The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 13, 1902, Image 1

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    " '"' '.'"MFl'.IIIWltMWW
The Daily Nebraskan
VOL. 1, NO. 91.
Wireless Telegraphy Explained by
Professor Morse How Mes
sages are Sent Across
the Atlantic.
The following description of the
Marconi system was omitted from
Professor Morso's leoturo yosterday
morning, due to a lack of time.
The diagram distributed yesterday
represents approximately the ar
rangement employed by Marconi In
his famous tians-Atlantlc experi
ment. Information obtained since
the diagram was drawn shows that
at tho English end of the trans
mission areal wires wore supported
by twenty poles, each 210 feet in
height. Not all of the wires were,
however, used on that occasion. It
also appears that, due to its greater
sensitiveness, a telephone receiver was
employed in place of tho Morso
sounder at M. The altitude attained
bv the klto at tho St. Johns end,
while signals were being received
was 400 feet.
Taking up first the transmitting
or Poldhu station G, Is a plate of
metal sunk In tho ground, to which
lit. attached a copper wire, the wire
terminating at Its other extremity
In a solid brass ball P, an inch in
diameter. Opposed to this ball and
about half an inch from it is a simi
lar brass ball, tho wire from which
loads olthor directly to tho top of a
high polo or up a kito string. The
preoiso length of this aerial wiro
Marconi early found to bo of vital
importance, as will bo explained
later. All auxiliary apparatus shown
at the transmitting end Is merely
employed to cause sparks to jump
across between the brass balls. These
sparks lly across lu a rapid torrent,
which lasts a longer or shorter time
according to whether a dash or a dot
is to bo expressed. The sparks are
produced bv a coil of very many
turns of fine and highly insulated
copper wire (J, wound upon a bundle
of iron wire I, much as thead Is
wound upon a spool; tho two ex
trometies of the coil O heihg attach
ed, one to each brass ball. The
spark'ng energy produced in tho
coll O is due to a second coll Q of
eonrso wiro of few turns, wound up
on" tho same bundle of iron wires, Q
In turn deriving its supply of electric
energy from galvanic battery V,
where zinc Is dissolved In acid. It
is necessary that the How of electric
ity though the cotl Q be rapidly in
torruptod, a function which might be
performed by an ordinary electric
belt Tho sending- key-S-is-a fam4Har
object to any ono who has watched a
telegraph operator at his work; In
tho present Instance, when S is de
pressed, T begins to buz and sparks
continue to fly botwon tho balls until
it is released.
Tho rapid succession of sparks pass-
(CoatinuoJ on page 4)
From February 20 to 23, at York,
will be held tho twenty-second an
nual stato convention of the Nebras
ka Young Men's Christian Associa
tions. The preparation fjr this con
vention aro In charge of the state
committee of the Y. M. C. A. of
which Prof. H. U. Ward of the Uni
versity Is tho chairman and W. J.
Hill of Lincoln, treasurer.
It is expected that several hundred
delegates will bo In attendance, re
presenting tho nlno city and eleven
collego associations in the stato.
The citizens of York have, through
a special committeo, arranged for tho
froo entertainment of all accredited
delegates. The only expense to dole-J
gates will be railroad faro a special
rate of one and ono third faro having
been secured on all roads.
State conventions of this kind are
for the purpose of consultation and
conference on Association's methods
and problems; reports from the dlff
erent points in tho state, a rev cw of
tho field and plane for operation in
the future.
There will be strong addresses
Influential men in tho state, also
some association leaders outside
Nebraska. Tho results received from
attending this convention will well
repay tho effort; those attending such
conventions in tho past havn consid
ered tho time well spent. Any mem
ber of tho University Y.M.C.A. who
will goas a delegate should hand his
name to Mr. Hubbell as soon as pos
sible. It is expected that twenty
men willattend from tho University,
and thero is still room for more. A
game of basket ball will bo played
during tho convention between the
O'maha and Ldnooln teams. Chancel
lor Andrews appears on tho program
with tho subject, "Christian Citizenship."
A t 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon
Frank K. Sanders, Dean or Yale Di
vinity school will deliver an addross
in tho University chapel. All stu
dents and friends, both ladles and
gentlemen aro Invited to this meet
ing. This Is an opportunity to hear
worthy man from the oast. Lot all
the students turn out and hoar him.
Frank D. Sanders who is to address
the Y.M.C.A. meeting next Sunday
aftornoon was at Mnlnesota Univer
sity recentlv, tho dally of that school
speaking of his visit said in part:
"It Las been some little tlmo binco
the University of Minnesota had the
pleasure of being visited by any 'wise
men lrom the East' but yesterday it
hadthis pleasure11 TJeah TrrahTf
Sanders of the Yale Divinity School,
who Is in the city, was present at
chapel and spoko to the students.
