The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 20, 1902, Page 3, Image 3
;'j A .'i ' tx- .. '' ' ' V l' THS DAILT KBItASKAK. m wh r -vk 4 K-" inBngnnnnononiiin lalaaBBiaaBaaac&i no I! nnnrcccihim. nirjcrvrnnv ,g rnu.LOO.unnu uu.,uri . aaDaouaaaaaaaaEaQqBllliiii JR. HAGGARD, M. D. Office 1100 O Street, Rooms 212-213-214 Rich ards Block, Telephone 535. Residence, 1B10 O Street, Tolophono L96i. DR. BENJ. P. BAILEY; Dr. Mar Loulso Flanagan; Office, HI South 12th Street. Telephone 618. LP. DAVIS. D. D. 8., Dentist. Ilridgc tind Crown work. Ofllcc room 7, over Rock Island ticket ofllce. Phone 349. COMPLIMENTS OK THE NEW LINCOLN BOWLING ALLEY TO THK UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. Chib rates given. John S. Cain, Propr., 139 So. Tenth A Close Shave A haircut, or anything else you want a barber to do for you, at the Y. M. C. A. Barber Shop, 13TH AND STREETS. Notice to Lady Students Your attention is culled to the fact that you can have your Suit, Coif Blurt. Raglan jacket made to order Perfect Fitting on Every Garment Fully Guaranteed. You ore invited to call and look over my samples and styles l..l!liiineiitIial,218N. llthSi. Phone "L" 1028. 'PING PONG" A Teunis for your Dining Room Table is the latest rage. We have all kinds of Gym . Goods, Exercises, Etc. Wilson & Hall, Booksellers and Stationers, 1123 0 St. Yule Bros. Laundry 1514 0 St Phone 754 ...STUDENTS' SUITORIUM... AT 218 No. IITH, BLUMENTHAL'S For students' convenience I carry a line of Furnishings The a for 35c Fancy Hose cannot be equaled any where. Thome "L" 1028, Local and Personal. Jbat at Hendry's, IP.? N. 11th. Fine furs, Stcolo, 143 So. 12th. Steele, the furrier, 14,'t S. C.E. Hrown, dentist. Burr block. The Hygienic Cafo, 316 So. 12th nt. Pnlaco". Dining hall for roocI meals. Eat at Don Cameron's ,118 so. lltli. Got an up-to-dato university hair cut at Westcrllolds. Dr. Woodward aurlst, Richards blk. Porsel and Herbert Uarkor and Ralph Miner of Nelson, have been pledged to Sigma Alpha Epsilon. E. L. Rcafern, assistant in chemis try, has taken charge of the- Wednes day laboratory division of chemis try 2. The class in Amoricnn history 18, is now studying Grant's administra tion and the beginning of the crisis of 1873. Miss Wild a minister hi ono of tho Congregational churches of this city will conduct tho Y.W.C.A. bible class next Friday at I o'clock. The class in Geology 2 has been divided Into two sections. Both will recite at the regular class period, one doing laboratory courses, the other leoturo work. The contest which has been goinir on betwoon tro sides In tho Y.W.C. A. for an increase in membership, ended Monday. Tho numbor of new mombors takon in aggregated 8.". of which Miss Kerne's side got 4.r and Miss John's 40. Dr. Woodward oculist. Richards blk. For sheet music and supplies go to tho Muthews Piano Co., 1120 O street. Miss Edna Holland who has boan sick for a week, roturncd last oven ing from thor homo at Falls City. Henry Fritz of Grand island has boon visiting with J. L. Cloary of trio senior law class for tho past few days. Miss Carolina Cook who was called to her homo last wook by tho serious Illness of her mother has returned to her work. DU TEIL-Clgars "that's nil." Mr. Cornell, tho university photog rapher has takon Bomo pictures of tho domestic solonoo department, to bo used lu farmer's institutes. "" A largo number of students have rogistored for tho new courses In American history, introduced for tho first time this soninstor. The number of 6tudents, taking American history, has