The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 18, 1902, Image 1

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    The Daily Nebraskan
VOL. 1, NO. 93.
Sioux Oity Y. M. 0. A. Team Defeat
ed Last Night by a Score of
' 42 to 24 Oortelyou
Does the Work.
Sioux City. Iown, February 17
(Special Telegram) Tbo University of
Nobraeka baekot ball team won a hard
ourned victory tonight against tho oity
Y. M. (J. A. toam here tbo Bcoro being
42 to 24. Tbe came was a hard ono
throughout and tho oxcollent showing
Nebraska mude whs duo to CorLelyou's
brilliant goal throwing Bud tho close
work by Nebraska's guards. This is
tbo first time in two ) oars tnat tbe home
toam has been defeated and novor bo
fore on thoir own floor.
VOCATION. Miss Belva Horron, instructor in
tho department of political science,
gave an interesting discussion at
yesterday's convocation on the sugar
situation. Tho quostlon. she said,
was of no small importance as was
shovs'n by the fact that no less than
ten international conventions hadbeen
held within the last 40 years.
The sugar industry abroad today,
she said, is receiving great encourage
ment. Germany, Austria-Hungary,
Franco. Belgium and Russia are rais
ing great quantities of tbo product
and are paying heavy bounties on
production and premiums on Its ex
port and further levying heavy taxes
on homo consumption of the product.
Tho effect of this has been to over
stimulato tho lnaustry, causing ovor
production. At the same time there
are high prices and very a small
home consumption.
Tho cultivation nf the sugar beet
lias many advantages by way of intro
ducing better tillage. Tho pulD be
ing good for cattle tho cultivation of
tho beet serves tte twofold purpose
of producing sugar and beef at a
joint cost. This has tended to
complicate tho sugar question very
.The situalon in England may bo
said to be rather bad. Tho free im
portation or bounty sugars baa caused
a decay in that Industry in Englaud.
Tho re fin Frig Interests have fallen
oil materially and low prices prevail.
There is also a large per capita
consurrption In that.coutnry.
Tho cane sugar Industry in the U.
S. Ib confined largely to tho southern
part of Louisiana and Is as yet of
small importance. The boot sugar
industry seems to be tbe one to
which the country is best adapted.
Parts of tho Now England states,
New York, Ohio, Michigan, WJb
consln. Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska,
Montana and California are ad
mirably adapted to the cultivation
of the beet. Tbo aotual amount pro
duced bere in 1000 was 75,851) tons
which is equal to one eighth of that
produced by Germany.
With this in mind there are good
reasons why this country should go
forward and take a prominent placo
in tho sugar industry. Comparod
with Germany Its soil is as good: In
machinery, this country Ik unsurpass
ed and has still greator prospects on
account of tho greater l-iventlveness
of tho American people; labor of
course Is somewhat higher vet tho
returns are correspond inprlv greater.
Were these conditions understood by
tho agriculturalists, the Industry
would mako rapid strides forwurd.
Tho tarlfl on sugar In tho United
Stated has had considerable influenco
on that product. Tho Income from
that source, In 1S00 under tho Ding
ley bill, was 8051,000,00. Cuban
sugar can be produoed at a less cost
than the beet sugar In the U. b.
Therefore since tho romlsslon of a
part of tho tariff, Cuban sujar has
tended to drive out tho Gorman
product. Tho field of sugar beet cul
tivation In tho west has not suffered
because of this.
Tho Important question thereforo is
the comparative advantages which
can Do found in. beet production
In and the otlierlines. Should it bo
found that tho beet cultivation offors
tho greatest Inducements, it should
bo borne in mind that other oountries
are trying to reduce their production
because tho Industry Is doubtless too
laigo to bo healthy.
An adjourned meeting of the faculty
was held yesterday evening to take up
for consideration the recommendation
for teachers certificates to students
at their graduation in Juno. After
tills haa been attended to tho ques
tion of reducing tho requirements
for these certificates was taken up.
For some tnno it has been the
opinion of some members of tho facul
ty that the present requirements
were too high, both In tho special
and professional subjects. Hereto
fore 18 hours of professional work,
philosophy and education, and 25
hours of special work, as a part of
the regular university degree have
been required. However, under tbe
now ruling passed by tbe faculty
yesterday, two hours will be dropped
from the professional requirements
and five from tho special. The uni
versity degroo will be required as
Tbe new ruling will have an Im-'
porta nt bearing on tho relation be
tweon tbis institution and tbose of
other states. Under tbe old require
ments tbo life.certllicate granted by
the university was recognized in
nineteen states. With tbe chango
made last nigbt it Is very probable
that it will bo necessary to outer into
negotiations with these states in order
Resignation of tho Registrar Said to
Have been Accepted by tho
Regents Future Plans
Not Known.
