The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 19, 1902, Image 1

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' '1
The Daily Nebraskan
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' I
VOL. 1, NO. 94.
Arrangements to bo Made for a Re
turn BaBket Ball Game With
Minnesota Track Meets
to be Looked After.
Tho Nebraska basketball team
may. have a chance to get even with
Minnnesota for the defeat suffered
4iL the hitler's hands last Saturday.
At a meeting of the athletic board
last night Managor Morrell was
authorized to negotiate with tho
Gophers for a game to be pl-iyed in
Lincoln. Letters have passed
regarding a gamo between the two
Institutions and this action of the
board practically assures a game.
If tho game with Minnesota Is
scheduled it is probable that tho trip
into Kansas will bo called oil. The
gamo with Kansas university having
ecn dropped this left but two teams
for the Nehraskans to play, Topcka
Y.M.C.A. and the Haskell Indians
at Lawrence. Tho guarantees fur
nished by these two games are so
small that there is a possibility of a
loss and it was the sentiment of the
board that if any money weic to bo
lost on basketball It. would better be
to loso it on the Minnesota game.
The track team also came in for
a share of the attention of iho board.
It was decided to have tho inter
cullegiato meet which Is to bo hold on
Nebraska Held this year, on May 18.
A propositon to arrange a meet with
Kansas it as discussed. It was tho
sentiment of the board that no moot
in should bo arranged unless sufllclent
interest in track athletics was mani
fested and no money should be risked
getting meets. Manager Clinton was
authorized to secure tho names of
men who will nromlso to get out and
work for places. In caso a good team
can be worked up several meets will
prooably bo scheduled. Thoro is
some talk of entering a trl-stato
league with Missouri and Kansas
with a meet at Kansas City.
Tho basketball and foot ball
schedules wero also discussed
CATION. Miss A.L. Barr, adjunct professor
of physical education and director of
tho woman's gymnasium, spoke to
tho Btudonts at convocation, yester
day, on " Co m m o n sins against re
spare health.' Sins, she said, are of two
classes commission and ommisslon.
All wrongs como under ono of these
two heads.
Tho weaknesses of tho body are duo
largely to some derangement of tho
organs, usually occasioned in -childhood
or in youth. "Tho importance of
improving tho condition of tho en
vironment of children is shown by tho
fact that eastern oities havo a move
ment on foot to establish gymnasi
ums and bath houses. Such improve
ments are paying, in tho long run,
beoauso they ralso tho standard of tho
pooplo, in a moral and'physlcal senso.
Miss Barr uavo some tigures to show
that many young poopio go through
the primary and high schools and on
tor the university with various
troubles, such as uoor eye slgnt and
spinal al Inicnts. which affect tho
neivous system. Such troubles put
tho student to a vory groat disad
vantage. They are due largoly to tho
poor conditions of .sthuols and school
houses. Seats aro poor, ventilation Is
bad and light is Insufficient.
Shosaid that tho university lrn
oroves tho physical conditions of the
student by gymnastics and military
drill, which Is an adjunct to gym
nastics. Tho peoplo of northern Eu
rope arc strong because they give at
tention to athletics and military ser
vice. Especially is this true or tho
peoplo of Norway and Sweden.
Tho Amoncan people misunderstand
the meanlnc of gymnastics. Their
purpose Is both to educate and to give
ploasure. They strengthen tho will
and round up tho Intellectual and tho
physical being. A large majority of
our prominent men were fond of play
In their childhood.
Several remedies wero suggested by
Miss Barr. First, more wholesome
fuod should be used. Not foods of
a delicate character but thoso that
give tho greatest amount of nutri
ment. Older people are, too often,
nogligent In tills matter, oocond, wo
ought to get moro sunlight. Peoplo
of tho west do not realize this need
as do tho people of New England.
Houses and schools ought to admit
moro of life-giving sunlight. Lastly,
people ought to go more Into tho
open air. Nothing is as stimulating
and healthful as plenty of outdoor
air. By thlR It Is not mcaut that ono
should rush to tho ofllce or to school
with tho fear of being late. Jn such
a caso tho nervous strain spoils tho
walk and destroys its value. In order
to make wahclng a relief to the ner
vous system and a builder or health,
It must be thorouibly enjoved.
This morning at convocation Miss
Alice IIowoil8 will grvo a sorles of
select recitations.
Tomorrow morning Captain Smoke
will spoak on tho military depart
ment. Friday morning Miss Helen Field
will talk on the Royoroftors.
A circular has been resolved from
tho University of Iowa presenting
tho details of tho fellowship and
scholarship awards in that Institu
tion. Thero are twenty-four of them
with an average value of $125 for
scholarships and $225 for fellowships
and exemption from all university
fees In both oases. Applications lor
these appointments must oe made
before March 12 and May 21.
Tho puoils of tho school of music
will givo a .recital in memorial
hall tonight.
Makos a Btatomont Regarding Hor
Resignation Not Formal
But Implied May Not
Remain Until Juno.
When asked about her reported
resignation Inst night Miss Smith
said that she had nob formally resign
ed but that her resignation was only
Implied from a lottor she had written
last December In which she declared
that sho would not aot in tho ca
pacity of registrar any longer unless
her salary wore Increased to an
amount equivalent to that oald to
tho other officers of tho university
for a simitar grade of work.
This communication was not lutond
ed as a resignation but was simply a
protest against what sho considered
an lniustlco. The ' answer to. this
was a communication to tho effect
that her Implied resignation had boon
accepted to tako effect February 28
and also notifying her that sho vould
bo continued as "Consulting
Registrar" at her present salary until
Juno HO. Miss Smith was unablo to
say last night whether sho would
remain until the end of tho year or
not. This will depend, she said,
on what the duties of that oftlco aro
and how onerous they aro.
The only statomont she cared to
mako was that sho considered herself
dropped from the ofllco becauBo the
authorities aro not willing to pay
her what they pay tho other offices
for tho samo kind of work. Sho ox
pressed reerets tnat she had to sever
her connection with the university
in this manner.
She was uable to say what sho
would do in case sho decided not to
remain until June.
Miss Smith was appointed registrar
Juno 30, 1882, and was practically
the first porson to perform tho duties
of that ofllce.
A" very nauseating odor prevadod
the lowor floor of tho main building
yestorday evening. At one tlmo It
was so bad as to make it almost im
possible for anyone to remain in tho
halls. Investigation showed that it
camo from the room occupied by tho
senior law class.
It was said that certain students
who are moro fond of certain mis
chiof than of doing hard work had
placed a quantity of a certain chemi
cal having a very bad odor near tho
Instructor's desk in the hope that
he would excuso the olass on account
of the heavy atmosphere. The In
structor however turned tho joke op
the class, oa guilty and not guilty
alike, bv giving a rigid examination.
Thus these studonts wero obliged to
thinK hard (so far as this is possible)
and at tho samo timo inhale the
highly profumed air wbilo the pro
fessor, for whom thrjoko was intend
ed was able tojio out and cot a little
fresh ozone as often as he felt like
The students who played tho nar
row trick aro said to bo tho samo
ones who havo boon up to mischief
all tho yoar. Reoontly they wont
to tho t roil bio and oxponse of got
Ing an alarm clock which they
wound and placed In the samo in
structor's desk. It waB Intended
that tho alarm should ring whilo
tho Instructor was delivering his
lecture and thus cause a disturbance.
Tho scheme failed as tho olook
positively refused to do as it was
wanted to do. Just a fo;v dayB ago
the sumo Instructor reoolved an
annnnymous noto giving him some
wholesomo advice. This also Doars
marks of being another produot of
these fertile minds.
Tho naskotball toam roturncd yes
torday morning from its northern trip
and reports an oxcellent time. Maua
gor Morroll stated that at Minnesota
tho team did not got Into tho gumo
as lb ordinarily does. Tho work at
Sioux City was far hotter, ilowovor
at the former place our team labored
under tho disadvantage of playing
on a much Ionizer floor than that to
which It was accustomed, the floor
Choro being 120 feot long. Tho
Minnesota team excolled in long
passes and wero theroforo ablo to
keep away from our men long
enough to win goals.
Tho Sioux City toam was over
confldont of victory which doubtless
contributed to hor defeat. Having
defeated Omaha by a good sooro,
which team had In turn beaten Lin
coln, tho team that played a oloso
gamo with the univorslty, tho Sioux
City team was almost , certain of
winning the game. Nebraska how
ever wont Into tho gamo In Its old
fashion "and, succeeding in showing
them how it was done.
Tho floor at this placo was a vory
short ono so much so that tho foul
lines wero in tho middle of tho Hold.
Cortelyou succeeded in throwing a
goal clear across tho Hold.
The attendance at both games was
not what 4t ought to have been,
though Sioux; City had the larger
crowd. Tho men speak very highly
of their troatraont at Minnesota
where the rooters cheered our men
with as much spirit as they did
their own.
Edward C. Elliot, '9 and '07, has
sont to some of his university friends
a copy of the annual roport of tho
Leadvillo, Colorado, school of which
he is suponntendABt. The report Is
a vory exhaustive one containing
over 100 pages and shows the degree
of excel lonoy to tthloh the sohools
havo risen. A number of .half tone,
plates aro given showing the different
sohools, of tho oity. The report
reflects much credit upon Mr. Elliot
in his"" attempt to show to the
peoplo of Leadvllle what is being
done in their sohools.
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