p!H5S5H!ij55SSK THE DAILY WBRASKAN. . i 1 1 1 r) i" H r h iSEE03SgISSg3BSBgEB8Ei ! PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 13 I ncjii ODD nnpnnnnnncn unafanDaDnDH JR. HAGGARD, M. D. Offloe 1100 0 Street, Rooms 212-213-214 Rich ards Block, Telephone 535. Residence, lffl.0 G Btieet, Telophone L984. DR. BENJ. F. BAILEY; Dr. May Louise Flnnagnn; Office, 141 South 12th Street. Tolephone G18. LP. DAVIS. 0. D. S., Dentist. Bridge and Crown work. Ofllee room 7, over Rock Island ticket oflice. Phone 349. I COMPLIMENTS OK TIIK NEW LINCOLN ROWLING ALLEY TO TIIK 1'NIVERSITV STUDENTS. Club rates given. John S. Cain, Propr., 130 So. Tenth A Close Shave A hair cut, or anything else you want a bnber to do for you, at the Y. M. C. A . Barheu Shop, 13TH AN STREETS. Notice to lady Students Your attention is called to the fact that yon can have your Suit. (Jolf Skirt. Raglan jacket made to order Perfect Fitting on Every Garment Fully Guaranteed. You are invited to call and look wer my bam pies and styles. L.BIiimentliaUISN.lltliSt. Phone "L" 1028. Do You.... Ever Write to HER or. to HIM? Of Course you Do. Why not get some of our high grade station ery. Its the best there is. It'll increase your prospects Wilson & Hall, Booksellers and Stationers, 1123 0 St. Yule Bros. Laundry Stndent's Your Suitorium Is Located at ai8 No. nth St. Telephone L 1028, at BLUMENTHAL'S. v I also beg to call your attention, that I carry a full line, f! Spring Style hate, in soft Panama shapes and Stiff hats. 10$ oft o student 1514 0 St Phone 754 Local and Personal. (mFmlBaamaaami Jt. ui iiuiiui;, .- i-. J.J.VU. rfA Ik IJ 1 j Fine furs, Steele, 143 So. 12th. Steele, tho'.furrier, 113 S. C E. Rrown, dentist. Burr block. The Hygienic Cafe, 316 So. 12th at. Palace Dining hall for good meals. Eat at Don Cameron's ,118 so. 1 1 LIi. Get anup-todato university hair cut at Wcstertlclds. For sheet music anrl supplies go to the Muthews Piano Co., 1120 O street. Dr. Woodward aurlst, Richards blk. Dr. Kctehum, oculist, glasses fitted. Ernest Wiggonliorn was a visitor at the Phi Psi house last Sunday. Dr. Woodward oculist, Richards blk. The north door of the green house has been nailed up for the present, on account of the draft caused by the north wind. The spring ro-potting has begun in the green-house and the cannas for the campus uhls year are well under way. The department of Astroromy has specified tho llrst and third Mondays In every month for public cvenlngB in the observatory. Miss Ida Taylor of tho girl's bas ketball team of last year Is coming from Exeter to bo a spectator at tho tournament. Word has been received from Dan Uutlcben. He is working for tho Oxnard Construction Co., at Oaro, Mich., surveying and draughting. G. A. Babson, who has been out with a II & M surveying party was visiting friends at tho university today, from here he will go to Chicago where ho has omployment as a draughtsman. Dr. Lees's class in Greek 2 has just begun tho study of Selections from Ileroditus by W. W. Merry. This is the first tuno this book has been used as a text. All books Joft In tho library or de posited behind other book arc collect ed ano put In the lettered boxes in the hall in tho basement. As a re sult studonts may be seen dail going through tho stocks of note books lu search for thelr.own. Of course you'll have to keep your room warm this winter Gregory, the Coal Man Has the Stuff Eleventh and O Streets I .A VALENTINE jui. a K rh. H , h i jm i nc grcai m 7MnBfi6BBHB virtuoso nu u lf?tHHLiKiLD onlv the I Hh Waslibum I f"- Mandolin j I no wire It Is an Inspiration to Mm. Yoj, B I too, should onjoy a Washburn. Wmlilturn D Mandolins, Oultacs, Banjo, ZUUors nro sold U W by flret-clftHO music donlors ovoryhor. D I New Models Only Sifl.oo. 1 I Iteatitlful Souvenir Catalogue Free. I I LYON & HEALY, Maker, 1 I 17 Adams Street, - Chicago. N Lfl i j Students! Decorate Your Rooms! IN ARTISTIC POSTER FREE. Send us your name on a postal card and we will mad to you free a new brilliantly colored Washburn poster (size 12x18 inches). This poster is the creation of the Viking's Head Studio, and has been pronounced exceedingly bright and clever. It represents a pastoral scene, a rabbit enamored of the music of a mandolin. Write today, this offer may not appear again. LYON & HEALY, 17 Adams St., Chicago. Makers of the World-Famous Washburn Guitars. Mandolins, Banjos and Zilhors- Ads in the DAILY NEBRASKAN Pay Because they reach the Students. Ralph Conklln, a former unlverlsty studont, was visiting at tho Alpha Tan Omega house and among uni versity friends yesterday. Mr. Conklln is atprcsent at farming near Tekamah. Messrs. George Towne, G. W. A. Luckey and Inspector Crabtreo 'left last Monday evening for Chicago wliero thoy will bo In attendance at tho meeting of schoool suporinton dants and principals. They oxpect to return about tho clcso of tho wook. Baseball practice has begun In earnest and tho men are now diligent ly at work In tho cage. Soveral new promising mon havo appeared and there Beoras to bo splendid prospects for some strong mon in the box. So far tho most prominent are Galr.os, Townsend, Bonder, Stringer and Thompson. DU TEIL-Clgars "that's all. OLIVER : THEATRE F. C. ZEHRUNQ & 0. T. CRAWFORD, M6R8. Cor. 13th and P Streets. Pfet 3S4 Friday Evening, Feb. 28 THE GREAT PIANIST. JOSEPH HOFHANN.... Auspices Malinre Musicale. rriccs r()c to 8l.n0. On Sale Wodnesdny MONDAY, MAR. 3 SGUSA ah7sd BAND The glorified ideal of tbe Military Hand London Globe. "THE MARCH KING" .JOHN PHI LIP SOUSA, Conductor. Maude Recse-Davics Soprano. Dorothy Hoyle Viollnest. Walter B. Rogers Cornet. Prices, r.Oc, 7.r, 81.00 and 81.50. Seats on Sale Friday. 1 '33! iRPBfe" 95f mm, i BSSSshsVBSSSSSSSSSSSSsfliBSSSSh sssssssssflMlsssssP ;-.,rjm iPuIiRva'' ALL KINDS OF - - - ; Stationery Tablets 1 School andJSC ;! Student Supplies AT S Roy's Dmg Store,, 104 TJorth 10th St. H Prescriptions, Dispensing and Com pounding Carefully Done. Give us a calL. &i n Ki 1 7$ m 1 . sU : it n tf $ '. ' ll 'i ,'' i v '. j .'' -. r J 3 'A l iXi an 1 ' 4 t