The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 05, 1902, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
VOL. 1, NO.J04.
. i
Basket Ball Team Returns From
Kansas Aftor an Unsatisfac
tory Trip Misfortunes
at Every Turn
After a st mcwhat unsucccsssrul
trip though one not entirely Licking
in pleasant features, tho basketbal 1
team rotnrnccl from Topcka, Kansas,
last night. Of the three games play
ed the nntch with Kansas was the
only successful one. Had the team
not labored under serious handicaps
In each of these games, It Is very
probable that tho results would have
been quite different.
The team was unlortunate In fail
ing to carry enough substitutes "long.
For this reason too business manager
was onliged to play on one ot the
games though he was entirely out of
practice. Mr. Raymond who was un
able to accompany the team when it
left, failed to report later as was
expected. These facts together with
the Inability or Cortelyou, fie best
man on the team, to play In tho
last game placed the ,team
in poor condition to play baskotball.
The game with the Indians was
swift and hard. The Haskell men
played fast ball auci were constantly
In the gamo. Their playing was,
however, characterized by roughness.
Tho Held was not as good asajght be
desired for such a .game, there
being six posts on the floor which
made it ery hard for those unaccus
tomed to it to play as swift as usual.
In the gamo with Kansas, Hewitt
was unable to play and was therefore
substituted by Manager Mori ell who
has played but twico during the vear.
Handicapped as it was in this game,
the team succeeded in defeating tho
Jay Hawkers by a large score.
The match with Topcka resulted
in a victory for that team by the
scoro of f'2 to :t(i. In this game,
Cortelyou was compelled to retire on
account of sickness. The. loss of tho
best man on tho team was a serious one
for Nebraska and was without the
loast doubt the cause of the defeat.
Cortelyou attempted to play in tho
first half, going into tho game after
having been ill all ciay, but was
soon forced to retire. As no substitute
'' had boon taken along, time was call
ed In order to give Mr Morroll a
chauco to udorn hinielf with a suit
and outer the gamo. Tho absonco of
two of tho btst men on tho team
nia?lo it a linal victim to tho Tope
kans. '
Aslae from the defeats and tho
illness of two of tho players the trip
was a very ploasanb one. Tho men
aro free in their praise lor thoir
treatment whllo visiting the Indiana.
Thoy enjoyed their h ospitallty
from Friday evening until Monday
morning. On baturday night after
tho game with Kansas, Iho Indians
gave a banquet. The Nooraska and
Kansas teams as well as tho lattor's
rooters were present. Tho Indians
had an excellent band of thirty pieces
which furnished music during the
banquet. A very enjoyable time was
had and the trip will long
be remombered.
If satisfactory arrangements can
oe made. Topeka will play in Lincoln
in about two weeks. If a gamo can
be arranged with the city Y M C A
and tho Haskell Indians, the latter
team will also come In the near
One of tho most interesting games
or basketball that will be held
among tho class teams this year will
be played tonight In the armory, at
eight o'clock, between the sophomore
and Lincoln high school teams.
The sophomores have been very for
tunate in their games thus far and
do not intend to fall bohini their
record of not bolng beaten.
The team will bo somewhat handi
capped tliis time, however, on ac
count ot the absonco or Captain Mc
Cutcheon and the lack or an oppor
tunity to use tho gymnasium for
practice for the past rew days. The
sopohomorcH are, nevertheless
ccnlident that they can win from the
Lincoln high scluuil bojs.
Tho line up of the two teams Is
as follows: Sopomores. Forwards.
Myers, Elliot; Guards, McCuccheon
Capt. , Andreson; Center Newton and
Manning. High .school. Forwards,
Raymond, Walsh; Guards, Roll, Mat
son; center, Field. Captain. Manager
Myers ot the spohomoro team Is now
trying to schedule somo games with
teams out In the state in order that
the team may take a trip. It Is
hoped that games may be arranged
with some of tho following: Omaha
second Y M C A, Omaha High
School, Fremont Y M C A and York
('oil ego. Doano College has already
declined to accept a challenge.
The Engineering Annual is on the
road to success. Two very line artic
les have just been received -one from
D. C. Yates of the Homestake Min
ing Co., of South Dakota and the
other from Jos. Sargent of tho U. S.
Engineering Corps in Cuba. Mr.
Yates' article is on mining and as ho
been Intimately connected with
this kind of work, his articles will be
of groat value. It is technical and
aeals with somo of tho probloms Ren
countered by tho mining engineer.
Tho article written by Mr Sarcrent is
not so technical as the other, but is
of vital interest at this time, as It is
on tho sugar boot industry in Cuba.
Jur Sargent in his connection with
tho United States engineers, has had
occasion to. travel aver MioJlancL ex
tensively, and has observed ciosoly tho
methods employed In the manufacture
of sugar. Tho article will be profus
ely illustrated with views takon by
Mr Sargent himself and will prob
ably be the most "popular" article in
the annual.
