The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 20, 1902, Page 2, Image 2
T7; "TK7r,,ri i THX DAILY KSBBAaCAH. fll' ' m , ; 1 A - ) .V (V l i I 0 ,tt THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 1 war davottd to tfc latcrnU Mm Ualwltj of Habti ika. A CONSOLIDATION OF" Tho Hosporlun Vol. XXXI Tlio NnbriiNkiin Vol XI Tho Hcarlot and Oroam Vol 1 1 1 ir MminKlnp Editor Editor In-Ohlof ItuHlnrHR ManiiKor Assistant Kdlto II. W. Harbor, UIjuh. I. Taylor I OIiuh. E. Wells f II. T. Hill. AbHocluto Editors V ('. Hutlo. H. A. McNown, 11. O. Nolnnn. Win. Ciiho. ltm (iutlwl)on. Tba rabaorlption prtca of tha Dally nobrai &tn U t2 for the coller yyar wliu a r Trr Ufora chawl tack dar. No Bnnicatloni, and other matUr lntond sation, mnit bo handed In at the 12 for tha oolieffo yaar wim a rcr uo- noucei. com- sndad for pnb- Ion. mail do nanacu iu hi iiiuiu odea bolora 7 p. m., or mailed to tn i editor do foraBp. ., of thedar preTloue to that day on hfoh they are expected to appear. Slabtorlptiom may be left at the Nebraekan fflea, at the Co.Op., or with Bntlnow Manajror. abecrlbere will confer a faror by reporting promptly at thla offloa aay failure to reoeWe the MJrchanea In adyerUilna matter i Ike office by 8 p. m. on the day preflo wMah lhr in to atmear. matter aat be (a at to wat AddrM all commnnlcatlom to the Daily Ne fcraakaa, ISA X. lltk St., Lincoln, Nebraak. Telephone 479. Entered at tho poHtofllco at Lincoln, Nob. as socond class mall matter. A notice apDoarcd in one of the city papers tho other evening statins that the city 2Y. M. C. a. was trying to Fichedule a game with Omul) a for tho stato championship in basket ball. Inasmuch as tho Y.M.C. A. team has not yet played tho threo games which It was agreed woro to bo played be tween it and the university and furth ermore sinco it has no claim whatso ovor to tho gamo already played tho talk of playing a championship name with Omaha seems to somewhat per maturo. Tho promise of several outdoor meets In tho spring lias awakened some interest in tho track team. Tho athletic board has dooided that unless more intorcst is manifested by Btudonts In this form of athletics no money will bo risked, either on trips or in guarantees 10 other toams. Tho placo that track athletics shall hold in tlio future doponds largolv on tho disposition of tho men who tako part in tho events. If a suflloiont number indicate their intention to train for planes tlio board has promised at loaRt ono meet In Lin coln. If a good team Is oovelopcd trips may be taken to Kansus City and Denver. This ought to serve as au liicentlvo to men to gqt out and do somo hard work. In dcing tills they will not 'miy bo helping to keep up tho standing of tho university among tlio colleges of tho middle west but will bo serving their own interests as woll. BOOKER T. WASHINGTON ON EDUCATION. The following conolso statement as CONE, The Installment Tailor 115 North 11th. to his tIowh on education are taken from a stenographic report of a talk by Mr. Washington beforo tho ntu dents of Tuskoeo Instltuto: "Education In tho broadest and truost sense will mako 'an individual seek to help all people, regardless of race, regardless of color, re gardless of condition. And you will II nd that tho person who Is most educntcd. tho neison who Is truly educated is tho one who Is go ing to bo tho kindest, who is going to act In the most gentle mannor to wards persons who aro unfortunate: towards tho raco or an individual who Is the'most despised and uulor tunato." "I bellcro tnat no person Is educat ed, so long as ho lives in a dirty, miserable shanty. I bellevo that no person Is educated until ho has learn ed to live In a room with pictures, with surroundings that aro elevating and tonding to elevato and laiso him up to tho highest stato. In a word I want to state again, that education Is meant to givo us oulturo, thai refinement, that tasto which will make us deal Justly, hon estly and truthfully with our follow mon, and mako us see that which Is beautiful, elevating and inspiring that Goo nas croatcd. I want you to bear In mind that your text books and all that is in your text books, aro not an ond, but a means towards helping us get the highest, tho best, the purest and most beautiful things out of life." J. II. Miller a well known Nebras ka educator who, for tho past few years, has held tho principalship of tho schools at Cheney, Washington, has resigned his position and gono to Holton, Kansas whoro ho will engage in the roal cstato businoss for tho present at least. While in Nebraska, Mr. Mlllor was recognized as ono tho foremost edu cators of tho stato always taking a deep interest in all Bchool matters, being the publisher of the North western Monthly a paper devotod particularly to educatioon. Ho was a man of groat activity ano always succoeded in whatever he undertook. In his short stay at Cheney, Washing ton, it Is said he built up the schools to a point whoro they wero recognized as tlio stronKOSt in tho stato. IIow over tho school board with wnlch lie had to work was not imhued with tlio samo progressive spirit and there was consequently a lack of harmony which caused Mr. Miller to resign. It will bo remembered that whilo In Lincoln ho published a number of books bv prominent Nebraskaus some of which were Skinner's Literature Marrett's Nebraska and soveral works by Professors Fling and Caldwell. Tho Dolta Gamma house at tho University of Wisconsin was entered by a burglar tho other night. One of tho young ladies awoke and fright ened tlio intruder away by hor screams. Tho classes in colonial history, have donated several copies or each or tho following works to the library: Hart, volume 2; MaoDonald's Select Charters; Leoky's American Revolu tion and Fisk's American Revolution. Alpha Tau Omega has Initiated We handle the best line of Gent's Shoes in the city for ....$3.00 and 3.50.... Call and inspect our goods Perkins & Sheldon, 1129 0 St. The Omaha MEDICAL COLLEGE. Tenth and Pacific Streets, NEBRASKA BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND (mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKraKxK&S lmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmuis MlEmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmma) BOYD BUILDING, Til AND HARNEY j STREETS, OMAHA, NEBRASKA Sectional view of actual Business and Hanking Department. Endorsed by high school principals, court reporters. Absolutely thorough, equipped institution in tho West, 84,(100 3,500 Banking and other fixtures placed in aetualhnsincss department. Ele gant roll-top desks ordered for Commercial Department, Another floor has been leased that ull may be accommodated. Situations procured for over 90 PER CENT of .last years enrollment. Students may Renter any time. Address A. C. ONQ, A. Write for elegant Catalogue free. - - ....... . - -... mmmml ' xmmmmmMmmmmmmV mma mmmWmmwKwAmmmmV Omaha, Nob. The College offers a graded course extending over four annual sessions. The advantages and re quirements of the college aro fully up to the requirements of, the present times, and the conditions laid down by tho Bscoeiation of American Med'. cal Colleges, of whicli this college is member. For in formation address. EW1NG BROWN, Secretary COLLEGE Established Nino Years . A School Without a Superior. Employs the Ablest Teachers. BOOK-KEEPING, Actual Business from tho Start. BANKINQ, Aa it is practiced. TYPEWRITING, The Touch Method. SHORTHAND, Graham and (rogg Systems. ENGLISH, Practical and thorough. leading bus:ness men and official The finest and most thoroughly invested in standard typewriters Ml, I,LB. Pres. Omaha, Neb. - 4 1 I lCryus lieyndlas. ia r: - E&, i . .it r, fi