been largely increased this semester. Tho piosont condition of the library makes it difficult for tt.em to obtain bookB. Tho historical library Is under going some repairs, and chances. Tho new peases containing tho lndi an display havo taken up so much room that it Is necessary to rearrango things. The Kupp Alpha Theta group picture just completed by Mr. Townsem. of the Elite .Studio, is attracting marked attention. The display windows con tain several of this year's fraternities. It is interesting to observe the high standard of portraiture produced by this popular Btudio. AT THE OLIVER, "daughter, sentiment and human ity" is tho 8uming up of "Tho Cow boy and tho Ladv,"by no less a critic than Clement Scott who, as everyone knows Is more of a "roustor" than anything olse. It Is this ming ling of pathos, humor and hoart in terest that has mauo "The Cuwbnv and tho Lady" such a great succo both artistically and financially. The plav will bo seen at tho Oliver to night with S. Miller Kent In tho leading role, surrounded by a clovor company. Seats now on sale. Of course you'll have to keep your room warm this winter Gregory, the Coal Man Has the Stuff Eleventh and O Streets THE FAMOUS...... Kalamazoo Uniforms Arc worn by tho University of Nebraska Students. There are none better. Manufactured by THE HENDERSON-AMES CO., Kalamazoo, Mich. WM IUM REPAIRING Special rates to students. Deloss T.Smith, 1140 O Street Students! Decorate Your Rooms! AM ARTISTIC POSTER FREE. SenrJ us your name on a postal card and we wil mail to:you free atew brilliantly colored Washburn poster (size 12x18 inches). This nosier in tht rreatinn nf the Viking's Head Studio, and has been piuuuuuucu exceedingly Dngni ana clever. It represents a pastoral scene, a rabbit enamored of the music of a mandolin. Write today, this offer may not appear again. LYON k HEALY, 17 Aims St., Cfctcigi. Mtkers el Iht Wwld-Fameui Washburn Guitars, Mandolins, Binjes and Zithers. t , OLIVER : THEATRE. F. C. ZEHRUpG & O. T. CRAWFORD. MORS. Cor. 13th and P Streets. Phone J H THURSDAY, FEB. 20 i The Young Romantic Actor S. MILLER KENT I'rcsontina Nat. C. Good win's Great Success The Cojvboy $g Lady UY CLYDE PITCH. Seats now on sale. Lower floor 81.00, balcony 75c and BOe; Friday, February 21st .Jules Murry presents Amoricu's greatest emotional actress . . . Rose Coghlaii in a society play of to-day "Forget He Not"" A Great Star, Great IMoy and Great Cast. Miss Ooghlan's first oppeurance here in years. Prices 25c to $1.00. Seats now on sale Saturday, Feb. 2:2 Matinee and Night. Annual Engagement of the Eminent Actor FREDRICK WARDE WHO WILL PRESENT MatineeuThe Mountebank" Evening"Julius Caesar" With Groat Cast Including Charles D. Herman, Barry Johnson, Misses Antoinette Ash ton, Virjrloia Drew Trescott, May Warde, Ailccn Hertello and 15 others Magnifcient and Sumptuous Scenic Pro duction, Properties, Ets. PhVac i Matinee, 25 cents to $M riltw Evening, 25 cats to $1.51 Seats on sale Thursday Mr. James Neill and tho Incomparable Neill Company Presenting Clyde Fitch's un paralleled dramatic triumph.... BARBARA FRIETCHIE Produced in the same elaborate man- ner as given by tho same orga n- ization 34 times in San Franc!bco. "A Play That Goes Straight to tbfr' Heart," N. Y. Herald. ' Scat sile opens Saturday. Lower Floor $1 00, Balcony 75 and 50c-- ?t i ?i 1 -I r) mi m ! iii .a "i fi J f'3 i tt,T. A w I i W l 'J. '" '? 1 : t -i! ' i t Hi A , M J T X , Kt . ..Jl .. w.i.T, .. . UJ. "I. to.. .( .Tk' jit-a,:f?-vr:K- . .4&hM"jt4ui' jjj&MUiaiwUitf awfttrttgsv r V, Ate;