The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 03, 1902, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
f rr-r-j a
Vol,. 1, Xo.Kfc.
b l ..
I i
Tlie Annual Girls' Basket Bail Can
test Resulted in a Victory
lor tlieVarsity Sev
eral Close Games
l.a--t Sat ur hi v a fton odd, mi" uf tl.o
ii.d' I sui'i'i S' ful l).:.-l, It a'l I" ii 11 mu n!n
i't 1 i.u'i I w;iH 1 1 ip il. I to cini- r, a ' 1 1 :m :i
goal 'if (lie (.'iimi' and gave I lie vie
tmv In ()malia. '11 if victory Inr (lie
tall girls nf Omaha was a hard one
and the honors were very finally
divided. ( 'nnsideriiig the handicap
id' t lie aim') team in t lie mat I er ol
height, il deserves special eiedi', or
ils work.
'I'lie prorgani mi .iturdav at t ( i
noon opened with a game between
' ) iii;i I i'i high M'honl and I he uni v ei
1 1"- ul I ill' u ii!'. r t;i t ', sli!
ti."- Ir-qhy fnr wlmli III- i -1 1 ng
! ;iii,:i in :: i J i ;i i.aril st: u '",!".
The liisl gann s ot 1 h I nurnament
weie plavc.l on Friday i veiling, when
Wahoo, Omaha high .-ch"iil. Omaha
Y W (' A and the I'niversttv secmd
l earn emit est ed Im t lie t mil nainent
prie, llie srven-lnanehed Roman
The lirst contest look place net ween
l he Wiiliiu and tin Omaha high
school teams, resulting in ietniy lor
I lie lornii r liv a scm e of '.i I o .; The
two teams weie vei evi nlv malclieil
and nave a very pretty exhihtiimi of
the (,'iinii'. The niils Irom alum
were decidedly I h" stronger passing
the ha!l wit h considerable sk i II and
always in t h" name from hi ginning
to the end. At, times tneir playing
was so sharp t hat lluir dainty neinh
Lots trom the metropolis were .at a
loss to Know, w hat to do.
A Iter the first hall' of this L'ame
had heen played the Omaha Y W ('
A and the I 'diversity second leam
'played a swift and cxcitlnn nam'1 re
sult inn ii'a score of 1 1 to 7 in favor of
thevisiors. At the start t ninns look
er! very lavorahle for the uni verisly
nirls, Miss Ciai makinn a lmin throw
Irom the Held. This was at. once
followed by switt work from the
visitors, Miss Matliisand Miss Cor
t nidi" Maromlier. who recent ly granua
t tvi'f rnni the university tikinn sev
eral throws. The successful manner
in which Miss Matins threw goals is
worthy of note. Miss Maeomher
seemed not, at all emharassed by the
fact that she was playing anainst her
old associates on the university team,
llur plavinn was hard and swift from
start, to finish.
After these two panics caine the ex
citing contest, of fiie eveninn when
the pigmies from Wahoo, havinn won
their lirst name, were to wrestle
with tin; Y W C A team from Oma
ha which too had won in thelirsl
eon test. The sympathy or the au
dience seemed in bo with the little
nirls from Willi no, duo largely no
douiit to tin; fact that they were so
much smaller than their competitors.
The name started out hot and furi
ous. The pigmies were all over the
Moor at the same I line, iilockmn lung
throws and preventing almost cer
tain goal;. .So nreat was the dill'er
ence in the height of I he two compet
ing leauis that the Wahoo girls were
frequently cum el led Lu tlnow the
hall on the Hour in order to pass it
at all.
The game nejonged to either
side until the (dose of the contest
when Miss Maeomher threw the lirst
,, .. Slty SI er-nd le.llll luit 1 1 having i 'I'll
m!h t !.e J
di lealed t he nigiil Icfoie. '1 he uiii-
, crsit nil Is were much 1 1 if supc im
of the. smaller girls imm Omaha and
J succede I in defeat i ng I hem iiy a
scot e o h lu.l,
! Then tollowed t he" lii-d hall ol I he
game o the tournament between I he
Y W (' A nirls and Ihe'vaisily team
for tie trophy. The game was one
for all t hat t In ie was in t he t wo
teams, bol Ii pla ing t he game ol
t heir lives. . t t lie close of t he lirsr
half it was hard to predict which team
would carry - IT the tr.iph, the score
standing l'J to :: i laoi of ihe
"vasitv girls. The point lor Omaha
were made by Mat his Wallace and
Maeomher "bile Miss Miller succeed
ing 'makinn all t he points tor I he
'varsity in this hall, i'.et ween t lie
halves of this game, the Wahoo team
plavod will, the second team played
with the second "varsity team. The
playing o these lorinu on the even
ing before had arousetr such a deep
interest and their playing that I hey
consented lo give aimt her exhibition
of their elevi r work'. 1 1 w as charac
terized as on i he night Indole, by
high jumping and sensational play
ing thrmghout. Tluy wore, how
ever, not up to their standard ufthe
niglit before and .met defeat at the
hands ot the 'varsity girls, by a score
ol !i to P. The popular feeding was
so strong in their favor that the sec
ond team asked them I o accept, t he
Russian llgaon as a recognition o
t heir skillul playing.
W it 1 1 I he opening o the second hall ot
t he game for I lie t rophy. t lieaudience
was in a state of excitement, so (dose
was the til. lying and not until t me
wascalled was the samovar sale with
the' varsity team. Miss .1 ansa in tnis
halt succeeded in getting away Irom
the tall Miss Balccr long enough to
throw a goal from the lield and two
Irom the full line. Omaha was given
a number of chances at the goal from
the center place but could tind the
basket but twice. The final some
stood is to ii in tavor of the 'varsity
girls who will hold the prize trophy,
a beautiful Russian samovar lor an
other year.
