asumesamssaasei THE DAILY ffEBRASKAN. T K r n ,' ,K W- 1. I B. Ice V w. ,ir I A ,. :m ' . THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ftrwapapar deroted to tn Intaraata of th Unlrenlir of Nobra tka. A CONSOLIDATION Oh' Tho Hiwporlun Vol. XXXI Tim NobriiHlotri Vol XI The Hciirlnl. unci Croiun Vol 1 1 1 iir . MHiiKlnjr Editor Editor In-Clili'f HiihIik'hh MiimiKor Assistant Edlto 11. W. Hurler. OliUH I. Tuylor I OIiiih. K. Wells f It. T. Illll, i. AHMH'liitc Editors. V. (. Untie. It A. McNown. II. (1. Nelson. Win. Cum' Dun (JutlulxMi. Tha wborlption prlca of tbo Dallj Nebraa tan la $2 for the oollega jear with a rerulnr d rarr bafore chapl each day. Notices, com Snnfcatloni, and other mattar Intended for pub oatlon. must be handed in at the Nebraikaa fllce before 7 p. m.. or mailed to the editor be fore 8 p. m., of the dar prerloui to that day on hloh thay are expected to appear. Bnbiorlptloni mar bo left at the Nebraakan offioa, at the Co.Op., or with Unsineia Mannffor. Bobiorlbert will confer a fayor by reporting promptly at thla ofllca any fallnra to reeeWe the illohang-ealnadTartlBlnf matter mull be In ka ofBca by 8 p. m. on the day praTloua to that M whloh they are to appear. Addreae all communications to the Daily Na Waakaa, 184 N. 11th Bt,, Lincoln. Nebraaka. -., Telephone 479. Entered ul tho post ollleo lit L'nroln, Nelx lis second class mall mailer Tho following Hentlmonl In regard to unmlure sport taken from Caspar Whltnoy's critiolsm of tho CuttR' professionalism case is well worth the consideration of thoso Interested In athletics. ' "There It is tho curse of tho fron.v to win to win, win, win, that Is hammered Into the heads of our college noys, until there Is no lovo of tho game for Its own Hako left In them. That Is whv I am irrevocably opposed to preliminary training seasons, to nrotessional coaches, and to all the cursed 'huslness' of collego sport, which neutralizes Its whole some, stronuous value, and makes for that madness of sport, for the sako of winning rather than sport, for tho thrill of tho game honorably and vigorously contested," Tho studontf. of Kansas university and of IhiKer university are engaged In a violent discussion as to which acted the worst at a lecent debate between the two Institutions hold at Litmrronre. It appears from tho evi dence that a good deal of rowdyism was provalent on both sides. Tho editor of the Kansas Weekly hurls this at tho head of the Uakorltes as a parting shot. "Perhaps Halter realized' that, by soruo siranuo foro-ordlnatlon of fate, It required only the addition or the simple letter "m" to her inltals "B. U." to perfectly oharactorlzo her work ; and ..outside roputatlon, her vaunted, ; tumid self-esteem might subside and recognizing hor own potty position coaso to slime tho groatest institution of tho Middle West." CONE, Tfie Installment Tailor 115 North 11th. PuOPESSOR SHERMAN'S NEW HOOK. Mr. Lowls WorthlnRtnn Smith in "Tho Dial." for January presents a very favoraole review of Dr. L. A. Sherman's new book entitled "What Is Shakespeare?" Says Mr. Smith; "for tho earnest ronder, really de sirous of coming to fellowship with tho world's greatest mind, we have had few books more truly helpful. "Professor Sherman's book Is not an attempt to explain Shakespeare, to find In him new depths of wisdom, or to mako us sec tho man fresh in his work, but to make It possiblo for any reader to come into direct per sonal relations with Shakesparc with out the Intervention of an Inter preter. Tho book is divided Into sections treating of different nhasos of thojjub Ject, Including: Section 1, a nricf discussion of tho subject; soctlon 11, an interpretation of tho spiritual slgnlllcanco of and the art of "Cymbelinc;" sections :i, and 4, treat of "The Winter's Tale" and "llomoo and Jul lot." section f, dis cusses "Shakespeare's Dramatic Art" and diaws tho greater part of 1 its Illustration from "Macbeth". In J Cho latter Professor Sherman shows very vividly the real Shakespeare and , tho true meaning of his plays. Following