IpFywSJt r"-- -vji 1 - -vV sf-.-W rjy, , 1 1 ; f h '-"" - - 'J V ' l rs. THE DAILY NEBRASKA!. I I ; it. . translations Literal Interlinear s Voluaica Dictionaries Oermmn, French, Italian, Spanish Latin, Greek tutorial Series aoo vols, tpeclallydeilrned for coaching lor exam, in all collcgo studies , fiituk noble Schoolbooka of all Publishers 4 Cooper Institute, Kew York city Attention, Students! I wish to know you. I wish you to know my work. For this reason I will give you your drntiil work at uliout half the us ual rates for about sixty days. DR A. B. AYERS, 127 So. lath. Cheap Rates to Puget Sound Points. CoiiMin'ocit) Mareh 1st and on linuing daily until Apr 1 3' tl 11 r ington wi'l soil ono taj fctllura tiukuiR to tho abew pom's at greatly roducod rates Cull und get ull information City Ollicc Clor lOlh &. 0 6t. Depot, 7th 1'StP. p Colonist Excursion Rates Every day during the months of March and April, 1902, tho UNION PAOIFIO -will sell Colonist Excur sion tickets at tho following one-way rates : LINCOLN Tollutte, Anaconda and Helena $iSOOO To Spokane 22 5 O To points on Oreat NertliL'tn It'. Spokane to Wenatclu-e, inc. via Huntington and Spokane 22 r0 To poinU. on (ireat Northern Ity webtoi Wenalchee via Hunt ington and Spokane local over Winatchee, not to exceed 25 OO To I'ortlaud.Tacua a and Seattle Ashland, Ore., and Intermediate Joints, including llraneh Lines on S. P. Co. Fouth of Portland, via Portland 25 OO Corresponding low rates from inter mediate points on UNION PACIFIC. J2T" Write for ivies to points not given above. E. a SL0SS0N, Agent. 000$ VWW X0 IOO-frO ? ANNOUNCEMENTS. hO0OOe9HHOOOO&O0eC innio$ WANTED. Rolinhln student lo sell California liullod nutn to confectiouera und fumil C8. H. D. Uuthroy, Whiitior, Cal. .ENdlNEEIUNli NOTES. Thoro will be n special meeting of tho Engineering society Friday Fell. 28, at 10 a.m. Mr. Edward Meado tho Irrigation expert will deliver an Illustrated lecture. The Enigneerlng society will hold its regular meeting Wednesday even ing Feb. 2(5 at 7:30. Mr. F. T. Dar row, of the Hurllngton engineering department will talK on tunnels. Mr. Harrow has been Intimately connect ed with this Kind of work and will talk fror.i practical experience. There are (52!) universities and colleges and V. schools of tcchology in the United States, with a total at tendance of nearly l."ii).(HH). An exchange gives a list of seven richest colleges in America, with their endowments, as follows: (Jlt ard. $:.2."0,00i; Lcland Stanford, Jr.. $::,:))0,0U0: Harvard, $10,000,000; Ctilumhia $0, .".00,000. Cornell, $H,000, 000; Chicago $0. ".00, 000 ; Yale, U'0t.- 000. Cut Floweia and Plants. Funeral Delem on Short Notice. Stackhous & Greer, FLORISTS p3SnZE323&2S2SESB VALENTINE ABT The dreat Viihioso and r!.r rrs uic n'yjre Wsdibiirn SnrlrJin tttiijuuim rfttm'i t 1.1: :. You. M ,t:i V.. ::.bm .1 i:- , ' 'heM 1 f M imIi r uvc; n:i:o New Models Only 515.00. Beautiful Souvenir Cut.iloj;ue Prce LYON &. MEALY. M;ikcr ! 17 Adam Street, - Uilcno. t tegEEBSSSBrc: TfXUMWV zrcr?-r Photographer. 1029 0 St. Reference: Seniors, '02. We can give you all the new styles In cardn and nniah the market affords. SPDCIAX. RATES TO STUDENTS. Square meals at "square" prices THE UNIQUE, 1230 ST. Dr. Shoemaker's Private Hospital. Bpoolal attention rItod to dlsousc of iomm nd all surgical dlseanes. X-my eiaminatlea with no discomfort or Injury to patlott Er rythln aa homelike us ponlble. Board aJ room reasonable. 1117 L 8T. LINCOLN, t. O. BoiWL Talopkomtt $ IIohaj3 It Ifl an Infill f to , hliuiii.li n; ijiHi Mandolin 1, (. 1 ;.i , J). 23 bj Ur6t-cl:ist) muMc i mxc&ns r'T SFm'tiP' W. J. BRYAN -ON "Tumble Weeds." . ... .... i itnpumble Weeds" is ;i collection of original poems M. 1 lll'll T 1 T 1 1 II. . P L Lf 1 iy vviu need uunroy, liic aiiiiior oi a orn Tassels." While some of these poems have special reference to western life, most of them are upon themes as broad as humanity, and they give evi dence of an unusual degree of poetic talent in the author.--W. .1. Bkvan, in the Commoner. At all good bookstores or Co., Lincoln, Nebraska, A COPY OF Webster's International DICTIONARY Absolutely new, with thumb index and best binding, is now on sale at the office of The University Publishing Co. If you wish the best dictionary there is at a bargain call at once, or write, The University Publishing Co., 134 North lllli Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. $$ DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Eyea Examined Free. Prices Reaaonnbta. 1338 O Street, ukS The Pioneer C. Clean Linen Finest of Toilets First class Service V. WJ1ITFORD. Pnoi'itiKTon 113 South 11th St., Lincoln, Uiib. of the Cniversitv Publishing' $1.00, postage prepaid. $ Legislative nit '. a t iciiici y. BEST OF RATES TO STUDENTS. Portrait and Lansdcape Photographer 130 South nth Street, LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. QALLERY GSTABLI3KED 1871. V,i 'A w M, irJm ' "M V . I f: u- it.