It was reported yesterday upon
good authority, that Miss "Ellon
Smith had rcslgnod hor position as
roglstrnr and that tho resignation
had boon accepted by tl o board of
regents at its last meeting.
Tho cause of resignation Is said to
be dissatisfaction at tbo prosont
salary accompanying the office and tbo
disinclination if tho board $fe In
crease It. It Is said that iMiss
Smith will go oast as scon aft sho
gives up her plaoo which will probab
ly bo In the spring.
Tho " resignation of Miss Smith
takes from tho university ono or Its
oldest, if not its oldest employee.
Coming to the institution shortly
after Its founding, Bhe has beon con
nectea with It In some capacity over
since. She came first as an instruc
tor In tho days when each Instructor
covered as many subjects as a half a
dozen departments do at presont.
Among tho subjects which she taught
were latin and history. After sovoral
years work as an Instructor sho was
appointed registrar which position
she has held ever since.
During her connection with that
offloo she nas uoeo largely Instru
mental In systematizing the details of
tho work and bringing It to its
present stato of efficiency. Either
as registrar or Instructor she has
seen overy class since tho founding
of tbo school, graduated and she Is
personally acquainted with almost
all the Alumni of the colleges or
literature, sclenco and tho arts and
tbo industrial college.
Regarding her future plans nothing
could be learned last night.
fore, bbould some of tueso states
have much higher requirements tbau
thoso decided upon last night it is
possible that the graduates of tbe
course be refused the which
they havo been enjoying.
Tbe freshman class whloh took Us
existence early last semester unaer
such troublesome circumstances has
not yet learned bow to act in har
mony. It will bo remembored that
the freshmen were obliged to bold
half a dozen meetings or more beforo
they were able to ohoose an ufflcer,
other classmen persisting in taking a
part In the election and at ono time
threatening to elect another classman
to tho office of president of tho fresh
man class.
Yesterday morning tho freshman
class assembled to elect oflloers for
the second semester. Though they
were no longer molested bv the curl
oub upper olassmen, thoy still found
plenty of trouble in their own ranks.
As usual there were any number of
Lo obtain the same ruuuguitiuu us bo canfiidates-n-theflelchfer the honor-
of wearing the freshman orown. The
baokors of the various candidates
wore exceedingly active in their de
sire to see their men win. Tbo desire
was not limited, however, by their
right to use tbeir oratorical ability
and cast a single ballot but somo in
sisted on handing In at loast 11 vo bal
lots luBteao of ono.
The freshmen wcro very olovor In
their ballot stuffing but wont too far
and caught tho watchful eye of tbo
tollers. On account of this lllogal
voting It was neoeRsary to ballot
eight times bo ford ono of tbo candi
dates could bo aoolared legally elect
ed. Mr. Sawyer bolng tbo winnor.
Owlngto tho lack of time tho re
maining offices wore not tilled.
AMENT. Tho girls' annunl basket ball tourn
ament will be held Friday and Satur
day. Fobruary 28, and March 1. Tho
contest will bo held to dotermino tbo
possession for next year of tho Bllvor
Bamovar which Is now In tbe hands
of the university team.
Tho samovar was awarded last yoar
as tho result of a series of hotly con
tested games among tho leading
teams of the stato. This year tho
contestants will bo Oraana high
school, Wahoo high school, Omaha
Y.W.C.A., tho unlvorslty second team
and the varsity toam.
This lr. ono of tho leading athletic
events among tbo young ladlos of tho
unlvorslty and much Interest Is look
ed for.
-At the meeting of tho board of
regents last week it was decided that
Micro Hhoula bo offered r,(xt yea
beginning courses In botany, chomls
trv and physics. Tho olomontary
work In tbeso departments haa boon
dropped but it was decided to offer
them again.
This action Is taken, it Is under
stood, to accomodate students from
tho smaller high schools In tho west
ern part of tho state which are un
able to furnish the equipment neces
sary to a proper study of tbo sub
jects. They will be offered not as
purely preparatory subjects but as
subjects which raav ho taken wltb
college credit bv those who have tho
full 28 points required for entrance.
A gtme of baskot ball botwoon tho
university Freshmen aud tbe Lincoln
high school second team will be play
ed in tbo university gymnasium at
8 o'clock tonight.
The game has oeon placed at this
hour for the convenience of spectators
and It is hoped that a largo
number will bo presont.
Tbo freshmen will play Lohmor and
MoDonald, forwards; Hanklnsconter;
Boors and Howard, guards. On Satur
day, Fobrary 22, tbo first of a- series
of three games will be played be
jimnnn pnphnmoreR and frho fresh
men. This game has also beon ar
ranged for In tbe evening.
Corporal Charles Ritohoy won the
company "B" "spell down" jast
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