Dean Sanders is himself a western
man being a graduate of Ripon Col
lege, Wisconsin, and feels much in
terested la western Institutions of
learning." "
Several Departments to Show Their
Work To-morrow Bhopa and
Laboratories Will be in
Running Ordor.
Tho engineering departments of tho
University will ondeavor to show
tho public tho character of " their
work, tomorrow afternoon. Shops,
lanoratories, boiler houses and en
gine rooms will ho open and plenty
of students will bo on hand to an
swer questions of tho Interested peo
ple. Nothing special will bo at
tempted In tho civil and mechanical
engineering departments, except that
tho shops and laboratories will bo in
operation so that visitors may get a
clear idea of how the work Is carried
on. It Is probable that tho fou-idry
will be running and some casting
Tho domestic science department
will make a special ellort to exibit
Its work. The laboratories, In Me
chanic Arts hall, will bo open to
visitors from two to five o'clock. Ar
rangements have been made for an
elaborate exhibition of all foods, how
ever. Bread-stulTs, In all its forms
of preparation, will be exhibited In
stead of a display of cakes, pies and
other pastries. This, It is thought,
will bo m"re satisfactory than to
supply visitors with samples of var
ious datables. An Interesting feature
will he some experiments with tho
yeast plant, showing tho conditions
under which It works best and tho
results obtained.
A model table will be spread to
show tho proper position of dishes
and tho appearance in general of a
prefectly arrauged dining table. Ow
ing to the fact that the commence
ment exercises take placo tomorrow
night, the electrical exhibit will bo
given tonight. No pains aro being
spared to make this a most satisfac
tory exhibit. Tho armory, where it
will bo held, was given over to the
engineering students yesterday morn
ing. The building is being rapidly
fitted with tho necessary apparatus
and machinery. Commodious plat
forms aro being erected for machines
and fixtures which aro designed es
pecially for exhibiting tho lato inven
tions in electricity.
Tho cadet band will be on hand to
furnish music for the occasion. The
opening will be at 7 : 30 this evening
and will bo accompanied by appropri
ate music. One of to prominent
features of tho exhibition will be
the fine display in electrical decora
tions, In which tho latest effects will
bo pioducod. Professor Morso will
havo In progress high potential ex
prTnTelTtBot COrOOO volts. Expert
ments with tho neltz Wave ana
the Marconi Wireless Telegraph will
be in progress. The electrical weld
ing process will bo presented ana ex
plained. There will also bo several
experiments of tho original Nikola
Tasola Multiphase, representing the
rotating magnetic field.
One of tho latest additions to tno
University liDrurv Is a hook cntltlod
"Student Llfo and Customs.'' writ
ton by Professor Honry I). Sholdon
of tho University of Oregon. It is
n urn bored volumo fifty-ono In tho
International Sorlos and Is a very
comprehensive work on clloge
Student life is touched upon as
found in England, Scotland, Germany,
France and American ooilogos ana
universities; tho latter boing tho
moro fully enlarged upon. Ameri
can collogos aro traced from their
colonial origin, including their
growth, dcTClopomont and ovolutlon
down to the present day in all phases
of student llfo. embracing debating,
oratory, class competition, athletics,
fraternities, soclotios and organiza
tions of all kinds at all connected
with Institutions of learning.
Professor Sholdon in the compiling
of his material made uso of extensive
data obtained ell root from prominent
colleges In tho country. On looking
through the book wo find a few
references' mode to tho University of
Nebraska which may bo interesting.
Tho customs of hazing and rushing
are ceasing although tho class feeling
In Nebraska is not on tho decline in
spite or tho electlvo system. Tho
more substantial elements of student
life is found in tho study of debat
ing, but Nebraska Is omitted, prob
ably for good reasons, in regard to Its
leagues for debating and In its pnblic
speaking attainments. Iu athletics
"Nebraska ranks lowest of all the col
leges given in the percentage of stu
dents in that field of etiort having a
standing of about 7 per cent. Tho
average fo: all colleges Is 20 per cont.
Tho University of New York average
Professor Sheldon dwells at great
length on the origin and growth of
the collego fraternity Including its
purpose, ovolutlon and competition,
lie names tho percentage of students,
w'io aro members or fraternities in
Nebraska at twenty. Other colleges
particularly In tho east havo larger
percentages running to 50 and in
some cases almost to 80 per cent.
The book is a very valuable addi
tion to publications on college llfo
and is both interesting and attractive.
The senior laws held another meet
ing yesterday afternoon for tho pur
pose of choosing the remaining o Ulc
ers who woro not elected last Tues
day owing to tho lack of time. Tbo
following were elected: First vice
president, L. B. Fuller, secretary, II.
Thomas; class senator, Rotruck.
After tho election each olllcor re
sponded with a lengthy speech which
mot tho hearty appiauso of tho lawyers.
Tho quarters of tho Harvard Club
in Now Yoric are to bo enlarged at a
eost of $105,000.
P ft mf