i"' " ' . 'V' : - THE DAILY ItBBRASKAN. X e A kv 7 Erpr BnnBnnnnniannnnnnnnnannnnnc adacacaQaDacacacaciacaiaaiSt PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR a a 3D annnnciEnnnEntaianacnncintiunnn toacatsaiayBtanacaaiatDUcmccuinnifl T R. HAGGARD, M. D. Office 1100 tj O Street, Rooms 212-213-214 Rich ards Block, Tolophono 535. Residence, lBlO G Street, Tclophone L084. DR. BENJ. F. BAILEY; Dr. May Louise Flnnapnn; Ofllco, 141 South 12th Street. Tolophone 018. LP. DAVIS. D. D. 8., Dentist. Ilridge and Crown work. Ofilce room 7, over Rock Island ticket office. Phone 349. COMPLIMENTS OF THE NEW LINCOLN ROWLING ALLEY TO TIIK UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. Club rates given. John S. Cain, Propr., 131) So. Tenth A Close Shave A hair cut, or anything else you want a barber to do for you, at the Y. M. C. A. Barber Shop, 13TH AND P STREETS. Squarcmoals at 'square" prices THE UNIQUE, 1230 0 ST. WE SELL KODAKS 117 nort D- E DePUTRON If . . . You Need a new Fountain Pen remember we sell you a Paul E. Wirt $2.00 pen for $1.25. History Paper 6c and 7c per 100. Wilson & Hall BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, 1123 0 STREET. Yule Bros. Laundry M" " 1514 0 St. Phone 754 ...STUDENTS' SUITORIUM... AT 218 No. IITH, BLUMENTHAL'S For students' convenience I carry a line of Furnishings The a for 35c Fancy Hose cannot be equaled any where Please mention this paper. Local and Personal. Aat at Hendry's 17J N. 11th. Fine furs, Steele, 143 So. 12th. Steele, the furrier, 143 S 12th st. C. E. Urown, dentist. Burr block. The Hygienic Cafe, 31G So. 12th at. Palaco Dining hall for good mcnls. Eat at Don Camoron's ,118 so. 11th. Dr. Ketchum, oculist, classes fitted. Wo ubo comprcflsod air. The Palace Barber Shop 109 Nil, wcat sido. Get an up-to-date university hair cut at Westorllelds. For sheet music and supplies bo to the Mathews ; Piano Co., 1120 O street. 7 Chairs the Palaco barb'r dp. Everything modern. "ConipraSflod Air," 109 N 11, west eido. C. A. Geon Prop. Hon. William Jennings Bryan will deliver tho oration on Washington's birthday at Michlagn. Tho Harvard golf club Is endeavor ing to raise $15, 250 Tor the purpose of a new golf course. Yale Nows. Tho annual foot ball game botweon Oxford and Cambridge was won this year by Oxford with the scoro of 8-0. A valuable collection of Artie flora, gathered by tho Baldwln- Zeigler polar expedition, has been presented to Columbia. Owing to tho preparations for the electrical display in the armory which were begun yesterday, the battalion did not drill lust night. It is expected that tho seniors will hold a lively meotlng tomorrow morning over tho question of class orator. Some of them took occasion yesterday afternoon to deliver lengthy speeches In support of their views. At one time tho main hall in tho University bullding'was well crowded with oratorical seniors and attentive listeners. While It Is expected that the meeting will call forth some varying views, it is not probable that the class will go back of the commit tee's report. The trouble at present sooms to lie in tho question whether this committee was authorized to act finally or not in tho matter of choos ing a commencement orator. C.J. Warner, '09, prominent in do bates whilo in tho university and a member of tho last legislature, has been heard from recently at Washing ton, D. C. where ho is attending the Columbian law school. This school, at present, has about 485 students who have tho splendid epportunity ol hearing lectures by two membors of tho U. S. Supremo Court, Harlan and Brewer. Not only havo tlioy theso privileges but they also enjoy the advantages of tho grand con gressional library which was built at a cost of about $0,000,000. Mr. Warner ofton attonas tho mootings of congress woro somo very spirited dobates may bo heard. Whilo In Washington, ho has met many former Nebraska stuaenls among whom aro: Ernest Bossoy, Benedict, Hunter, Woods, Carver and Adam McMullen. Dr. Woodward aurlst, Richards blk. REVISED PROGRAM. Tho following Is tho revised pro gram for the Charter Day exercises a few changes having been made in tho ono horotoforo published: Thursday, February l.'I. 0:00 pm., annual banquet of tho Sigma XI society, Llndell hotol. 8:45 pm., annual address boforo tho Sigma Xi society with lantern Illus trations, Unlvorsity Hall. Subject: "Tho Records of tho Great? Ice Ago in tho Upper Mississippi Valley," Samuel Calvin, University of Iowa. 7:.'K) pm., electrical exhibit. Friday, February 14. 10:00 am., presentation of alumni organ. 2:00 pm., moeting of tho Board of Regents. 2:00 pm., all departments of the university open to the public. Music by cadet band. Grant Memorial hall. :i:00 pm., Drill by Pershing Rifles, Memorial hall. Annual indoor athletic contest and art exhibition. Memorial hall. Thirty-third Annual Charter day ex orcises. 8:00 pm.,.Momorlal Hall, Music, Invocation, Music. Charter Day orutlon, "Abraham Lincoln," General John C. Black. Music. Conferring of Degrees. Music. Benediction. Tho doors aro opened at 9:. '10 am,, and 7:30 pm., to ticket holders and thrown open to tho public at 10:00 am., and 8 pm. On account of tho condition of tho weather it is impracticable to have an Inspection and review of the Ca det battalllon. The Pershing Rifles will drill at 2:30 In tho Armory. Dr. Woodward oculist. Richards blk. S O M E EXAMINATION QUES TIONS FROM OHIO. Tho following Usb of examination questions woro published In tho Lan tern, tho newspaper of tho Univer sity of Ohio, as a sample of what prospective teaoherewho take the ex aminations before the board of school examiners of that state, run up against. 1. Who was "the first martyr to American liberty?" What was the namo of the sailor with Columbus who first saw the "New World?" 2. What period of American history was called tho "era of good feeling?" Of courso you'll have to keep your room warm this winter Gregory, the Coal Man Has the Stuff Eleventh and O Streets Who was tho British spy detected In carrying a mussago to Gonoral Burgoyno in a hollow silver bullet? 3. What Is a Goralan knot? tyhat was tho FIcsBlan knot? now did Xerxes count his vast armv of one million eight hundred thousand men? 4. When was Adam born? What was Blblomarioy'J What caused tho death of Cleopatra What Is Cle opatra's Needlo. f. How much did England pay por head for tho Hessians? What King or England died in his carriage? What Is meant by tho saying, "Ceasarn wlfo miiRt bo abovo suspicion?" Tho worst of lt;is that tho questions In tho othor studies aro equally an Bonsoloss and foolish as these. DU TEIL-Clgars "that's all. OLIVER : THEATRE. E. C. ZEHRUNG & 0. T. CRAWFORD. MORS. Tuesday, Feb. 18th INNES 2 BAND Sixty People, including B0YDEN ALBERTI.ZERNURYL, BORGHI,o?hders In Scenes from Grand Opera. (NOT IN COSTUME) Prices 60, 75c & $1.00. 8EAT SALE SAT. VALENTINE ABT The great Virtuoso and other great players use only the Washburn Mandolin Ho says It Is an InsplraUon to him. Yob, too, should onjoy a Washburn. Waihtam Mandolins, Guitars) Dan Jos, Zithers aro soW by first-class muslo dealers everywhere. New Models Only f ifl.oo. Beautiful Souvenir Catalogue Pre. LYON A IIEALY, Makers, 7 Adasaa Street. Ckleaf. DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Eye Examined Freer Prices Reasonable. 1238 O Street, T' The Pioneer . Clean Linen Finest of Toilets First class Service W J. WIIITFORD. Piiopihetob 113 South 11th St., Lincoln, NcU. j i M vM r-T;'l n 4 1 1 m -fi HI IQ w- , WU 'fiJ "&L-iit,tifi"&&ijj: ..-' 'V-.-. w .?..' jfi&A-ttU.aft . i- .- - . : i9&?i'r c'rT . jAfrV-Avfo. igk4ajE!feg3cat 1 jgaW taVfttatttteibJ!