Medical College will jpluy the university team for the first time. Tho schedulo on tho whole ie a strong ono and from present prospects, tho team will bo able to make a strong show. Prosidont Roorovelt and Football. Prosidont Roosovolt iB quoted oh say ing in rogard fo his eon's recent illness "Ted is Btrong and ruggod, or ho couldn't havo shown this wondorful improvement. Ho had a littlo accident hero last fall when ho broko his collar bono playing football, but that is noth ing. His mother was rather glad that it happened, I think, as it Rlunvcd him what to expect. A CASK OF CINOMICAH 1NCOM PATAHILITV. Tlio cliomicHl laboratory is as a rulo the place of "reactions." Yesterday however tho monotony of this rulo was fiuddonly broken an 1 for a fow moments it was tha scoce of tho liveli est "action" on tlio part of oho of the students who was industriously work ing at pne of tho doskf. Tho cauao of the commotion was an accident which might havo resulted tuoro seriously than it did, had it not boon for tho proBenco of mind and tho ability of the students to uso to ndvan tago thoir knowledge of chemistry. In some manner unaccountod for avhilo C. 10. Hullanl was working at ono of the laboratory desks a gallon Haek of hydrochloric acid was ovorturnod and fell directly upon tho place whoro he was working. Striking tho doak tho flask broke into a thousand pieces and tho strong acid proceeded at onco to combine with Mr. Dullard. Tho two however scorned to havo very little af finity for oach other and a bottle of ammonia was therefore brought to the rescue of Mi. Hydrochloric. Repeated applications of tbo hydrate, iogothcr with a number of ablutions in aqua pura soon relieved Mr. Hullard of hi discomforts as tho acid had rolioved him of a part of his clothes which im mediately thereafter roeomblod a com mon eiovo more than tho garb of a senior. Mr. Bullard took" appartmenta in one of the offices whilo ho sont his valot aftor another suit of clothoe. Tho latter soon returned and relieved him of his troubles. Professor Rowo Succeeds Dr. Lindsay At tho annual mooting of tho Hoard of Directors of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Prof. Leo S. Rowo, cf tho University of I'enn Eylvannia, was electod president to fill thoacancy made by the resignation of Dr. Samuel Mc. C Lindsay, who was rocently appointed Commissioner of Education of Porto Rico. Dr. Lindsay was, however, elected as one of tho vieo-presidents, with Dr Franklin II. Gidding and Prof. Woodrow Wilson as associates. Dr. JamoB T. Young, ulso of tho University of of Pennsylvania, was elected secretary, Tho following oflicors were re oloctod: Council Clin ton Rogers Woodruff; treasurer, Stuart Wood; librarian, John L. Ste-vart. G. II. Ellsworth left today for Fullerfcon to spend a fow1 davB4jGfore going to Iowa City to assume his duties in the University of Iowa, lie will return to Lincoln Saturday and will leave for Iowa City, Sunday. i" & i '. Vl 1 ll l I ft $ j. r : ?1 1 r 7 f" I - it '..I S . I