Former Secretary of University Y.M.
0. A. Will Visit Tho Association-Will
Address tho
Many of the friends of John Mooro
will bo glad to know that ho has con
sentod to spend Saturday and Sunday
at the University. Thorc aro few
men that have gone out from tho
University with as largo a circle of
friends as has he. During his
three years connection with tho
Young Men's Christian Association
of tho University, fie came into con
tact with noarly the whole student
body In such a way as to win an en
dearing piaco in their memories.
Mr Moore lias beoc engaged as stu
dent secretary of Missouri this year
and reports from that state show a
remarkably efficient work in the
different colleges under his subervl
sion. During his stay at the uni
versity Mr Mooro was seldom hoard
In public speaking, continlng his work
more particularly to organization
and supervision. On (his visit how
ever an opportunity will bo given all
young men to hear him. Prepara
tions aro being made Tor a large
meeting on Sunday afternoon. It
will alTord an oppoitunlty for many
of liis old friends to meet him and
renew a pleasant acquaintance.
The delgates to the convention
which was held at Toronto last week
returned last night after having been
in attendance at one of tho greatest
student gatherings of this nature
which has over ooen held in North
Very little time was given by tho
delegates to sight seeing in as much
as tho sessions of the convetlon were
such as to demand most of their
time. Most of the delegates howover
took advantage of the opportunity
which was olTered to them of return
ing by way of 1 he Niagara Falls,
and of seeing the boautiful.sights
at that point.
The delegates leaving Lincoln a
week ago last Monday evening arriv
ed in Toronto on the following morn
Ing. Regan session of tho groat meet
ing being that aftornoon and con
tinued until Sunday evening. Ono
of the delegates speaking of tho
convention last night said it was. In
many respects, one of tho greatest
student gatherings over held. In
point of nuumbers It was, the largest
gathering of college people over hold
in North America. Twenty-two
countries were represented in this
student meeting. Four hundred and
sixty-flvo colleges were represented
by228ii iioJegalesithore were 212
professors present and 82 representa
tives of missionary noaras and 107
missionaries. Tho convention was
therefore one of tho greatest of Its
kind over hold.
Tho primary object of tho meeting
was the consideration of missionary
activity in tho colleges of tho coun
try. To assist In tho dlsoiiBslon of
these questions thorc were present
such great leaders as John R Mott,
Robert Spcer, Dr. Anient, "Rishop
Thoburn of India and many other
leaders of Btudout activities. There
wore among tnom loaders of mission
ary and othor religious work In
colleges of Nortli America. Much
can bo oxpected as a result of this
convention, said tho delegate. The
studont volunteer movemont Is a com
paratively young organization but tho
fruits of its work have been marked.
Acting as the recruiting furco for
the missionary boards of all denom
inations, It has, In tho flrteon years
of lis oxistenco, supplied 1(5 per cent
of the missionary forco of Christen
dom. Resides acting as such
a recruiting agency It is directly
concerned In engaging the interest and
co-operation of studonts in foreign
missionary enterprise.
The convention which just closed
Its fourth and most highly represen
tative session in the history of the
movomont, shovod the groat inter
est which is being taken In this
work. Especially so was it seen on
tho last night of tho convention
!.")() delegates arose and stated they
had definite arrangements made for
going into tho foreign field during
the coming year.
CATION Tho convocation period yesterday
was given over to a musical program
in order to lend variety to these very
successful meetings. Tho oxorclscs
were undor tho direction of Professor
Kimball and opened Iwltn a song by
tho doublo quartette composed- of
Misses Rurruss, Redford, Robinson
and Talcott; and MessrB Swart, Cus
cadon, Frollch and Johnson.
Mr. Geo. Johnson then entertained
the audience with alienor solo. Ills
cfTorts were so well received thatho
was obliged to respond to an encoro
repeating the last verso of
the llrst song entitled "Eyos of Irish
Blue." Miss Lillian Eiche then fol
lowed with a cello solo rendering
Walthers Prize Song from "Meistor
slnger "by Wagner. Professor Kim
ball played the organ acoompainmont
which gave good orchestral effect.
Miss Elchc also responded to a hearty
encoro with "Ave Maria " by Schub
ert. Owing to tho Jack of time a
selection which was to have been
given by tho ladies quartette had to
be omitted. It was announced, how
ever, that tho students wouldbo per
mitted to hoar it very soon.
Chancellor Andrews, who dolivered
an address at Colorado Springs last
Mjonday at tho dedication of the now
mining bulla fng7 wnTsln5oToTeTr
farmers institute at Broken Bow this
evening. On Thursday afternoon ho
will address a similar meeting at
Mason City, a small town near that
place, no will return to Lincoln
Thursday evening.
4? I
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