r.v . - i 5 w ?" li; U1 'laj-. jifmfci 8 THE DAILY NEBfcASKAN. nBr.nLar.rr.M. ;u .t -; r--.T-r.rr? r T-- s. ,. Eoa ca 5 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR gg 3a ca aacacuEacaiaaatacuByunouc JR. HAGGARD, M. D. OITlce 1100 O Streot. Rooms 212 213 214 Rich Brds Block, Telephone 53."). Residence, 1810 Q Streot, Telephone L984. DR. BENJ. F. BAILEY; Dr. Ma? Loiuho Flanagan; Ofilco. 141 South 12th Stroot. Telephone (518 JP DAVIS, I). I) S , Dentist J limine mid crown work Office room 7, over Rock Islan-l ticket office. Phone 31H rO&7Z' Pho,ograplier iuy u m. Reference: Seniors, '02. We rnn plvp you all the now styles In cm da and finish the mnrkot affords SPIDCIAL. RATES TO STUDRNT9. SQUARE MEALS at "Square" Prices THE UNIQUE, 1230 0 ST. THE PIONEER BARBER SHOP C I.KAN I.INKN, PINKSf OP 'IOII.KTvS, PIRST-Cl.ASS SKRVICK W. J. WHITFORD, Proprietor 113 So. Ilth St., LINCOLN, NEB. 7 " D. E. DePUTRON IP von need a new Ponn am Pen, remember we sell yon a Paul K. Wirt $2.(M) pen for $1.2."). Wilson & Hall Booksellers and Stationers U23 O STREET VALENTINE ABt The great Virtuoso and other great players use only the Wasliburn Mandolin He says It la an Inspiration to him. You, too, should enjoy a Washburn. Wnihburn Mandolins, Guitars, Banjos, Zlthors are sold by uret-datia muslo dealers everywhere. New Models Only Sis.oo. Beautiful Souvenir Catalogue Free. LYON A HEALY, Makers 17 Adams Street. - Chicago. KUUAKS High School Texts and Supplies Lakeside Classics. Ilarrett's Nebia.ska. Skinner's Literature. Sherman's Questions on Ilnmlet. Pound's Questions on Ivlaine. Latin Prose Composition on I. in arms and Rosciiis. History ).ipers and covers, whole sale prices THE CO-OP. Eat lit Hendry'H, 129 N. Ilth. Fine furs, Steele, 1111 So. 12th. Steele, the furrier, 1 1 If S. 12th st C. 15. Brown, dentist, Burr block. Tho Hygienic Cafe, 31(5 So. 1 lit li s Pulaco Dining Hall for good meals. Eat at Don Cameron's, 118 S. Ilth Dr. Ketchum, oculist, glasses fitted. Dr. Woodward, aurlst, Richards blk. Dr. Woodward, oculist, Richards block. (Jet an up-to dato university hair cut at Westerfleld'a. Wo use compressed air. The Palace Barber Shop, 109 N. Ilth, west side. For sheet music and supplies go to tho Matthews Piano Co., 1120 i street. 7 chairs the Palace Barber Shop. Everything modern. "Comprobbud Air," 109 N. Ilth, webt side. C. A. Green, prop. The Progress of the Engineering Journal At the hibt meeting of the engineer ing society the "Annual" board report ed excellent progress on tho book. Three of the contributions are alreadj in the hands of tho editors and the rest will arrive in time to reach the printer by March 1. The articles will, In general, be descriptive of the work in which the respective contributors (alumni of the engineering depart meats of the university) are interest ed. Following Is a list of tho contrlb utors: Joseph A. Sargent, ox-'9 8, and A. E. Carter, ex-'OO, of Havana, Cuba; E. G. Willyoung, E.E., New York; Prof. G. .H Morse. Lincoln; G. H. Tinker, '90, Trinidad, Colo.; H. C. Yates, '92, Lead, South Dakota; A. A. Steel, '99, Mexico; Prof. Morgan Brooks, Prhana, Illinois, J. W. Me Crosky, '91, Buenos Aires, S. A.; ( Ol tourt ou il have to kiej) vour loom w.i ill tins uniur Gregory, the Coal Man HAS IHki STUF PR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICA Eyes Examined Free. Prices Reasonable. 12380 Street, "iSSStf The Co-Op. Publishers, Book and News Dealers 318 North Ilth. W. Weeks, '98, Manila, P. I.; G. H. Ellsworth, Lincoln. One thousand copies wul bo printed and they will be ready for distribu tion about March .10. The book wul contain about 100 pages and will be copiously illustrated. The price will be r0 cents. Prospective subscribers are referred to the following, who comprise the ed itorial board. Dan Outleben, F. L. Hunt, A. M. Hull, .1. A. (Iroon, Fred Dortnan, and C. S. Orton. The Phi Beta Knppa Election Tho Phi Beta Kappa elections from tho class of 1902 were made upon the basis of required subjects, according to the rule of the society adopted last year. It Is the purpose of tho socl oty to encourage breadth and thor oughness in college work, and to elect to membership only those students who have received a liberal education The rule relating to required subjects is as follows "In order to elect upon general scholarship, candidates for Phi Beta Kappa must, at the time of election, have credit for at least four of the following six subjects to the amount designated Science, 10 hours. Mathematics, 10 hours. Modern language, 10 hours. Ancient language, 10 hours. History, 10 hours. Philosophy, t hours. 1 ne executive committee is em powered for the next two years to modify the requirements in such a way that they may become effective gradually." In accordance with this, the executhe committee ruled that, for the present class, only those stu dents should be considered who uad completed the full number of hours in three of the six subjects, and had tak en some work in a fourth subject. Un der the operation of this ruling, sev eral members of the present sonior class were ineligible for election. The following seniors were elected to mem bership In Phi Beta Kappa in accord ance with what has been said above: A. K. Barnes, Elsie Blandin, C. M. Bracelen. Mamie Ellis, J. J. Fossler, R. W. Harbor, Ethel Masters, Char lotte Mead, Carrie Neilson, Louise Phelps, Mallnda J. Powell, It. C. Pow ers, Bessie Reeves, II. D. Kicker, 15. T. Sage, Zora Shields, Annetta Sprung, Caroline Stringer, Charhu.t Templeton. Hattie Plum Williams Ilth and O Streets Yule Bros. Laundry Phone 754....1514 0 Street University Books and Supplies of all Kinds Uni. pins and pennnts. Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen. Everybody uses the Ideal. Everybody oea to THE CO-OP. Attention, Students! I u isli to know 011 I mi-Ii xiii l know my work I'eir I lit-, tt-nson I will gut-you jour dental wurk nt about h.ilf the usual intcs for nlmul sll ilaj s DR. A. B. AYERS, 127 So 12th. H. S. ALEY, M. D. Practico Llmitod to Chronic DIsoasos. Sixteen years' experience. Graduate of Rush Medical College, Chicago. Give special attention to the use of electric ity and the Dosimetric System of med ication. Correspondence solicited. Mall treatment a specialty. Otnce. 1318 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Phone B-1038. m translations Literal Interlinear 135 Volumes Dictionaries German, French, Italian, Spanish 1 tilln Crr-r-V i fuiorial Series llniS ao vnls specially designed for coaching iZJ -r ' exams, in all college studies S Rinds DoMt (V Schoolbooka of all Publlsi i 4 Cooper Institute, New Yot Publishers New York City OLIVER THEATER F. C. ZEHRUHO & 0. T. CRAWFORD, MOR. TUESDAY, FEB. 18 INNES AND HIS BAND ?' SIXTY PEOPLE INCLUDING BOYDEN, ALBERT1, ZERNI, KRYL, BORGHI AND OTHERS 1H SCEMES.FR0M GRAND OPERA (not in costume) Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00. Seat Sale Saturday c0NE s The Installment Tailor 115 North Ilth St. ! - r 4 ' f