srsrrr-?' , ,....-I! in i ii r wai f ; -n H--Y ;, - is- THE DAILY NEBRASKA!!. ft im i- v P3. t M M l""f I : P 1, x. b j.'i lJW, . i Cran$lntloti$ Literal Interlinear us Volumeo Dictionaries German, French, Italian, Spanish Latin, urcex tutorial $crk$ oo vnli. specially designed for coachln fur czami. In all college studies Ijiitd noble Schoolbooks of all Publisher 4 Cooper Instltate, New York City Attention, Students! I wish to know you I wish you to It now my work l'or this reason I will tfivc you your dental work at about half tho us ual rah's for about sixty days. OR A. B. AYERS, 137S0. 12th. Cheap Rates to Puget Sound Points. Coaiincnclnp March 1st and son liDuing daily until April 3)tl ho Hurlingtou will bell ono wa; eotllers tiokots t tho ob'm jpninis, at greatly roducod latet Call and Hut ull infortnitiou City Onico Oor 10th A. O SU Dopot, 7th & VGts. 'S Colonist Excursion Rates Every day during the months of March and April, 1902, the UNION PACIFIC will soil Colonist Excur sion tickets at the following one-way I 3 rates: LINCOLN ToHutte, Anaconda and Helena $20 OO To Spokane 122 50 To points on (treat Northern Ky. Spokane to Wenatchee, inc. via Huntington and Spokane liii 0 To points on Great Northern Ity westoi Wenatchee via Hunt ington and Spokane local over Wvnatchee, not to exceed Uf 00 To Portland, Tacoa a and Seattle AsTi!and70re. .andTnTevrnBdiatxr - H'oints, including Itrauch Lines on H. P. Co. south of Portland, via Portland 25 00 Corresponding low ratos from inter mediate points on UNION PACIFIC. Q3& Write for ruteb to poinU not given above. E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. 00000 ooooo xoooooo? ANNOUNCEMENTS. o&oooooHyoooofl"&o$ WANTED. Reliablo studont to soil California hulled uuto to confectioners and families. II. H. Guthrey, Whittior, Cal. FHES11MAN MKRT NG. There will uo a meeting r the frestimon cIiibk Friday sit 10 am. in university 1 1 1 1 1 1 . DICItATING CLUHS TONIGHT. V. II I). ('. Tho Union club will debate tho question, "Resolved; That tho ship subsidy bill now before Congress should be passed." Tho speakers on the atllnnativc are: North, Lewis and Jlaldwin. On tho negative, Ilaw- I thurnc, Meier ana Kutcher. P. I!. I). C. The I'alladians will debate, "Re solved: That puhlic money should not be used in tho reception of Prince Homy of Germany. Atllrmativc, Clark and Morrell. Negative. Lee ana Moore. MAXWELL. Tho Maxwolls will debate tho fol lowing: "Resolved: That usury lawn should be abolished." Afllrmatlve, DeKaib, Senner and Hughes. Nega tive, Anthony, Rotruck and Smith. There will also be parliamentary drill, Mr. Bland occupying tho chair. Gllmore, Peterson and P.iylcn on one side and Johnson. A mspoker and Duras on the other. Jntereollegeatt Bureau. COTTELL & LEONARD 472-478 Urontlirny Alliiwiy, Now Yurk Mnkcrs of the Caps,Gowns and Hoods To tho American Colleges and Universities. Illustrated Manual, samplo priceB, etc., on request, (towns for the pulpit and bench. 'c&mmhu 1Mb U M. Reference: Seniors. '02. We can kivc you all the new Btyles In cauls and finish tho market affordH. SPECIAL, RATES TO STUDKNTS. Square meals at "square" prices THE UNIQUE, 1230 ST Dr. Shoemaker's Private Hospital. Special attention jrlTen to diseases of 'wo8 andall surgical diueavis. X.-ray examination with no discomfort or injury to patieti. or rythluff as homelike as possible. Board Km Tooaa-f .sonabln. 1117 L ST. LINCOLN. f. O. Bo 031. TalopkoM YOU CAN FIND IT Hylnserting a notice in the Daily Ne brusknn at one cent a word per inser t on. W. J. BRYAN ON "TumbleWeeds. 4 4TT,iuTiie Woods" is ;i collection of original poems by Will Rood Dunroy, the jiuthor of "Corn Tassels."1 While some of those poems have special reference to western life, most of them are upon themes as broad as humanity, and they give evi dence of an unusujil degree of poetic talent in the author. W. .1. Ii:v N, in the ( ommoner. At all irood bookstoi'es or of Co. , Lincoln, Nebraska, x X X A COPY OF Webster's International DICTIONARY Absolutely new, with thumb index and best binding is now on sale at the office of The University Publishing Co. If you wish the best dictionary there is at a bargain call at once, or write, The University Publishing Co., 134 North 11th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Ey5 Examined Prce. Prlcca Reasonable. 13380 Street, unebT' The Pioneer SX. Clean Linen Finobtof Toilets First class Service V WIIITFORD. PitopitiKTOK 113 South 11th St., Lincoln, Neb. M the University Publishing' $1.00, postage prepaid. Legislative Gallery. BEST OP RATES TO STUDENTS, Portrait and Lansdcape Photographer iao 5uth nth Street, LINCOLN, .- - NEBRASKA. aALLERY ESTAULLSllBD 1871. V i -f. I r h .:' 'vJl .Mtl V tj t-1