tv,t''-JFl"f" n -i s THE DAILY NKBRASKAN. ft- NEBRASKANS IN CUBA Report of the Doings of old En gineering Students now in the Island Tho senior classmen, in all colleges, about this tlmo of year, begin to ask ono another, "What are you going to do when you graduate?" I will not try to forotoll what tho class of 1902 is going to do. but to those who have friends in Cuba tho following few lines may bo of Interest. Of all the universities represented in tho American colony In Cuba, I can safely say NobraBka stands first not only In number but in quality, and the fact that it Is appreciated is shown by tho responsible positions to which our men have been appointed. Among tho Hunkers of tho upper classes thero may still remain some fow who remember Spencer Wells. Spencer was in school in '97, '98, '99, but he was born to be a Boldler, not a student; his father was Major Wells good practice. General Ludlow, in his report, quotes directly from Mr. Sar gent's roport, and Harper's Weekly of two years ago had nrticles written by Mr. Sargont on tho work then In prog ress. At present his department 1b working on a typographical map of tho country around Havana, and their work is spoken of as second only in Importance to the deportments of sow ers and streets. Of course when Sargent wanted men, none seemed to suit him as well as Nebraskans, so ho sent directly to the university and wo find in his de partment at present, O. T. Reedy as' chief of draughting rooms and Sar gent's right hand man In time of trou ble; Jim Lytic, field engineer, is now employed making a map of tho per manent fortifications showing the courses of the underground passages from fort to fort, and In preparing an article upon how the Spanish engi neers had planned to meet the most extreme emergencies in laying out these secret passages. Clarence Marine probably has had of the U. S. army, so at tho first blast n1P m0Rt interesting experience of anv of the trumpet he dropped his books Nrbraalcnn In Cuba; in fact his expor- and joined the army. It is needless to recount tho battles or tho charges he went through; we all remember the gallant U. S. cavalry and ltB work in Cuba. After my landing in Cuba, the first knowledge I got of tho young lieutenant was to tho effect that ho was located in Puerto Principe pro vince with a detachment of Eighth cavalry. I received this Information from a native who claimed to be a friend of Spencer's and who presented me on several occasions with presents as coming from Lieutenant Wells One day I decided to make Spencer a present, so when my man was leaving to spend a day with his wife and fam ily and, as he said, to carry greetings from me to tho lieutenant, I loaded him up with a cake, not a cake as we think of It, but a Cuban cake. Days passed; I had read of messengers dy ing in the performance of their du ties, maybe this ono had met some tragic fate. One day I met Spencer at Camp Columbia, a camp near Ha vana. I asked him if he knew my messenger, and when he replied In the negative, I knew the poor Cuban had been the victim of an overdose of cake and probably lay bleaching under the tropical sun somewhere along the trail between Havana and his home in far off Puerto Principe. After this Wells was transferred to Havana and promoted to a position on Governor General Wood's staff. Ills worth and ability were soon recog nized, and last spring ho was detailed as Bpeclal agent to the Isle do Plnos. Upon his return he was appointed judge advocate of tho island of Cuba, and 1b still giving the best of satisfac tion in this capacity. Sargent, whom we all remember, and whoso name can be found by a look through the early numbers of tho Kioto or Hesperian of about that time, la probably tho best known to us of all the Nobrapkans In Cuba. Jo seph, moved by the one Indomitable force of his nature, "duty," rises to the emergency of tho occasion and hurries to the scene of action in Cuba. His engineering education at tho uni versity, backed by experience in rail way work and a summer's experience with the