"yp nwt n" T- itet-m,y-f, ? -V-i. ' v U" t w , IP THE DAILY JTEBRASKAU. .-X- , ' :, i e V THE DAILY NEBRASKAN k wihm droUd to U( lnUrMtt ti Uf UTraUy of Nabfa tka. A CONHOLIDATION OF Tho nodporlun Vol. XXXI Tlio NobrnHknn Vol X I Tim Hoirlot mid ( 'rouni Vol 1 1 1 Htorllng II. Mit'uw. H W. Harbor, Uhiw I. Tuylor I (JhiiH K. WullNf K T. Hill, MiinaKlng KdlUir EdlUirln-Uiilcf ItusliicRH ManaRor AsNlHtmit Kdito Associate Editors. V. ('. liiitlc, H. A. McNowii, II O. Nelson. Win. (June. Dan (lutlchun. ' Tba mbtorlptloB prlc of itaa Daily Nebrai kan W a for the oollega year with a rarnlar de Urarr bffore ohapel eaok day. Notlcot, oom- ffunfcailOni, and other mattar Intended for pub oatlon, mul m banded In at the Nabratkau office Deror 7 p. m., or mailed to the editor be fore 8 p. m., of the day pretloui to that day on fehiqh tbey are expected to appear. Hnbioilptloni may be left at the Nebrtkan offloe, at the Co. Op., or with Buiinett Manager. Bnbeoribere will confer a faror by reporting promptly at tbla oflice any failure to recelre the AH ohanrea in adyertlnin matter nail be in the office by 8 p. m. on the day prerlona to that m whloh they are to appear. Addreee all communication! to the Daily Ne hraakaa, 134 N. lltk Bt., Lincoln, Nebraska. Telephone 479. KnLcrcd ut tho post office lit Lincoln, Nek as second class mull mutter Tho Junior party Saturday night will nITora tho members of that class an opportunity to show that they aro all alive and can turn out as largo a body as any other class, in the university. Tho futuro courso of the class depends very much on the success of this party. It will, very likoly settlo the question of soninr re coptlon. For these reasons It Is important tliat overy member or tho class should be present. HASKKT BALL TEAM TO OO TO KANSAS. Manager Morroll of tho basket ball team has made arrangements to talto the team to Kansas this week whoro it will play the university, tho Haskell In diana and tho Topeka V. M.C.A. tcuma. As was announcod a short time ago, it was oxpectod that no pamo would bo ployed with Kansas this yoar on ac count of tho fact that thut institution bud no Buituble lloor on which to play. Recently they wore given permission to uao the iloor belonging to tho Has kell Indians which iB about two miles from tho utato university. Manager Morroll was therefore notified tho other day that Kansas would be ablo to pluy tho ganio which had boon declared oh". Binco thon uegotiations havo beon go ing on between tho two institutions but all along it wemod that no satisfactory inducotnontB would bo given our team to inako tho trip. Iho spirit of tho Kansas athletic board was in the proper place, never theless, und iho moil) here rosolved to havo tho team come down ovon if a part of the oxponeeB hud to bo borne by themselves personally Manager Mor- CONE, i Tho .Installment Tailor 115 North Jlth. ? roll was tboroforc Informed that tho ox- ponBoa of tho team would bo paid if it would como. Bo tho team will lenro horo next Friday morning arriving in Lawronce tho samo day. A game will bo played the samo evening but as yet it is not known whether it will bo with tho Haskoll Indians or tho Kansas Uni- vorsity. Another will bo played on Saturday with ono of thoso teams and the last game with Topoka on Monaay evening. Return will bo mado next Tuesday, Captain Koohlor is confident of vic tory though ho oxpocts to meet with formidable opposition in tho Haskoll game. This team is reputod to bo very swift. A Kronen Draft. An anecdote comes from Brussels Il lustrating tho generous spirit of a banker or that city. Tho banker li fond of outdoor exercise. As an ex hibition of his skill In Bkating he made his autograph on tho Ice In a vory artistic manner. Some gentlemen, having admlrod hla Bignatuie, proceeded to write abovo it as follows: "On demand I promise to pay for the benefit of tho poor tho sum of 5,000 marks." Thoy sawed out tbo block of ice, and, having called a cab, proceeded to tho bank and carried the frozen note to tho cashier's counter. Worthy of n Ilostoneia. A young parson whllo dining at tho hoiiBo of a family of his congregation presumed to entertain tho table with a disseiation upon life. "And, after all, what Is life?" he asked, and paused for oratorical effect. "I know," a small voice exclaimed and all eyes wro turned to the end of tho tablo whero the youngest son of tho family sat in a high chair. "I know," ho piped. "Herbert Spencer says lifo Is tho definite combination of hetorogo ncous changes, both simultaneous and successive, In correspondence with ex ternal coexistences and sequences." Varied in IIli Tnstea. Henry Laimley, tho well-known Lon don auctioneer, who died recently, was a man of varied tastes and consider able attainments. In spite of tho cares of a large business ho found time to dabble In literature, and produced sev eral clover stories besides a novel or two. He planned the water supply of Jerusalem and invented a now kind of ship's rudder, which la constructed on Iho prlnciplo of a fish's tall, having a uullng-up movement simultaneously with tho movement from aldo to side. AS SEEN IN GERMANY This Is tho portrait of tho Presi dent's eldest daughter which Is going tho rounds of the German illustrated papers In connection with tho coming vacht christening. DO YOU REALIZE . . . That its cheapest in the end to get your shoes of us? We can fit your feet and your purse. And when you need another pair we are satis fied that you will be sure to come back to us. Yours for Shoes, PERKINS & SHELDON, 1120 O St. The University Book Store. All Hooks and Supplies used at the State University The Scarlet and Cream Store. Watch for the University Foot Ball Annual Now due. The Omaha flEDICAL COLLEGE. Tenth and Pa:Iflc Streets, : : : : : Omaha, Neb. 1 t-aaaaHRlflafK' JbLbbbbbbIbL-- LLbbbBVbbbbbbbbbbbbLbLVI The New Century 112a N STREET la the placo to get your Printing Their work speaks for itself. Unequaled in WIG CllV . . " PHONE 365 R A M'PARTNPY ' ' I The College offers 11 graded course extending oer four annual sessions. The ' Iviintuges and re (luiroiiio t of the college aro fully up to the requirements of the present times, and the conditions laid down by the association of American Medi cal Colleges of whicb this college is member. For in f 01 ma lion address. EWING BROWN, Secretary TnUrcsUtQtatt Bureau. COTTELL & LEONARD 472-478 Bronrtiray Albany, New York Makers of the Caps,Gowns and Hoods Tr tbn Amoricnn frllAyn artr rTni-rnroitina Tl lnnf rnfrl Mnnnol H w "" "". . ...J ...... V .U. .......... H8aralo prices, etc., on request. wGowns for the pulpit and bench. li - v i' (l ! rl ?A ft r: