The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 18, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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1 MwtpApw dTotd to tb InUresU of thi
Untrartlly (if Nebra ilea.
The llosporlun Vol. XXXI
Tim NnbniNkiin Vol XI
Tim Sciirlot mid ( 'rimm Vol 1 1 1
NtnrllnK II. McCnw.
II. W. IlMrlx.r,
(JIiiih. I. Tnylor I
CIiiih K. VtOlH f
if. t. inn.
MkiiiikIiiP Editor
Editor lii-Chlt-f
HuaIiimh Miinnjcor
A.sslHtiuit. Edlto
AHMH'llltO EdltOTH.
V. V. Iliitlo. H A. McNown. II. 0. Nolnon.
111. l'UM (iiitlolicn.
The inbuorlptlon prlc of th Dally Nabrat
kn la 12 for the colloire yenr with a regular do
UTarj before oliapnl each day. Notices, com
pinnloationn, and other matter intonded for pub
lication, mUMt bo haudod In at the Nebraskan
ofllce before 7 p. tn., or mailed to tho editor bo
fore 8 p. m., of tho day preyloua to that day on
hioh they are expected to appear.
Subscriptions mny bo loft at tho NebrgUnn
ofllce, at tho Co. Op., or with Business Manner.
Subscribers will confer a furor by roportlriff
promptly at this ofllce any failure to recelye the
AllohanRos Ifa adTertlsIna matter must bo In
the ofllce by 8 p. m. on the day previous to that
a which thoy are to appear.
Address all communications to tho Dally Ne
tkraakan, HI N. 11th BL, Lincoln, Nebraska.
) Telephone 479.
Ritorcd ut tho post ofllro at Lincoln, Nob.
tut Hocond eluss mull mutt or.
Now that politics lias beumi to
assume sumo tanuihlo form throueh
uti the state it is also appearing
in the student body. The students
as a rule do nnl enter or take any Irn
pnrtant part in sucli alTairs before
tho regular canclldates have been
named by their resuective parties
However, when a manwho has been,
at some time or other, connect en
with this university is mentioned
for a prominent ofllce, they use
their influence in his favor.
Especially when tho man so men
tlonen is a member of our faculty,
the student Interest Is itensified.
The mention a few days ago in the"
city papers or Hon. H. H. Wilson as
a desirable candlnato for p.over'uor
has set many or the students, especi
ally tho law striirlents to work in Is
behair. While Mr. Wilson has not yet
announced himself as a candidato ror
this ofllce his friends aro very activo
In Jjjioir desire to secure his nomina
tion. Mr. Wilson is one of tho In
structors In the eolleuo of law where
he Is recognized as a man of excep
tional ability and highly respected by
all wlio havo met or had dealings
with him.
The University Podaguuloul Club
will hold a meeting next Thursday
evening at 7:110 in tho Y.W.C.A.
rooms. After tho social meeting the
club will bo addressed by C. S. Al
len,'8(5, ex-president, and at present
a meiuber, of tho Lincoln board for
education. Ills subject will be
"Personal characteristics that in
Huonoo the employment and success
of teachers, as seen from tho stand
point of a member of tho school
The, Installment Tailor;
" 115 North 11th.
To tho collection of "Grimes of
All Nations" deposited In tho Mu
seums of tho UnlTorsltv of Ponnsyl
Tanla, has rccontly been added a num
ber of tho most popular games played
by tho people of tho PillpDlnos. Judg
ing from theho exlbits. the panics
played by the Filipinos do not differ
much from those of more cultivated
nations, althouuh some of them may
havo had their origin In eastern
countries. Among the exhibits nnd
uames most commonly used by tho
uatlres for uambllng is that known
as "Putl-puli-itim, ' which is a dice
game consisting of two wooden dice,
each marked with a single dot on
each face, two red. two white, and
two black. The players lay their
stakes on a cardboard with three
divisions, marked red, blue and
black respectively, the player putting
tho monoy on tho division
selected by him. Thedlco are thrown
and If tho colored spot of the dice
turns up on tho colored dl Msion
plaved, tho player receives double
the amount he bet; and if two spots
of the same color drop on tho division
of tho satm; color, the plaver gets
four times tho amount ho bet.
Another gamo equally popular
among the Filipinos is one known as
"Damn," which consists of a small
wooden table inscribed with a dia
gram similar to a checker board. A
lottery known as "Rlpa." is also a
favorite among the natives of the
more thickly populated district.
Tho paraphernalia for this game Is a
little more complicated than the
others, consisting of forty little
wooden hemispheres, each contain
ing a number corresponding with
the numbers on forty cards. These
cards aro sold to players, tho hemis
pheres aro deposited in a laro oottle
and thrown out one by one and tl 0
playor whoso card number is first
thrown out twicewins the pot.
One of the most curious of the
I'hllipDino exhibits at tho Museum
is a largo boat-shaped log of wood
containing fourteen holes, in each
ono of which there are seven shells.
Tho gamo Is thought to be of Arabic
origin and is rather complicated.
Another exhibit closely resembles
our 111 odor n pool ana billiard tables
and nails, ana is played not unlike
our own game.
Tho collection Includes numerous
ither interesting ana novel games.
among wich may bo mentioned
"pungitan," a game of shooting with
a shell at a smaller shell placed in a
ring; "tabita,"a board gamo, playea
with a diagram and a disk, which is
flipped In the air" cara cruz" and
"biraohapa," head-and-tall games:
"prlnmola," played with a hexagonal
top dio, spun in a saucer, and a card
with six divisions; "tapan," aboard
gamo, in which six round pieces of
wood form tho men; "oapona," which
consists in counting off small sholls in
fours and bottlng on tho remainder
and Is identlfiea with the Chinese
game of fan-tan; "ohabiqul." a lot
tery game, played with a woodon
tablet with painted numbors from
ono to twelve, ancTaborresponaing
number of numbered oaras;
"Ian so," a puzzle gamo made of
bamboo and a football mado of rat
tan Is also among tho collection:
tho game, hoover, as played by tho
Filipinos does not rosemblo the groat
American college sport.
We handle the best
line of Gent's Shoes
in the city for
....$3.00 and 3.50....
Call and inspect our goods
Perkins & Sheldon, 1129 0 St.
The Omaha
Tenth and Pacific Streets,
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Sectional view of actual lbisiness
und Bunking' DepartineDt.
Eudorsed by high school principals, leading bus:neBS men and oiliciul
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equipped institution in the West, 84,000 invented ':iu stundurd typewriters
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gunt roll-top desks ordered for Cominerciul Depurtment. Another floor 1U8
oeen leused that all may be accommodated. Situations procured for over 90
PER CF.NT nf Inst, .yeni h enrnllmnnt. Student lnnyjenter iyny tim(.. Address
A. C. ONG, A.
Write for elegant,
Catalogue free.
H r'HnVA H
Gmahi, Neb.
The College offers :i graded
course extending over four
unminl .sessions.
The advintnges and re
qirrements of the college aro
fully up to the requirements
of, the present times, and the
cindit ions laid I'own by the
Hs'oeiation of American Medi
cal Col'eges, of whie'i this
college is nu inhei For in-
fornmtion address,
Established Nine Years
A School Without a Superior.
Employs the Ablest Teachers.
Actual Business from thoSturt.
Ab it ie practiced.
Tho Touch Method.
Grubum and GrogR Syatoms.
Practical und thorough.
M., LLB. Pres.
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Umalia, INCD.