The interest in the tournament was
so great this year that it will , imi
douotediy be on; of the most inter
esting events in athletics next year.
Already a number of high schools
throughout ;thc state are trying to
make arrangements to J be.; admitted
to I be contest.
A no order of ( 'an Hold's "Student
and his Problems just received at the
Discusses Irrigation Problems And
Their Solutions Belorc Con
vocation and Engineer
ing Society.
Mr K I wood Meade, of the I' diver
sity o (alilornia and ( 'ommisssion
of irrigal ion lor I he t'nlted States
heparin cut o Agriculture, add lessen
the convoc'ii inn last Friday. Mi
Meade is highest aulhoriky on Ihe li
ng. it ion quest Ion and gave some argil
incuts that aie well woilhym" c.ircliil
consideiat ion.
lie was reminded, lie said, ol t he
old itidian who could not see how
niari could be made mi; i, dnsl . Ne
braska, and in not I he ent ire est,
have plenty ol dust but that is not
sullieieni : we need water and mud.
The queslim of nrigat hm involves a
groat social problem. In past" wars
flic eastern portions of t he country
were in use and the neid of irrigation
was not, feif beci'iiso t here was plenty
of rain. the fill ure must, lie Tar
dilTeient liom tin; past. Arid re
gions, hit heito unset t led, will have
to maintain a populat uni and come
under t he plow.
There are today, said t he ' speaker,
between 7,."itio,0()() and oimi,uoi acres
under irrigal ion. This is a wonder
fully large amount, when we consider
that it has all come about through
private enterprise, and with no legis
lation whatever. It has been done,
however, in a haphazard way, because;
there was no need of economy. St reams
furnished plenty of water for all. To
lap a stream was a simple matter,
and nobody objected, but henceforth,
irrigation will have to be promoted
by lame corporations or by the state.
Private "apital will be entirely in
sullleicnt The question, said Mr Meade, is
not at all now. The future must tie
built upon the past and this very
fact gives the problem a complexity
that is almost never realized. Iiy
long years of usage, riveis have come
to be claimed Iiy diloreut peoples.
Even if the government were to as
sume full control of irrigation, what
would be dune with existing rights
and claims to streams and ditches-:'
Then; was at t irst such a disregard
nf rights that men have come to own
water supplies, as they own farms,
the rights to which can he bought
and sold. Yet. t hese sources of water
ought to be common property: for,
in the moral sense, there is nu such
a tirng; as"private owership or a
stream. Water wajs belong to the
county through' which they pass.
The distribution of water is or
greatest importance and can be dealt
with only by legislation. This ract
makes the problem too complicated
to oe solved by individual states. It
makes federal ownership uccehiiary.
Put the present need is nu edu
cation or the people so as to over
come a prevailing prejudice. People
(Continued on page '2 )
A defeat, and a vlctm v is t lie re
cord made by the basket ball team
t bus far on ils southern t rip.
Fiiday t he team met the Haskell
Indians and went down before them
by a se ire or T.I to J'). The game
was played after t he Nebraska team
had t raveled most ' of t l( day and
fliey wore pretty thoroughly worn
out before I he game began. To add
I" their (liMMiulit ure Raymond. I he
fast guard, was unable to lake (lie
trip and his place was taken by Hew
Hi his substitute. The Indians were
eleaily too much for the visitor
in t lie. eo-idlt inn t hey were in and
I he lat I ei weie soon plav ed out
The Indians played a Mere" game
from slarl to linish. Theli st yle ol
play was too swilt lor the Nebraska
boys. They also put, up a rough
game, twenty toul.s being charged
against them to lour against
I'm the Nebraska team Oortelvoii
was clearly the star. He throw six
of the eight goals credited to t he
team. The line up was: Haskell.
( )iivcr. center ; Hills, Arehlquet to,
forwards; Hausei, Shields, backs.
Nebraska. Plllshury, center; Cor
telyou. Hagesick, lonvards: Koehler,
Hewitt, backs.
The defeat of Friday i.ighl was in
part retrieved by a v hdory Saturday
niglit, from the Kansas University
team. The game was a last one and
was ( until near the end when
the Nebiaska boys by several line
throws gained the lead. Tire team
work was go;,d on both sides and the
game was comparatively free from
roughness. (Jorfelyou was the star
for the visitors and Owens for Kans
as. Five of Nebraska's goals were
thrown by Cniteiyou. two by Hagen
slok and two by Pillsbury. Raymond
was not in the game and his absence
caused Kevoralehanges in tin; line-up.
Hagensiek was changed from forward
to guard and Morrill put In at for
ward. The line up: Kansas. Owens,
l A 1 ford, forwards: .1 A I ford, cen
ter; Fees, Smith, hacks. Nebraska.
Koidiler, HagensicK, backs; Pills
bury, center: Morrill, Cortelyou,
Chancellor Andrews has appointed
O ! Fee. to succeed (; II Ellsworth
as assistant superintendent or
grounds and buildings. Mr Fee nas
been an assistant to Mr Ellsworth
for thiee yoars and during that time
has become thoroughly conversant,
with the duties or the olllce. He
took (diarge of the oflice Saturday.
Students expecting to teach next
year and wlshlng'the aid or the uni
versity to secure an appointment,
are reuuested to llie applications at
the Recorder's otlice during this
Dexter Clinton, .1 Haves Pell. Thus
Critlin, RC Powers. F K Nelson. ;o ;
Home, A K Barnes, A K Welch, F
Mai tin; Misses Montgomery, Druse,
Hayes, Reeves, Roberts and Druse.
-i i