The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 26, 1902, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
VOL. 1, NO. iffl.
ProfosBor Richards Explains thoPro-
C088 of Producing Artificial
Gold An Economic
Z Owing to a change in the convoca
tion program ror.this week. Professor
Richards, who was to speak tomorrow,
was called upon yesterday. 1 1 is talk
on thcManuracture or ice, "furnish
ed a most interesting explanation of
how ice is made.
Few of the recent manufacturing
processes, said the professor, arc as
Important, both in industry and so
ciety, as that of making cold from
heat. Ice or its equivalent is neces
sary in the transportation of perish
able goods and in preserving meats
and fruits. Hecause of t heir advan
tages, mechanical processes of produc
ing ice have superseded the old way
ol obtaining It.
The cost of manufacturing ice is no
greater than that of sawing it out of
lakes and streams and storing It
away. In many places, he said, ice
can bo made at a cost of "fifty cents
per ton and at seventy-live cents it
can be produced in any locality.
Professor Richards said that there are
live distinct machines or sets of ma
chines employed in tho manufacture
of ico; namely, battery boiler, steam
engine, refiigerator, expansion coll
and condensor. Tho, process is as
fellows: Ammonia Is drawn into the
compressor and is greatly condensed,
thence it Is put through the con
densor and coverted Into a liquid.
From tho condensor the liquid is run
tli rough valves and allowed to volati
lize, by reducing tho high pressure.
Tins evaporation consumes neat
which is drawn from a vat or brine
through which tho expansion colls
are run. Tho briue server, simply
as a conductor of heat. Since it will
not solidify, It can bo reduced to a
very low temperature, imbibing heat
Troin tho cans ot distilled water that
aro placed In the vat of brine. These
cans are replenished'by condensing
tho steam from tho boilers. Conse
quently, Ico made from tills water is
practically pure. Tho process requires
about twentyrour hours. If less time Is
taken, tho blocks of ico will bo
porous in tho center, which is due to
the fact that tho freezing goes on
from tho outside towards the center.
The professor explained that, al
though ice iH cheap, It 'costs about
fifty per cent more than an equiva
lent amount of cold. That Is to say,
much energy is lost in tho freezing.
This is taken advantage of in larce
cold storaco buildings by circulating
tho bnno Itself through the different
rooms and alluwing the gas to ex
pand, thus completing the work by a
simpler process.
Tho speaker said that any substanoo
that would volatilize could be used
for making ice, such as carbon
dloxido and oven heat and compress
ed air.
Tho lirst attempt at distributing
cold from central plants, he said, was
made in 18!K) by a Denver man. The
brinowas circulated under the streets
and the expansion of the gas allowed
to take placo ooneath the customer's
place of business, the ammonia neing
drawn back to the plant and con
donsed. Several processes of making
ice. employed in various countries,
where mentioned. had their
disadvantages, especially the one that
is said to have been used in Egypt,
centuries ago, in which ice
was produced by rapidly fanning a
basin of water.
Tluse students who had the privi
lege fir attending the Y. M. C. A.
gathering at York last week, are able
to testify to the value of this con
vention, both as to the inlluence of
the persons attending and as a means
of uniting tho forces In the stato,
and giving definite plans and pur
poses. Threo international secre
taries were present, C. K. Ober who
had charge or the city association's
work, gave some valuable addresses
on tho organization of the work, and
especially in cities of less than ."000
population. It Is qulto possible, lie
said, to conduct a successful work
In places or that size. C-.S. Phelps,
had special chargo or tho student
department. There Is no part or associ
ation work that lias as large a Held as
tho student department, necessarily,
distinct rrom the city field, and easily
organized, oecause Involving little
expense Geo. I). McDlll was pre
sent for tho railroad department.
Au interesting feature illustrating
this was in tho presentation of a
"Railroad Train" wtiero several
spoko on ditToront linos of ttie rail
road dopartmont. Probably the most
prominent man in tho convention
as B. R. Tylor of Denvor. Mr. Tyler
is past sixty years old but is young
as any college student. Ills reading
from the filble, and discussions on
bible topics aro a souroo of inspira
tion to all. Ho spoke at the men's
meotlng Sunday aftornoon, which is
considered the great meeting of tho
Tho address by Chancellor Androws
on Saturday night was full of practi
cal wisdom and gave the young
men a gllmpso into tho futuro, as to
their )ossi Dill ties and ho gave the
association a largo placo in helping
to salvo tho political, social and re
ligious problems of tho time. The
peoplo of York showed themselves
most entertaining and hospitable
and the 200 delegates united In pralso
or YorK and tier people.
Tho results show themselves In the
determination on tho part of the del
egates to Improvo every opportunity
in their association work, making
bible study and personal effort the
fnundution for this work.