Second U. S. engineers as an r7 officer, flttod him for the position of assistant engineer In charge of the survey of fortifications. A detail of his work could hardly be appreciated; suffice It to say that his work was fav orably commented upon by military experts for Its general scheme and ac curacy. Plans and maps from his work are now being used In the class lence has been unique. Like many others. Mr. Marino felt ho was needed at tho front, nnd so offered himself to his country After peace was declared ho settled In Florida, but later, being tendered a position In the postofflce he moved to Cuba. At first his dutv was to establish postoffices over the Island, but later ho was located In Ha vana and placed In charge of the In sular department of monov orders and registered letters. We all recall tho Havana postofflce scandal of a voar atro, and Nebraska can sav with nrl ' that the department of monov orders and registered letters alone came through the Investigation which fol lowed: alone In that It was the onlv department of the notofffco that had not practiced irregularities. Clarence Is still in his position In the postofflce ves, but llttlp did we think last sprint when the Havana papers announced that Mr. Marine would spend a few weeks in the states, and a few lines farther down announced that TTa vnna's fairest belle. Senoritta Mnrla Del Monte would visit in America that there was to be a Mrs. Marine A word about Mrs Marine mav inter oat n fow of Clnronce's friends A Cuban of Snanish ancestrv. her fea tures perfectlv rounded and the last traep of thnt ancularitv of features characteristic of the Snanlsh race pnno; sllghtlv shorter than Clarence nnd of a 1ollv nature which makes them nultc n team. As mav be ex cepted her bnlr Is blapv nnd luxuri nit sptMnp- nT her round face. boauM '"1 feature and complexion to a npptv. Her ever' movement is trrace as this Is a mnrV of brpd1nn' in Cuba, ciarpnce mav be seen afternoon driv ing on the Prado, his team of blacks trimmed In their silver harness, with outriders and all that goes to make un a roval turnout Is one o4ho .prides of Havana. While Mr. Marine has en tered the gav part of Havana's life, do not let us think he neglects busi ness; In fact he has several larr-e siurar plantations of his own now be sides bis work at the postofficp. T am sorrv to let anv of the bovs off easy, nnd T assure vou if mv accounts are short or lacUlnrr In detail It is be cause T am lacking In information. WHber O. Ayer. who was in tho uni versity In 9R. '9fi, '97. '!)$." has been connected with the best work we find done in Havana since the American occupation. He is with the depart ment of public repairs and buildings. Ho has charge of the remodeling of a number of tho old Spanish govern ment Duiidings. Ho Is well known that ho Is tho ranking onginoor In the department is no small honor. Jack HItchman, whllo not In charge of any individual work, deserves to bo mentioned with somo distinction; ho and Carter aro both In tho sower department, and it is only because this work has boon entirely upon pa per that they havo not como out before tho public. Wo can trust them both, as they will mako up for tho time they havo boon planning on paper when they stnrt to build tho sower. Tho work is a large ono, probably tho largest and most difficult over under taken, and a perfect plan Is necessary I havo given you an Idea of tho boys In Cuba; now, it may bo a word as to tho opportunities In Cuba would bo of Interest. Cuba offers moro opening" better openings, and better wages than any other part of the United States. A voung engineer will bo placed over work sooner and at better wages in Cuba than In anv place I know of Thero Is more work being done than there are engineers for, and above al' the work is moro desirable, being in general new and not repairing or natcblng up old work. When one gos to Cuba be Is out of America as much as If be had gone to Europe, and whnt be sees and learns can not help mak ing him a broader and stronger Amer ican. F. P. PvYONS Our Proscription Department Is Complete The Chapman Drug Store S W. Corner 10th and O Stfl. Brushes of all kinds. Toilet artlcleR, soaps. Perfume. Stationery, Candy, etc Telephone 524. E. H. MUNSON, Short Order Restaurant, 1418 O St. Tables for LadleB. Open All Night. Flno Lino Cigars. We Servo Creamery Buttor. The Glover.. ....Restaurant 16o meals quick service 1030 N St. a specialty. J. A First-class ELAM. Prop. PETRY'S BAKERY, MRS. J. W. RETRY, Proprietor. LUNCHES SERVED. Telephone 504. 