this is a sketch compris ing about lifty pages, devoted to "Shakespeare the Man." It Is very exhaustive and comprises all that is known of him. Tho writer hero shows a charitable spirit toward the great playwright In the Interpreta tion of his public and private life which Is not entirely shown by some other writers. The two remaining sections of tho book present Information on "Group ing of tho Plavs" and "Personal Study of the Plays." An appondlx contains questions on "Tho Winter's Talo," "Homeo and Juliet," ana "Twoirtli Night," with which stu dents In tho English department aro famllar, and which have won rec ognition for Professor Sherman throughout the literary world. "It Is at onco apparent that tho book is a working tool for students and in quirers, rather than an olTort to make literary capital out of a great heritage or tho English race." This lato production of tho pen and comprehonblve mind "of Professor Sherman Is considered a worthy 0110 1 and deserving of all recognition. Hy it the University of Nebraska adds ono moro publication to its already lengthening list or valuabio produc tions. J. II. Mlllor very prominent a few years ago in Nebraska educational circles and very favorably known in tho university has resigned his position as principal of the CJhoney schools at Washineton. Mr. Mlllor was formerly publisher of the North western Monthly a paper dovoted to education. Tho New Orleans Ploayuno for Fobruary 14, has an intoestlnif ar ticle on tho expedition to Oosta Rica uirner tho leadership of Proressor HiUnor which was to sail on tho Olympla for Port Llmon, Costa Rloa tho next morning. It gives tho list of tho party and speaks in high torms of tho previous work and roputatlon of Professor Hruner. We handle the best line of Gent's Shoes in the city for ....$3.00 and 3.50.... Call and inspect our floods Perkins & Sheldon, 1129 0 The Omaha MEDICAL COLLEGE Tenth and Pacific Streets, NEBRASKA BUSINESS AND S HORTHAND (bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbtaf bbbbbbbbbbbbHbbbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbLI liaBBLEaBBVBBBBBBBH IIbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbKbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH BOYD BUILDING, 17T1I AND HARNEY j STREETS, OMAHA, NEBRASKA BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflSaBBtfT?ffiLflfl HKn7j HBBBBBHaT'a'trm'BBBBBBBBBi iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLSPVaaKLBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlp &JZA " i Sectional view of actual Ihibiness and Hanking Department. Kudorsed by high school principals, leading business pieu and oflicial court reporters. Absolutely thorough. The linest and most thoroughly equipped institution in the West, 54,000 in vested in standard typewriters 13,500 Hanking and other fixtures placed in actualjbnsiness department. Ele gant roll-top dosWs ordered for Commercial Department. Another Moor baa been leased that all may be accommodated. Situations procured for over DO PER CENT of lastyoai's enrollment. Students mayienter any time. Address n A. C. ONG, A. Write for elegant Catalogue frqe. t IIMIK 1IVKU! :m V3aaaMlXHPBfc flaM H St. Omaha, Neb. The College offers a graded course extending over four annual sessions. The advnntuges and re quirements of the college aro fully up to the requirements of, the present times, and the conditions laid down by the association of American Med. cal Colleges, of whie'i this college is member For in foi mat ion address, EWING BROWN, -Cz& .Secretary COLLEGE Established Nino Years. A School Without a Superior. Employs the AbloBt Teachers- BOOK-KEEPING, Actual Business from tho Start. BANKING, As it ia practiced. TYPEWRITING, The Touch Method. SHORTHAND, (Jraham and (Jregg Syetems. ENGLISH, Practical and thorough. M., LLB. Pres. Omaha, Neb. LbbbbbbI V'bbbU'''?VbbbW H I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbW LbBBBBBBBBBBBBLbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ' - i m. ... m V l H M 'i "SI I 'A , ;, j T"y n, ,,