Tickots Aro Going With a Rush Tho
Wahoo Toam Strong This Year
-Makes a Bettor Record
Than Missouri.
Tickets aro going with a rusi for
the basket ball tournament, especial
ly those which aro reserved. If not
another ono should bo sold, the arm
ory would be well filled for tho mat
ches, although tickets have been on
sale a.s yet only a few days.
Tho Wahoo high school team, so
popular with tho spectators or last
year, will reappear almost Intact,
except for tho loss of Miss Jansa. now
one of the stars of the 'varsity and or
the freshman team. Tho captain
is Miss Will ii Adams, who mado tho
record of the tournament for rroe
throws. Her colleaguo at center is
Kato SI. Martin. Tho guards aro
Teresa St. Martin and Alice CraTo;
the rorwards Edith Dixon and Fern
The players rrom Wahoo aro small
but enthusiastic, and will faco their
opponents, high school girls from
Omaha, Friday night, determined
to do their best. So far the Wahoo
toam has the honor of having scored
more points against the hitherto
Invincible 'varsity team than any
other team yet played. It rolled up
ten. mostly made by Miss Jansa and
Miss Adams, '.In last year's tournament
thus making a bettor record than
that made by the Missouri team
last fall.
Tho aubject of a school of mines in
tho University of Nebraska ie'beginning
to denuind some attention am ng the
instructors. In a recent interviow with
Profewsor Harbour tho question wqb
spoken of nt some length. Agriculture,
ho said, was considered by many, in
fact by tho majority, as tho truo basis
of wealth, in America. But they forgot
to consider tho mining wealth, in which
it must be admitted (hero is even great
er stability thun in agriculture.
Wherever there are mines orquarrios
men are almost constantly in employ
ment since the demand for competent
worUmon is constantly incroaBing. On
tho other hand in agriculture men aro
not infrequently thrown out of work
for long periods at a time. Mines, es
pecially those yielding the precious
metals, uro scarcely if ever subject to
these conditions and as a natural couso
quenco during the recent yoars of
drouth and stringency there was for
example a very considerable exodus
from the farming and grazing lands of
Nebraska to tho quarries and mines of
tho surrounding ' states. This has
therefore become a practical and serious
quobtion. Tho greater stability of tho
mining industry over agriculture
is turning attention moro towards
Tho resources of the United Statos
In this lino are so boundless tnat
there can bo no estimate of their Im
portance un til "decades" have
ruther dovolopcmont possible. Tho
output of our mines and quarries at
tho annually.
Up to tho prosent tlmo a great
deal of national and state legislation
has been enacted for tho benefit of
agriculture. This has been carried
on to such an extent that agricultur
al colleges havo been established all
ovor tho union for tho diffusion of
knowlodgo of this laud. Tho same
thing ought to bo done In rocard to
tho establishment or schools or min
ing. Wo are holding tho unlquo position
among tho natlous of tho world of
not only supplying our own wantB but
also tlioso or other countries. This
requires tho dovolopomont or our
resources which in tlmo calls ror
compotent men. This demand ror
such men will make It Incumbont on
the faculties In colleges bordering
on mining regions to provdo sult
aole education for vounj men Inter
ested in followlnu any of the many
mining pursuits. These requirements
havo been met in part by growing
young schools of minos In South Da
kota, Colorado and Wyoming, but as
yet the Held is such an open ono that
the demand has not been suppliod.
The poor student Is put at a great
disadvantage ir ho must go back to
tho school or mines at Columbia
collego, New York city In order to
get thB education, It bolng so far
removed from the great center of the
mining Industry it would bo proper
to establish schools nearer tho real re
gions whore operations are carried on.
Mining was herotoforo been con
ducted on a very wasteful basis.
Tho tondency now is to abandon this
for tho Improved methods biought
about by too training of men in
collegos established for that, purpose.
With these conditions existing there
Is ovory opportunity for tho establish
ment of successful schoo's of mines
In tlls section of the country.
Corrcspondece Is now going on be
tween the athletic boad and Colorado
College In regard to the scheduling
of a game with that institution for
next October. Tho indications aro
generally in favor of tho two colleges
coming together. Tho gamo would
bo played at HDulner, Colorado, tho
location of the school.
For Lincoln and vicinity foi today
partly cloudy with moderate temper
ature. Weather report for 24 honrs. ending
7 pm.
Highest temperature 51 degrees,
occurring at 3:1.") pm.
Lowest temperature, 32 degrees,
occurring at 3 am.
Mean temperature, 42 degree,
which Is 14 degrees above the normal.
Seotlon Director.
A basketball game Is expected in
the near future between the Unions
made land Dolians.
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