234 8o. 11th St. Cut Flowers and Plants. Funeral Designs on Short Notice. Stackhous & Greer. FLORISTS Store 143 So. 13th. study of Cuba, but also as samples of roonia t Wst Joint not only in the iUjiMIwmbIioIIw Jxls ability a an engineer Is admitted, and tho fact niectrlclty nt the Pnn-Amer'cnn Exposition The Pan-American Exposition, it mav be trulv said, was essentially an electrical exnosltlon Without elec tricltv manv of Its grontest attractions would have been abspnt, as well as manv nf the thlncs now deemed In dlsnejislble Th" nnp thing about tho pynopltlon that will bp rememberod longest bv thosp who have bepn thorp was the pvonlnc: illumination manv considering It as bpl,ng worth more than all th oMier tnlnp's nut tocrehr The illumination wq trulv beautiful nothing IIVp It hivlnc ever before been attempted on so larire a sale Fitnndlnjr at tbe south pnd If the ptpi central court eaHv In the pvonlne opp would fot that suddenlv all the llrhts In view would co nut T-h after a mnmont n band would beln to nlnv th '"nr SnnnHpd Pinner" tbe amo tlrpo a fnlnt plow would he eln r annpnr nln"T Hip cornice linos of tho hulldlnrs nn all tb lamn clu tors pattprpd through the pnnrt. an-1 on the plctrip to"'er Ornduallv thlr "low would Inoreasp w'tb no porcon- ttldp stons till inst ns tho nri( fin lolinfl thn lanirq wprp all nn to tholr full cnndip-nnwor The olootrlo towor would bo a vla"p of Horv with Its thousands nnd thousands of lamns while the brllllnntlv nntllnpd hnU'' nrra nn hofh stdoq of the pontral la poori n t firMo'l phrTnq to the view. Tt was pono'nlW IntprpaMnf to no tice that PTcept near tho o-ates nnd I" the buildings, there were no aro lftmnn vllble anvwbere to mar. '1M. their Hare the Illumination. Tn" nnwer for this illumination was n", trnnnm'ttpd from Niagara, about " mllpq distant, at n pressure of 99 0"' volts. Tp tbe eleetrlcltv bulldlpf " was ntprmed down to about 1 R00 an In convenient subways ngnln down to nbont 100 volts. LoaviP" the outside Illumination pf rrr now nropeed to tho oloc.trlc.ltv building. At tho west end the visitor will first see a historical collection f' some of the first TCdJson dvnamos. arc machines and street railway motorp Nearbv was a Stanley frequence chaprer. a nvnebronous motor and generator in one machine, ehanglp the 25 evelo Niagara current to RO cycle-curront for lighting. In the bulld ( Continued on page 8.) V 1 I 3W .lH&LHfevfcliflSLs Phone B-230. Jnterealhgeate Bureau. COTTELL & LEONARD 4 72-478 Ilroiulwny Alliaii), New York Makers of the Caps,0owns and Hoods To tho American Colleges and Universities. Illustrated Manual, ample prices, etc., on request. 'towiib for the pulpit and bench. 60 YEAR8' EXPERIENCE 1!j3jm Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anrnno sending n nUctoti nnd description nitty quickly iisrortnln our opinion froo whether un invention Is prolinlily patentable. Communion i Ioiim hi i Ictly coiilldoutlul. Handbook on I'ntonU emit frim. Olclont nuonry for nocurlliK patont. l'ntcnta taken tlirouuli Munn A Co. rucelre tprclal notice, without chnruo. Ill tho Scientific American. A lmndnomoly lllimtrnlod weekly. I.nnrest dr culut Ion or any grlontltio journal. Terms, 13 a your : (our months, f L Bold by all nowsdoaler. MUNN &Co.301Droad New York Ilrancli Oftlco. 628 V HU, Washington, D. C. ALL KINDS OF - - - Stationery Tablets, School andC Student Supplies AT Roy's Drug Store, 104 North 10th St. Prescriptions, Dispensing and Com pounding Carefully Done. 0 Give us a call. Subscribe for 4ha Daily Mraskan 1 I i-i . i 4 .' ' M ' j m j-