." 4 i TTV" " Tf' ' y - y- -I ;;- A" ' V TUB PAII-T NEBRA8KAH. i rwr-wv-wrwTtrr-r-w-wrww-w-wyr'r MMVJWWWt IVAAAAA SAAAAA UVAAAA fk " d i 'r b ? translations Literal Interlinear 135 Volumes Dictionaries German, French, Italian, Spanish Latin, ureck tutorial Series joo volt, specially dctlrned for coaching lor exam, in all college studies fiiNd$ ft noble Scboolbooks of all Publisher. 4 Cooper Iaitltmte, How York City Attention, Students! I sh tt Uuow you I wish u to know nty ir For this n'iismi I w 1 1 yii'c yi 3 n (Ulitltl ninl, at about lialf the lis mil 1 ati's fur about sit v d:ij s. DR A. B. A ERS, 127 So. lath. Cheap Rates to Puget Sound Points. ( otitinenciog March 1st ntul con linuint,' daily until Apr. I SOU ho Iturliagtnn vi I t-oll ooo wip sttllors tickets t I ho obovt p tin's at jfrvally reducml latet Call and tfi't ull information Cny Ollico llor Kith A O Sis Depot, 7th & I'M. 0VproV Colonist Excursion Rates Every day during the months of March and April, 1902, the UNION PACIFIC will sell Colonist Excur sion tickets at tho following one-way rates: LINCOLN Tolliitto, Anaconda niid Helena $tiOO() To Spokane 22 50 To poiuts on (Jreat NurthtM 11 Ry. &pokunc to WeDiitehee, inc. via Hunting-ton unit SpoUunc 22 fiO To points, on (treat Northern Ity west 01 WenatL-hcc via Hunt-, ington and Spokane local over Wiiiatchee, not to exceed 2 OO To Portland, Taco:i a and Seattle Ashland, Ore. mid Intermediate Points, including llranch Lines on S. P. ( o. njulli (tf 1'ortland, (& SsActnNj I 9n via Portland . 25 OO Corresponding low rates from inter mediate points on UNION PACIFIC. tS9" Write fcr ivtcs to points not gien above. E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. S "00-O0OO00OO-&OOOO VOO WANTKO. tolinblo stuclottl lo sell ( iiliforniu hulled (jilt.- to conft'i'lionrM ami f H 1111 llP3 II H. (luthrc). Whittior, Cat. AROOSTOOK GIANT DEAD. Faata of ir Illj flwidt Who Has Jul. Haconm bod to Feyor In Mnln, Aroostook county's giant, John teroa trom of Woodland, 1b doad at the ago of 32. HroBtrotn waa a Swede, stood 0 foot 7 Inchon in hifi stocking feet and wolghod, when In good health, 20? poundB. There was not an otincec of fat onhla hiiRo frame. Ho waB much theBtronge-t man In northern Maine, and many storleg are related of remaikahle feata accomplished by him Ho once, by sheer strength, started a log Jam that had for threo days de fied the efforts of twelve river drivers. On nnother occasion ho carried on his shoulder to the mill a hardwood log that would have been a load for four ordinary men, had it sawed into hoards and carried the boarriu strapped to his back a distance of two miles to his home. Ilrostrom could lift barrels of pota toes into a high wagon with less ef fort than most men make to lift a bushel, and his services were in great demand at tho raising of barns. He would pick up the heavy timbers like so many light Joists and place them in their proper position while the others were getting ready to lltt. When thcie was a flic his flail-like arms would bring down the brakes of tho hand tub on one side faster than four or five of the firemen could lift up on the other side, and the small boys said that he was as good vs a atoamcr A fever carried the giant off, and all Woodland and the other Swedish col onists mourned. He died in a second floor room, and his caYket was f." 1oti that ft could not be carried down tho stalls and had to be taken out at a window Intercolhgeatt Bureau. COTTELL & LEONARD 472-478 11 mud vra.T Alliiiii), Ncir liii h Makers of tho fJHEKU I Caps,Gowns and Hoods To tho American Colleges and Universities. Illustrated Manual, sample prices, etc, on request. Gowns for the pulpit and bench. Photographer. 1029 0 St. Reference: Seniors, '02. We can give you all the new ntyles In cnids and finish the maiket affords. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. Square meals at "square" prices THE UNIQUE, 1230 ST. Dr. Shoemaker's Private BespUaL a ii .tt.nitnti mIwt, ti, i1Iiaii nf wtv and 11 surgical diseases. X-ray exaralnaMea 1th nn rllwnmCort or ioinry to iiatlet. JET- arvthln n hnmMlUfl ai UOSSlbU. Board ANXOUNCKMKNTS. Jmsd&?Z' room reasonable. 1117 L ST. LINCOLN. F. O. Box ML TlpkoM W. J. BRYAN ON 'TumbleJVVeeds." 4 4f I "Nimble Weeds1' is a collection of original poems by Will ivvd Dunroy, the author of "Corn Tassels." While some of these poems have special reference to western life, most of them are upon themes as broad as humanity, and they give evi dence of an unusual decree of poetic talent in the author. V. .!. I Jiiva N, in the Commoner. At all good bookstores or Co., Lincoln, Nebraska, A COPY OF Webster's International DICTIONARY Absolutely new, with thumb index and best binding, is now on sale at the office of The University Publishing Co. If you wish the best dictionary there is at a bargain call at once, or write, The University Publishing Co., : : 134 North 11th Street, DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN eyes Examined Pree. Prices ReasonaltU. 13380 Street, LBK?' The Pioneer .- Clean Linen Finest of Toilets First class Service W WHITFORD. PltoiMtiKTOU 11, 'I South 11th St., Lincoln, Neb. of the University Publishing! $1.00, postage prepaid. Lincoln, Nebraska. X s Legislative Gallery. BEST OP RATES TO STUDENTS. s&u&rt&Hfy Portrait and Lansdcape Photograpker iao 5outh nth Street, LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. aALLERY liSTABLLSHBD 1S71. i 1